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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.




Rusev is a tragedy.

Should have been world champ. Could have been world champ.

Lesnar stole Rusev's lane. Rusev is the non-legit, inferior, foreign version of Lesnar.

Rusev is a boss, I love the big bastard, but his space is occupied by the best thing in wrestling today.
Supposedly those that were at Smackdown had pretty good impressions. There's some Ambrose vs Reigns action. Also a Haitch and Lesnar stare down. Worth watching this week again from the sounds of it.

Still curious as to why no Ranallo this week.

Meltz says he had a cold and they sent him home


Basically Rocksteady went to the 1996-1998 WCW school of booking storylines.

arkham knight was the absolute shits

dont mean to drive wrasslegaf off topic but i actually liked the game overall, more than Arkham City. Arkham City's ending is basically 2000's WCW overbooking. Arkham Knight's ending is modern WWE booking where you see the ending coming a mile away and then it happens and its over.


Yay or Nay:

WWE's Global Cruiserweight series is the best thing WWE has come up with since the inception of Money In The Bank.


Comparing it in any way to MITB is just going to make me hate it though because MITB is played out as fuck

I'm not talking about how it has played out....I'm talking about how the concept was received.

Everyone loved MITB when it debut'd and it was like the best thing since sliced bread #2. I kind of feel like this tourney is in a similar position. It's getting a lot of hype and people are already anticipating it in a similar fashion.

I can't think of any original gimmick since that WWE has come up with that inspired such a reaction.


dont mean to drive wrasslegaf off topic but i actually liked the game overall, more than Arkham City. Arkham City's ending is basically 2000's WCW overbooking. Arkham Knight's ending is modern WWE booking where you see the ending coming a mile away and then it happens and its over.

Arkham Knight was crazy fun.


I do wish WWE would have used Wade Barrett better. In a different era of WWE he'd probably be a main event heel a la Ted DiBiase.

Arkham Knight was crazy fun.

Yeah, I enjoyed it. You could see the
Jason Todd
reveal near the end coming a mile away, but it's super hard to do a
Jason Todd
story without the "oh my god it's
Jason Todd
" twist being super telegraphed.


I do wish WWE would have used Wade Barrett better. In a different era of WWE he'd probably be a main event heel a la Ted DiBiase.

Yeah, I enjoyed it. You could see the
Jason Todd
reveal near the end coming a mile away, but it's super hard to do a
Jason Todd
story without the "oh my god it's
Jason Todd
" twist being super telegraphed.

Well the good news is I had no idea who Jason Todd was going into the game.


You all know you enjoyed the Orton and Batista payoff for the Evolution angle.

Hell, at least that angle lead to a payoff.....I don't see one for The Authority.
Just browsing the thread, picking up on various questions flying around:

a) The cruiserweight tournament is a nice idea, but it's impossible to judge until we've seen how it plays out. Is the whole thing designed to push La Sombra?

b) Firewatch is great, if you have a few hours to kill (it's definitely a one-sitting kind of game). I felt much happier spending £13 on that than £40 on Beta Fighter V.

c) Rusev should have been champ instead of Sheamus during the recent run. His booking has been abysmal since he got the Cena treatment.

d) I wasn;t watching to see the infamous Cena/Barrett burial, although Wade did seem over when he returned to the ring with the Bad News gimmick and had the IC run... then Swagger blew his shoulder and that was that. If Cena didn't ruin him, his injuries would have crippled his career regardless.


They should bring back the hardcore title. Along with the 24/7 rule. That was fun. It would also give the midcard something to do.

The best and most entertaining means of bringing back a belt with that 24/7 rule is to make the rule that you need to defend the belt at all times during Raw and Smackdown. When the show ends, the champ is safe, until next time.

Would make for some fun survival sketches throughout arenas or cities where they're holding the event, or dudes calling in sick and people stalking them at their houses.

A comedy belt.


They should bring back the hardcore title. Along with the 24/7 rule. That was fun. It would also give the midcard something to do.

Eh, I dunno. The 24/7 rule got played out really damn fast to me. Plus in this era hardcore matches feel really tame.

The best and most entertaining means of bringing back a belt with that 24/7 rule is to make the rule that you need to defend the belt at all times during Raw and Smackdown. When the show ends, the champ is safe, until next time.

I like this


Literally everything that handicapped Barrett and made people think of him as a joke can fit in one of three categories (Upper Management, Injuries, Cena), and it's impressive the level of cognitive dissonance one must have to think either that's not the case or that Barrett was at fault for any of it
Many of those injuries (at least the initial occurrences of them before they became degenerative) were caused by the gaffes of other wrestlers, too.

You're not surprised by this reaction though, are you? I know I'm not. Instead we have a bunch of folks suggesting a Hardcore title revival as if that's a thing that could happen.


I kind of feel like some day in the future we might view this current era of the WWE as the "wasted potential" era.

  • Pretty much all of the momentum from CM Punk's pipe bomb promo was utterly wasted. As was his WWE title run.
  • The company got behind Daniel Bryan about 2 years too late.
  • Wade Barrett, a potential main event tier wrestler, wasted away from various things
  • Roman Reign's potential was squashed by getting pushed too early. He'll never shed that.
  • Bray Wyatt thus far feels wasted. Most of his potentially good stories end up going out in whimpers.
I'm sure there's more I could add to the list, but man it just feels like WWE keeps wasting everything good that comes their way. I worry that Balor, Bayley, and Zayn will be underutilized as well.
Many of those injuries (at least the initial occurrences of them before they became degenerative) were caused by the gaffes of other wrestlers, too.

