Vince says...who cares about ratings
I mean he's rightbut I wouldn't say they're doing amazing in any of the other respects he's mentioned.
Vince says...who cares about ratings
I mean he's rightbut I wouldn't say they're doing amazing in any of the other respects he's mentioned.
How long until WWE puts live RAWs (with commercials) on the network in lieu of a TV deal? I feel that's the way things are probably going.
How long until WWE puts live RAWs (with commercials) on the network in lieu of a TV deal? I feel that's the way things are probably going.
I don't think we'll ever get Raw simulcasted on TV and the WWE Network. At best we'll get "next day" type of deal like Hulu
I think I remember reading somewhere that Rey mysterio jr had a ton of respect for hall because he was one of the only guys backstage stumping for him, maybe I'm wrong
It honestly felt like once the nwo hit big everyone except for hall decided "we're the stars, we don't have to make anyone look good because only we matter".
So I was wondering when my descent into madness began...
Almost two years now. I am a sick man.
I reading this saying, there is you fuck. Then I said Bryan. Bryan. Bryan.
That was the whole point of your post lol!
I'm amazed you kept with it for so long.
Those earrings!The kind of person who would think HBK is cool is the kind of person who would think Nash wasn't the one giving HBK his coolness.
Vince used to get mad at Hall whenever he wrestled a young Jeff Hardy because he would give Jeff 'too much'
Big picture, I think only Hall and Nash really got it. Yeah, Hogan didn't seem to really understand it. I don't entirely think Bischoff did either.
Braver man than I.I must persevere through WCW's demise!
WWE isn't going anywhere even with the sagging TV ratings.No, I mean in lieu of a TV deal.
not hard to win a bunch of titles in the modern njpw hot shotting era
like saying jeff jarrett is a bigger deal than harley race because he's got more world titles
Theres still a public perception that wrestling is inappropriate for children. I could see why this would be beneficial to the business. Make parents reevaluate whether or not their kids can watch wwe on Monday nightsWWE has hired a big PR firm to help promote Stephanie McMahon as the companys Chief Brand Officer. The WON reports that the company hired the new firm to push McMahon as a friendly public face for WWE.
The first appearance that the new firm landed for McMahon was her recent Good Morning America appearance, and more are on the way. The firm is also aiming to get McMahon recognized for her charity work in the same way that Dallas Cowboys Chief Brand Officer and EVP Charlotte Jones Anderson is.
Not everyone can handle being the bad guy.
50 plus year old man doing crotch chops
Theres still a public perception that wrestling is inappropriate for children. I could see why this would be beneficial to the business. Make parents reevaluate whether or not their kids can watch wwe on Monday nights
9.99Yeah the kids watching TV instead of on their phones or tablets at 10 pm on a school night. forgetting how many kids are in attendance at each show?Yeah the kids watching TV instead of on their phones or tablets at 10 pm on a school night.
How long until WWE puts live RAWs (with commercials) on the network in lieu of a TV deal? I feel that's the way things are probably going.
Absofuckinglutely.If wrestling was truly targeted towards kids they would be on a more kid friendly network or on a Saturday.
Right now the average raw viewer is in their 40s.
If wrestling was truly targeted towards kids they would be on a more kid friendly network or on a Saturday.
Right now the average raw viewer is in their 40s.
As was made mention during the broadcast, it took Chono seven title shots before he won his first IWGP title, and he didn't win it until he turned heel and formed nWo Japan. Goto is taking the same path, since he now seems to be going through a heel turn himself (or at least a tweener turn if he joins CHAOS)
We're two weeks away from Roman Reigns putting down Dean Ambrose for the second time.
That blood feud. It's slowly beginning. We will speak of their children, and their grandchildren, decades from now.
What's #Ambreigns you say? I dare you to google it!What's #Ambreigns?
Why are you bastardizing Roman Reign's name like that? He's the future of this company. He deserves some respect.
We like this movie better, much better!Ambrollins is more my thing.
Well, I'm definitely not googling now. You're saying that because it's something messed up. I'd rather not know, even though I have an inkling now.
Well, I don't know who gets the credit for it, but Batista is probably the obvious choice. Has there been anyone more successful than him in the last decade aside from Joan Cena himself? There hasn't, and he was clearly a product of great storytelling. That Wrasslin'Mania 21 story is one of the best of all the times in the world.
“Never give up. Back in 2003, 2002, when I was just wearing boots and tights and I was supposed to be the ruthless aggression young good guy, nobody in the company liked me. I know Vince McMahon won’t admit this, but he wanted me fired, Triple H wanted me fired, everybody hated me. They just wouldn’t give me a forum to showcase my talents. I’ve always been able to connect with the audience if given the ability to speak.
“I got that ability and I was off to the races. I was up against all odds. I wasn’t born into this business. I’m not a third generation guy or a second generation guy. I’m just a dude who grew up a fan like all you guys and I wanted to do this my whole life. And I never gave up. That’s the advice I give to all the young cats, all the guys who have been trying and trying, trying to make it, attempt after attempt. I’ve failed many times, but you never ever give up.”
William Regal was probably the best commish/GM/authority figure they have had outside Vince doing it in '98-99. Just, I think, in general it has been done to death and needs a serious break. Especially with the McMahons.The few times I remember seeing it on WWE TV, I remember thinking it was an awful idea -- regardless of execution.
Was that Jimmy Haitch's plan then? Damn, Jimmy putting in the work there.Batista was the last person that they wanted to put over and he got over.
He is proof that if HHH wants to put somebody over he can.
Just rewatched HHH/Sting from WM last year.
Why did I do that?
Chono was being booked as THE guy of the three musketeers. Way before he went heel. Hash and Mutoh getting over big before he did was an unforeseen event. Chono was getting the big matches with the big time WCW guys, Chono was getting far more WCW exposure in a fair light than Mutoh had, he just didn't stick because green pants Chono has no personality.
Goto was never booked as THE guy and at this point it's too late. The only comparison Goto can be drawn to of the Musketeers is the fourth non-musketeer, Hase.
Guys, HHH wouldnt let a WCW guy go over, as he the main reason why wwe won over wcw.
It's always nice to see X-Pac on wwe tv.Just rewatched HHH/Sting from WM last year.
Why did I do that?