HHH is over, but he was always The Guy that worked with THE GUY
Na. If he started wearing Jersey style shirts...Heel Cena?
9.99 gif?How much did Vince pay for this WWE.com redesign?
They decided to color swap some ring gear for "fun".
Cena, Reigns, Balor, Lesnar, Nattie, Kane, SCSA, Sting, Barrett, and Dusty Rhodes also got the "treatment."
How much did Vince pay for this WWE.com redesign?
Brock vs. Luke Harper on the March 12th Network special. Please let it go more than 2 minutes before Wyatt fuckery.
The top two hot tag specialists of NXT:
One of these teams might show up on Sunday.
Both Finn and Corbin gave some appaling promos on NXT. Clearly they are skipping promo class.
I want a tag match between Rollins & Reigns vs. Gable & Jordan. Hot tag Jordan vs. hot tag Reigns.
I don't know what the deal is but it seems like everyone on NXT gives promos where they're looking at cue cards behind the camera. It's not just Finn and Corbin. The only guys who don't do that are Samoa Joe and Sami Zayn, which is probably why they're likely to get promoted.
That will be a time to be alive: Samoa Joe and AJ Styles team up to fight Kevin Steen and El Generico, live on Raw on the USA Network.
The dusty finish on NXT was fucken horseshit as fuck by the way. I mean, not quite "corbin gets double submitted' level horseshit, but it was pretty fucken dumb. Like, all Joe did was sorta drape his arm. They probably could have spent like ~10 minutes coming up with a plausible double pin where it actually looked uncertain who was being pinned because that happens all the time with stupid package rollups.
HHH was deservedly the top heel of the attitude era, and yeah he absolutely was a big reason I was watching back then. HHH not being over is absolute bullshit. All the proof you need is that ridiculous pop he got for his 2002 return.
Footage of Ric Flair saying goodbye to his family at their home before Vader murders him. The somber mood and dress is like a funeral. Mean Gene ushers out the dead man walking.
I fucking love this.
I went looking for Public Enemy gifs, and found these (courtesy of Legitshook...):
I love Regal.
This is an insult to Jason Jordan.
Jason Jordan is better than Roman Reigns is every way possible.
Jason Jordan is better than Roman Reigns is every way possible.
What have we seen from Jordan outside of being the hot tag? He was nothing before being paired with Gable.
Yeah, that finish was bullshit. Joe had an arm over Zayn's wrist and Zayn clearly did a move on Joe before the pin.
They are streatching this angle really thin with all these false finishes.
Just wait until you watch Fastlane and you find out they were just testing reactions for a Roman/Ambrose disputed submission on Brock.
This is true. But he's something now and ain't nobody putting the toothpaste back in the tube, daddeh!
But seriously, I hope Gable/JJ don't break up any time soon. They're the best together. I very much hope to see them at NXT Dallas.
HHH is over, but he was always The Guy that worked with THE GUY
This is absolutely not true, at least not in my opinion.
Triple H was, is and forever will be overrated as a wrestler in WWE.
HHH did what everyone here would do if it was possible: fuck the boss's hot daughter and leverage nepotism into a position he wasn't necessarily qualified for. I don't *really* blame him at all for doing it if he could get away with it and on the plus side he seems pretty competent at the wrestling exec gig.
And sure, you can say he's "overrated as a wrestler," but so many of the big stars were overrated as wrestlers. For every Randy Savage there's a Hulk Hogan. For every Seth Rollins there's a Roman Reigns.
I think you're misconstruing a bit. This isn't just about in-ring skill. Triple H didn't have top-shelf in-ring skill, look, promo ability, charisma, etc. He's average-to-good in every department.
But that, of course, is just my opinion.
I think you're misconstruing a bit. This isn't just about in-ring skill. Triple H didn't have top-shelf in-ring skill, look, promo ability, charisma, etc. He's average-to-good in every department.
But that, of course, is just my opinion.
I really hope Seth Rollins comes back with a different theme that is not generic butt rock. His current theme ain't hype.
There's not that many total packages, really.
(cue 50MB Lex Luger gifs)
2000 - mid 2001 HHH was awesome. Everything else was OK to good.
If anyone else got hurt as often as HHH did in 1998, they would be tagged as "too injury prone" and shoved down the card
NXT Alex Riley looks like he is on the drugs.
I like the look but I wonder if its actually just "a look".
The Official Bret Hart Wrassle Scale
Look: out of 10
Promo: out of 10
In-ring ability: out of 10
And it's possible that I watch 2000-2001 Triple H in the coming year or three and HE BLOWS MY MIND.
But I doubt it.