You're not surprised by this reaction though, are you? I know I'm not. Instead we have a bunch of folks suggesting a Hardcore title revival as if that's a thing that could happen.

I miss Crash Holly every time I see one of those damned matches, and would give anything including those matches and that belt never happening in the first place to have him back in a heartbeat


I'm sure there's more I could add to the list, but man it just feels like WWE keeps wasting everything good that comes their way. I worry that Balor, Bayley, and Zayn will be underutilized as well.
Worry? Worry?!? I KNOW they'll be underutilized and treated like jokes on the main roster.
Just accept it now and you'll be able to sleep easier at night once their potential is wasted and all of the promise they showed down in NXT is exhausted in a matter of weeks.
I kind of feel like some day in the future we might view this current era of the WWE as the "wasted potential" era.

  • Pretty much all of the momentum from CM Punk's pipe bomb promo was utterly wasted. As was his WWE title run.
  • The company got behind Daniel Bryan about 2 years too late.
  • Wade Barrett, a potential main event tier wrestler, wasted away from various things
  • Roman Reign's potential was squashed by getting pushed too early. He'll never shed that.
  • Bray Wyatt thus far feels wasted. Most of his potentially good stories end up going out in whimpers.
I'm sure there's more I could add to the list, but man it just feels like WWE keeps wasting everything good that comes their way. I worry that Balor, Bayley, and Zayn will be underutilized as well.

It's better if you just assume that one of them ends up succeeding while the other two get embarrassed. If by some miracle 2 make it out alright it's easily the best WWE outcome in the 2010s.

Zayn's already got a hell of a comeback to make to pull it off. He's had what, 2 or 3 main roster debuts (could be 4 if he's on the cruiserweight show, he technically qualifies), lost pretty much all of them, and suffered a major injury doing his entrance on one


Worry? Worry?!? I KNOW they'll be underutilized and treated like jokes on the main roster.
Just accept it now and you'll be able to sleep easier at night once their potential is wasted and all of the promise they showed down in NXT is exhausted in a matter of weeks.

Out of the three I mentioned, Balor is the one I'm most concerned about. Zayn can work in the Cena/Roman babyface role and actually make it compelling. Bayley will basically become the face of the womens division especially if there are no Bella Twins around. Balor's got an accent and they'll probably drive the Demon gimmick into the ground.

Out of the three I mentioned, Balor is the one I'm most concerned about. Zayn can work in the Cena/Roman babyface role and actually make it compelling. Bayley will basically become the face of the womens division especially if there are no Bella Twins around. Balor's got an accent and they'll probably drive the Demon gimmick into the ground.


Or they'll feed him, Anderson & Gallows to Reigns for a few months.


My Best in the World tee came in yesterday. The screenprint is realllly well done, but NJ went with a thinner tee (I think) than the previous KOSS shirt.




Additionally, my friend & I started an IG account where we'll post weird/rare wrestling merch if you're into that sort of thing: https://www.instagram.com/vrtlpros/

Would also be remiss to not plug our podcast. We're not a super serious wrestling podcast that just covers news, so we try to be casual. Our latest episode is about explaining to the women in your life that you're a fan of this crazy hobby - https://soundcloud.com/virtual-pros/vp10

Check us out!


Wasted potential, or just not happy with how your favorite wrestlers are used? A list can be made for every generation of WWE.

Was Razor Ramon wasted potential for never winning the WWF Championship?

Did Shawn Michaels win his first WWF Championship too late because he suffered a possible career threatening injury less than two years later? Shawn did turn to singles and it took him 5 years to win the WWF Championship. Should WWF had push him sooner?
Barrett would be a beast in New Japan. He just needs to stay away from TNA.

I'm concerned his body can't take much more, and for that reason don't want to see him in New Japan or anywhere else unless he has a liiiiiiiiiiight schedule. Would love to see him give acting a try though. Either way, as long as he's happy and healthy, I support wherever he goes from here

My Best in the World tee came in yesterday. The screenprint is realllly well done, but NJ went with a thinner tee (I think) than the previous KOSS shirt.




Additionally, my friend & I started an IG account where we'll post weird/rare wrestling merch if you're into that sort of thing: https://www.instagram.com/vrtlpros/

I love this shirt. And that's a cool Insta idea, friend!
Yay or Nay:

WWE's Global Cruiserweight series is the best thing WWE has come up with since the inception of Money In The Bank.

It's definitely great that WWE is opening this up to outside performers. I know Rev Pro and PROGRESS guys will likely take part. Hopefully WWE looks into guys from NJPW as well...Liger is probably in since he worked for them over the summer, but I'd also love to see younger juniors...probably not KUSHIDA due to his ROH commitments, but perhaps David Finlay Jr. (Finlay's son, so it makes sense), and Jay White (who is frigging awesome).
My Best in the World tee came in yesterday. The screenprint is realllly well done, but NJ went with a thinner tee (I think) than the previous KOSS shirt.




Additionally, my friend & I started an IG account where we'll post weird/rare wrestling merch if you're into that sort of thing: https://www.instagram.com/vrtlpros/

How did you get one? I thought they were only available through New Japan.

I'd never be able to get one though...I'm kind of a big guy so I need XXL minimum.
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