Does a face authority figure actually work though? The dynamic seems off: if the person or group in charge are good guys, then the faces have the greatest power in the company on their side, and it turns the heels into underdogs. A face authority figure putting the heel in a match to give them comeuppance just seems like a heel thing to do.
The few times I remember seeing it on WWE TV, I remember thinking it was an awful idea -- regardless of execution.
How could this be made to work? Honest question, not rhetorical.
The only thing an authority figure, face and heel, really needs, is an actual motivation that's consistent.
William Regal has the motivation of wanting a clean wrestling show that runs smoothly and fairly. Thus he gives fair opportunities to faces and heels both, if they've earned them, and people who haven't earned anything get the chance to do so. So he's a face because he's upstanding and honest.
Dario Cueto wants to make money, and he does this by promoting matches and shows that fans will pay for. So he gives faces and heels alike the opportunities in order to make big matchups to make him more money, and gives no shits about the welfare of his wrestlers in the process. So he's a heel because he only cares about his greed and has no morals.
Stephanie and HHH want...something. What is it has never been defined, now is how they plan to achieve this undefined thing even more so. They are just there, making random matches and never having any consistent motivation or logic behind them. They shit on faces then give the faces free opportunities. They support heels then shit on said heels in the next segment. They constantly talk about being best for business but never actually talk about making money and constantly do things that accomplish the opposite.
Vince used to have this, it's what made Vince vs Stone Cold so great, but eventually he just devolved into a cartoon villain who does shit because they need shit to happen.
They want to in theory make money, but apparently faces never actually make them money so they don't like them.
Well that just makes toootal sense. >_>They want to in theory make money, but apparently faces never actually make them money so they don't like them.
Tricep meat on display.
Then why won't they stop giving faces all these constant title shots? They go through the trouble of putting HHH in the Rumble to get the title off Reigns, then the very next night give Reigns another title shot for free?
What is stopping them just firing Reigns if they supposedly hate him?
Why was Goto cosplaying as Hakushi?
Real Ass stone cold laying into Monsoon was great
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted Roman Reigns has been in the main event segment of WWE RAW 14 out of the last 16 weeks. Reigns had been featured in the segment 11 weeks in a row at one point; the last RAW without him main eventing was on October 12th.
I have never once said that everyone hates WWE.
I've said that the WWE is putting out a shitty main brand product.
Lots of people love Michael Bay and Adam Sandler movies, too. Doesn't mean they're any good and above criticism.
And, you didn't refute my main argument... that there are a bunch of hypocritical people out there who actively hate the current product and still paying money for it.
They simply rationalize or justify their way around doing so... and then have the audacity to expect the WWE to change what they're doing. Why would they? They have your money that you continue to give them.
It would be like decrying microtransactions or Amiibo while still forking out tons of money on them.
I reading this saying, there is you fuck. Then I said Bryan. Bryan. Bryan.maybe she should, like... stop playing a bad guy on tv
I know this would probably cause her to spontaneously combust... but maybe get the heel authority figures off TV for a little while. like, right after mania. Maybe they can mix it up by introducing a *shock* face authority figure?
only problem is choosing that face. unfortunately, no one comes to mind. I can't think of anyone lovable, off the top of my head, that could fill in such a role. Like, someone with nothing else to do at the moment that is still signed with the company. it would have to be someone the fans love. damn.
50 plus year old man doing crotch chops
50 plus year old man doing crotch chops
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted Roman Reigns has been in the main event segment of WWE RAW 14 out of the last 16 weeks. Reigns had been featured in the segment 11 weeks in a row at one point; the last RAW without him main eventing was on October 12th.
You can criticize Bay and Sandler for putting out a crappy product - the issue is lots of people have connected a crappy product with the WWE putting out a product that isn't financially successful.
Pro wrestling has never been about putting out a quality product. Pro wrestling has always been separating marks from their money, in any way possible. Sooner you learn and become at peace with that, the happier you'll be.
So, yes, complain Cesaro and Ambrose aren't have five star classics every month because you'd prefer watching that. But, don't complain that not doing so has meant the WWE isn't successful.
Y'all better stop hating on the GOAT.
The Wolfpac has debuted the red and black nWo shirt (May 4 1998 Nitro). Now I await the debut of their AH-WOOOOOOOO!! theme. And then I'm-a kill myself.
He was trying to pretend he was someone successful
Yes, I know, let's all laugh at Goto the loser.
Son get your 350lbs ass out here before I shove some bananas up your ass.Real Ass stone cold laying into Monsoon was great
Sometimes I feel like Scott hall was the only one who "got"why the nwo worked and everyone else just got lucky to latch on to it. It was apparent that hogan had 0 idea why it was a success as he was still hulk hogan but evil now
Actually, Goto's won about the same number of titles as Shinzaki, if not more, including a singles championship.
All Japan Pro Wrestling
All Asia Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Hayabusa
Michinoku Pro Wrestling
Tohoku Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Último Dragón (1), Gaina (2), and Kesen Numajiro (1)
Yes, I know, let's all laugh at Goto the loser.
This is a flawed statement as you can say that about pretty everything, the thing is that a good product will usually produce more money then a bad product, the same can be said about wrestling.
Big picture, I think only Hall and Nash really got it. Yeah, Hogan didn't seem to really understand it. I don't entirely think Bischoff did either.
That brings back memories.
Big picture, I think only Hall and Nash really got it. Yeah, Hogan didn't seem to really understand it. I don't entirely think Bischoff did either.
What's weird is sometimes, not very often, you would get Hogan doing what Hall and Nash were doing, just acting cool and talking in a promo in a normal "idgaf" voice. But 99% of the time it was "WELL YOU KNOW BROTHER IM A BAD GUY NOW YOU CAN STICK IT" schtick. Perhaps if they didn't turn the nWo into a cartoon it would've had longer legs.
It also helped that Hall, even when winning the match, still made mid carders look fantastic and always sold like a beast. Sucks he had to have so many personal issues.
on Nash, I think he understood but didn't care past a certain point. Hall just exuded the cool that the nWo thrived on. He harnessed that shit and ran with
on Nash, I think he understood but didn't care past a certain point. Hall just exuded the cool that the nWo thrived on. He harnessed that shit and ran with