Hello darkness my old friendRepo Man once repossessed Macho Man's hat.
Hello darkness my old friendRepo Man once repossessed Macho Man's hat.
Luckily he's short lived. Heenan is out about a month later too.Ugh, I really want to watch the '93 RAWs but I just can't with the guy that's usually with Vince and Macho Man/Heenan in the commentary booth. He's worse than the 3 RAW commentators we have today, combined. I may just have to mute.
Vince got himself fucked. So he signed Maromen expecting to get Johnny B Badd until he realized that's wCws character. So he had a guy that looked like JBB but none of the theatrics.
I can't watch any DBry vids at the moment ;_;
He started his sports entertaining career pretty late.Cena/Bautista was amazing too IMO
I also did not know Bautista was older then HHH.
Cena/Bautista was amazing too IMO
I also did not know Bautista was older then HHH.
During Masahiro Chono vs Great Muta
JR: "I wonder if they call it the Boston Crab in Japan."
Ventura: "I think they call it a Hiroshima crab in Japan, Ross."
JR:... *slience*
Ventura. "What do ya think?"
JR: *more silence*
Lol awesome. I knew Ryckert was talking to Joey Ryan about setting something up.
So if a non giantbomb knowing fan so this, i wonder who they would think was Dirty Dan Rykert? Bottom right looks like a hobo.
Been listening to this and its hilarious. Makes me think of what my top worst gimmicks for a match are.
- "Anything' on a pole match
- 4 corners matches...fuuuuuck these matches. Always just holding a dude and walking around.
- Buried Alive matches
- Casket matches
- Dog collar matches
What are your 5 most "turn the channel" gimmick matches?
All I know about Giant Bomb is that it's a thing that exists and I'd guess the dude with the white sunglasses. He gives off a Leisure Suit Larry sleaze vibe.
When Mero first came he was putting on an awesome show, he was still JBB just without the gimmick. He had the look of a boxer with the skill set of XPac but cleaner. When he turned heel that's when he was one sided and nothing more.Mero's working style as B Badd relied heavily on a very spry high flying style. Having one knee completely gimped seemed to be too much for him to overcome. And his persona was very one dimensional, quick footed boxer meets Little Richard. He got to WWF he only had the boxer part left which was super boring. Just not a lot there.
Steve always was very strong in the simpler meat and potatoes type of wrestling. He lost the ability to put on technical showcases every week after his neck was destroyed, but it's place he honed in and perfected his very real looking working punches and kicks, and cranked the Stone Cold character way up. His tremendous personality and explosiveness carried him for the rest of his career.
Macho Man made every little stupid feud enjoyable. Even Crush, seeing crush try his hardest was comedy.Repo Man once repossessed Macho Man's hat.
What? His matches are still good. It isn't until late 97 when you can say fuck off Mero.I'm in late 1996 and I'm already fast forwarding through every Marc Mero match.
Funny, I went to school for it, same school Vince and Linda attended. But it's something that I think of everyday ever since my mom said, being a wrestler isn't realist.Watching all the wrestling while your recovering has to made you want to call a match. Then take Cole's job
Vince tried to hide it and he knew his top guys were like, wait wtf? 250,000 is what he paid him.You know what the fucked up thing is about this, Vince gave Mero the first guaranteed contract and pissed off a lot of his talent in the process.
What a bust, haha.
😂😂😂During Masahiro Chono vs Great Muta
JR: "I wonder if they call it the Boston Crab in Japan."
Ventura: "I think they call it a Hiroshima crab in Japan, Ross."
JR:... *slience*
Ventura. "What do ya think?"
JR: *more silence*
I always thought his one liners were funny. I hate that he had to go 😢Ugh, I really want to watch the '93 RAWs but I just can't with the guy that's usually with Vince and Macho Man/Heenan in the commentary booth. He's worse than the 3 RAW commentators we have today, combined. I may just have to mute.
That's Joey Ryan. He's responsible for this infamous spot.All I know about Giant Bomb is that it's a thing that exists and I'd guess the dude with the white sunglasses. He gives off a Leisure Suit Larry sleaze vibe.
do we have discussing wrestlers appearances/creepin on the bingo card?
That's Joey Ryan. He's responsible for this infamous spot.
