He's starting to get that "old luchador" body.
He wishes
He's starting to get that "old luchador" body.
Punk's success in WWE was very important, but I think Bryan greatly surpassed him in that regard and opened a lot more doors.
I know that, I meant ultimately Bryan's mark on WWE is greater than Punk's. Part of that will be of course down to how Punk left which will affect how he's remembered vs Bryan who is retiring celebrated.I meant Bryan when I said that last sentence. Didn't mean it to come off sounding like Punk.
On a side note, it seems like they are trying to push AJ Styles as the new Daniel Bryan.
Sometimes you want the raw so you can pull more than just those few seconds. Idk how their archiving system is but we have a cloud and we have hard drives. They probably wanted more roh stuff.
Bryan's send off was genuine, though.Ironically I was just watching the raw where Shawn lost his smile.
Bryan's send off was genuine, though.
Rollins bit on Bryan was really perfect
I wish I could meet Bryan one day, the only wrestler I ever met was Chris Benoit :/
I've met 3 dead wrestlers and Xpac
I've met 3 dead wrestlers and Xpac
I know that, I meant ultimately Bryan's mark on WWE is greater than Punk's. Part of that will be of course down to how Punk left which will affect how he's remembered vs Bryan who is retiring celebrated.
Well Punk's final chapter in WWE probably isn't written yet. I'd guess he will be back for another match eventually. Bryan definitely had a larger effect on the WWE overall from a talent perspective on who they started to hire and also changed the course of history by having a hand in changing a wrestlemania main event twice.
RVD probably selling the chair shots to the head right now
Yeah, because he got all those concussions in just that one match...Just think if Vince didn't have a hard on for Sheamus vs Bryan, Bryan would probably still be wrestling now.
Joke's on you, my friend.You might find he meant he grew up as a person watching Daniel wrestle. Considering he's 11 years older than Bryan I can't see him actually being able to grow up watching him
Rip Sahara HotelOwen Hart, Chris Candido and Louis Spicoll at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas.
Would yoyu fuckin turn igt vovv for onec in your stupif uvbkgin fiommick posting life
Owen Hart, Chris Candido and Louis Spicoll at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas.
Yeah, because he got all those concussions in just that one match...
Also, enough with the damn ifs, it is what it is, face it.
Just think if Vince didn't have a hard on for Sheamus vs Bryan, Bryan would probably still be wrestling now.
My dude said he got a concussion like every other month or something. If it wasn't Sheamus it would've been Brock or Cena or Rollins or Reigns or Ambrose or...Well...it was Sheamus' kick that gave him the Concussion.
But it was a run-in, not a match.
And Sheamus is now injured. AGAIN.
The miz tv/Jericho highlight reel was fun.Was anything worth watching other than the Bryan stuff?
Also, ehh. I'll still go, but not fussed:
Bryan is still with wwe correct? Wonder if he'll have any capacity at Wrestlemania, manage brie when she takes the title from Charlotte. 😏
My dude said he got a concussion like every other month or something. If it wasn't Sheamus it would've been Brock or Cena or Rollins or Reigns or Ambrose or...
Charlotte might have the worst spear ever. Can they just outlaw that move due to sloppiness?
Have we heard if Bryan plans to stay with the WWE/wrestling in any capacity? I know that sort of news always comes later, but just wondering if y'all have seen something I haven't?
Still sorta reeling from last night. Watched the post-RAW stuff this morning. Gonna miss this dude. Said it before, he's what got me back into wrestling after a solid 15 or so years of not watching.
Meltz said that he was seriously considering NJPW and ROH if he could get out of his WWE contract.
The assumption is that the last test he got set him straight in ever wanting to get in the ring in that and I think that the industry will be the better for it.
Right, but in administrative/creative/training roles, not wrestling roles.
God damn it I fell asleep before Bryan! At least it sounds like he got the send off he deserved, one of the greats without a doubt.
And everyone felt that was so great when everything that Brian represents is shat on in the same exact show lol. It was always kinda pathetic to see the WWE surfing on the Brian popularity that was basically imposed to them. McMahon hugging him when he probably never ever believed in him in first place..
In the same time they are force pushing a bland muscular guy against everyone and treating like absolute cheat some indy talents.
Yet everyone finds that a really cute raw.