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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.

MC Safety

I don't know why you are guys are so salty about champ HHH, he's not hogging the spotlight, he's just a prop being used to get Roman where he needs to be.

I don't like the idea of part-time or placeholder champions.

Not to mention that Hunter Helmsley loves to make the opening segment of Raw overlong and entirely about himself.

As a whole, the McMahons should be rarely seen or heard from.
Ooooof that non wrestling attire in the 2000s was brutal.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
16 years of HHH being tied to th emain product...ugh. Has this guy every been more over than his opposition as a champ? I mean really, has HHH ever been the hottest name out there? Austin, The Rock, Cena, Taker, Lesnar...guy was never the reason butts hit the seats.

God its like if Vince had written himself into Hulkamania feuds from the onset and circled the upper card of every pay per view like a vulture.
HHH was deservedly the top heel of the attitude era, and yeah he absolutely was a big reason I was watching back then. HHH not being over is absolute bullshit. All the proof you need is that ridiculous pop he got for his 2002 return.


16 years of HHH being tied to th emain product...ugh. Has this guy every been more over than his opposition as a champ? I mean really, has HHH ever been the hottest name out there? Austin, The Rock, Cena, Taker, Lesnar...guy was never the reason butts hit the seats.

Maybe not the others, but are we really going to act like people didn't cheer HHH over Cena? It's not like that happened at a main event of Wrestlemania or anything.


What do people mean they say Seth kun?
People like myself have a wrestling man crush him.

Adding "kun" at the end of a name is a Japanese thing, same with "san". Kun is used for males with a senior status, or a male you are close with/have an emotional connection with.

It's used a ton in anime as well. That's where most of us are getting it from. It's really stupid and dorky as fuck.

But anything for Seth-kun.
^NXT was fine, not much else to say about it really.

Let's not be knocking radical Trips, he's cool as a cucumber.
Eh. It's been just "fine" for a while now while they slow burn some new stories. I'll probably skip.


Maybe not the others, but are we really going to act like people didn't cheer HHH over Cena? It's not like that happened at a main event of Wrestlemania or anything.

To be fair, MOST people get cheered/booed against Cena

More a reaction to Cena than his opponent.


People like myself have a wrestling man crush him.

Adding "kun" at the end of a name is a Japanese thing, same with "san". Kun is used for males with a senior status, or a male you are close with/have an emotional connection with.

It's used a ton in anime as well. That's where most of us are getting it from. It's really stupid and dorky as fuck.

But anything for Seth-kun.

Thanks for the explanation!


I'm not talking about and don't care about any of that, I'm talking about this current situation. If they are dead set on Roman standing tall at Mania then HHH is perfectly fine as the big villain in the background for Roman to beat since there's no one else who can do it.
Right, but we both know the reason he's always in these situations and why he is holding the title now. And, again, why he's holding the title now and they have not been building up younger guys to actually beef up a feud between that person and Roman. They're terrible at it, and have been for a decade now. Like Orton being a sidekick instead of the chosen guy in the Authority angle a few years ago, or how they made Sheamus just another guy when he won the title a few months ago. It was all about Triple H getting the big spot and for Roman to go over him. It's shit.


Meltz said that taker would work somebody not on the main or nxt roster.

Scott Stiner

To be exact, he said "someone that is not an active wrestler" which made him think Sting. Also, his source is someone who's never swerved him...


Only Owens' fans take offence to the fat jokes.

The issue with that and many other things that become an issue in this thread isn't the content, it's the fact that it becomes the thread and gets run into the ground so hard the thread becomes hard to read.


The best bet for a big marque match up for Taker is either The Rock or Stone Cold.

If John Cena comes back he'd fit the bill, but as of now it's one of those two IMO.
Have we considered Taker vs a C list celebrity? because "not on the active roster" and a desperate WWE scrambling for Mania matches doesn't inspire much confidence in me.


Go watch Hogan/Warrior from 2000(?). Taker and Sting will definitely be better but watching that match has instilled zero confidence in me thinking 40+ year old guys can pull off a match

I think you meant Halloween Havoc 98. But.. blame Hogan and Warrior. Not two of the best in-ring competitors.

However, don't knock the 40+ year olds. Flair, HBK delivered some great matches past the age of 40.
Go watch Hogan/Warrior from 2000(?). Taker and Sting will definitely be better but watching that match has instilled zero confidence in me thinking 40+ year old guys can pull off a match
I have a bit more confidence in these two, taker had a good match with Brock and sting was pretty great against Seth for his age. (the surgery might have slowed down for all we know.)
Taker vs God
Taker vs Shane McMahon
Taker vs Donald Trump, Winner Represents the Republican Party in the 2016 US Presidential elections
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