Ryckert is the other guy with sunglasses next to him.
1992 world champion Ron Simmons is one buff mother fucker.
That's Joey Ryan. He's responsible for this infamous spot.
A whole new interpretation of glory swole. Incredible.
One of the comments:
"What a dick!"
It was awesome. The right kind of ridiculous. Joey Ryan has never been a serious guy. Got a lot of people shook though because apparently wrestling still needs to be protected.A whole new interpretation of glory swole. Incredible.
Is it really "creeping" for someone to talk about a WWE photoshoot?
I've got a heart on.
Becky is gorgeous. Got damn
PG-Era Assbiz is gonna be rough, but we will persevere.
Plus the only reason to post them being "someone mentioned becky, let's look at how hot she is'"She needs to dump the hair color. Brunette please. Besides that good looking out friend. Great pics
"WWE presents Black History Month..."1992 world champion Ron Simmons is one buff mother fucker.
This. Plus King Of The Mountain. And didn't they do a Feast OR Fired where someone was legit let go?WCW/TNA reverse battle royal
This. Plus King Of The Mountain. And didn't they do a Feast OR Fired where someone was legit let go?
Erik Watts gets the hot tag. A couple people cheer. One person loudly boos.
Holy fuck he is awful in the ring. Dr Death pins him. Thank god.
I agree with you on pretty much all of these.Least Fave Five Gimmick Matches
1. **** On A Pole Matches - These things always work the same way.
2. Strap Matches (aka four corner matches) - These things always ended the same way. They're also the #1 reason I hate Savio Vega. All of his feuds = strap match.
3. Inferno Match - It's another build to a spot that ultimately disappoints match.
4. Tables Matches - Or any matches involving tables. A) You know whenever someone sets up a table, the opponent is going through it. B) You know any table set up is going to be used, so any pin or ending set up before that happens won't work.
5. Casket Match - This is another one of those build to an ultimately disappointing spot kind of matches. There is a way you can do it right though, so it's on the bottom of this list.
I agree with you on pretty much all of these.
Can we include Ambulance Matches and Casket Matches together? They're pretty much the same concept and, if anything, the ambulance match is even worse because the visual of defeating your opponent isn't as rewarding and they typically wind up being finished away from the crowd and the ring.
I remember Low Ki got a briefcase and actually left the company shortly after. However instead of just making him a victim of the Fired briefcase he lost the case to Christopher Daniels who was (kayfabe) fired instead.
I was reading about him and they said while Haku was tough and a bad ass Ron was as well.1992 world champion Ron Simmons is one buff mother fucker.
Was the movie funny or not? I keep hearing hard mixed reviews but would like to know what Schumer fans think.
Is it really "creeping" for someone to talk about a WWE photoshoot?
At least Ventura reacted appropriately. Just imagine today's WWE commentators reacting (or not reacting) to that nonsense.Holy Jesus. The finish for the WHC match at Starrcade 92' is botched in impressive fashion.
- Both Ron Simmons and Dr. Death fail to make it back into the ring before the 10 count.
- The bell rings to end the match.
- Ron Simmons puts his arms up in the ring claiming victory.
- Nick Patrick waves it off.
- Gary Michael Cappetta starts announcing that both contestants have been counted out, but immediately cuts himself off when Dr. Death ambushes Simmons in the ring.
- While attacking Simmons, Dr. Death comes off the top rope and hits Simmons with a knee to the back of the head.
- A second ref comes in to break it up.
- Nick Patick starts yelling something at the announcer's corner.
- Cappetta announces that the decision has been reversed, and Dr. Death is now disqualified for coming off the top rope in the post match attack. Ron Simmons is pronounced the new winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion.
Jesse Ventura can't fucking believe what just happened. "THAT'S RIDICULOUS! THE MATCH IS OVER. YOU CAN'T GET A REVERSAL WHEN THEY'VE ALREADY HAD A COUNT OUT!"
Christ almighty. Welcome to the Bill Watts era.
Ventura said all sorts of crazy shit too, dude just didn't give a fuck. Listening to him commentate is hilarious.At least Ventura reacted appropriately. Just imagine today's WWE commentators reacting (or not reacting) to that nonsense.