Watching this Nitro segment. Yes, this is pretty bad. Wrasslin' jobbers.
Dude! I knew I wasn't the only one who thought they were the same person at one time.After awhile Savio and Kama start dressing alike and if they do distance shots it can be hard to pick them out. Close up its no problem at all!
Finally I can be at peace. I always wondered what really fucked them over.Vince lose the name because they made a bad deal with them years earlier that was going to trainwreck their ability to argue a case in court.
So, just because I'm curious.
Is NXT commentary recorded live or solely added in after?
Each guy had their own ceiling in each company. Dudes like the Steiners were better off in WCW, same for Vader. It was good for Eddie and Benoit in their respective runs, but that only happens under the brand split. Though guys like Flair, Triple H, Hogan and Michaels could impede a person's position.Well we wouldn't have known until after the buyouy happened though..
Batista vs Manny for Bellator 160
Worse? But it was awesomeI enjoyed the NXT ending.
I was expecting something far worse after hearing about it.
Worse? But it was awesome
I think I read a few comments in here calling it BS.
But it was a really good match overall, and sets things up quite nicely hopefully.
Holy fuck, cannot waitIf you want to know the feud ends in3 weeks in a match that takes up a whole show or 50 minutes.
The funny thing isthis match has been called either 5 star match of the year and some actually say its a 1 star match.
I'm wearing my Cesaro shirt but I have my singlet and a gi under it in case somebody tries to shoot on me.Always be ready
The second Raw after that Mania show was when Bret officially re-unites with Owen and Davey Boy.Hmmmmm the ending to the Raw after Mania XIII is strange.
It's the cost of it as well, almost £10/$14.4 more than a customer in the US would be expected to pay. I get that they've got to make money and international shipping sucks, but again, this is the attraction of digital distribution for international customers.
I'm wearing my Cesaro shirt but I have my singlet and a gi under it in case somebody tries to shoot on me.
All building up to the big finally of Street fighter V at a to be determined location.
Highspots going after Boots again
How dare he want things to be shipped normally
According to prowrestling sheet Elgin signed a 2 year deal with new japan. Also something funny from the New Japan Show:
All building up to the big finally of Street fighter V at a to be determined location.
Highspots going after Boots again
How dare he want things to be shipped normally
I understand you now, at first I didn't quite get what you were hitting at.Each guy had their own ceiling in each company. Dudes like the Steiners were better off in WCW, same for Vader. It was good for Eddie and Benoit in their respective runs, but that only happens under the brand split. Though guys like Flair, Triple H, Hogan and Michaels could impede a person's position.
Lol yeah, I think it's funny though. When you get toward the end of year you have all of these factions and the big 3,there wasn't a clear heel or face between them. NoD, DX, and THF (even though the crowd dictated that NoD were clearly the heels).The second Raw after that Mania show was when Bret officially re-unites with Owen and Davey Boy.![]()
He was only 13 and he stood up to that teacher picking on Owen. Bret was shooting around the same age Gucci was trapping.I only watched those RAWs for the first time a few months ago and Bret making up with Owen is one of the best segments in RAW history.
It's officially worse. Dada almost died
Did that dude even take a physical before the fight?
Did that dude even take a physical before the fight?
97 was weird dude. I remember we cheered for Taker obviously, my cousins loved Austin however I still didn't get invested in him until 2000 maybe. Shamrock was badass so we liked him too. I was the odd one because I liked HBK and The Rock, even though they turned "bad guys". My other set of cousins watched more wCw than we did so hearing a lot about Sting was confusing. I guess Vince got so edgy be forgot his while "good versus evil" template during that time.NOD basically never gets cheered, you're not wrong there.
DX and THF have slight face moments, though not really DX in 1997, then again they aren't actually even a faction until the very end. Los B's never get cheered either.
There aren't many true faces left by the end of 1997, the list is basically The Undertaker and Ken Shamrock. Stone Cold still isn't quite there yet and won't be until he starts full time feuding with Vince.
97 was weird dude. I remember we cheered for Taker obviously, my cousins loved Austin however I still didn't get invested in him until 2000 maybe. Shamrock was badass so we liked him too. I was the odd one because I liked HBK and The Rock, even though they turned "bad guys". My other set of cousins watched more wCw than we did so hearing a lot about Sting was confusing. I guess Vince got so edgy be forgot his while "good versus evil" template during that time.
I think it was probably, "who cares if they're good or bad as long as they are cool!"It starts happening at the end of 1996. Goldust turns face...but HBK and Bret start acting like whiny douches. Stone Cold is...well, stone cold evil but he is getting louder cheers. Sid beat up an old man and got cheered for it. Ahmed is face when healthy, Vader and Mankind are heels, Marc Mero is a face but is soon to be injured.
The depth of the roster is never lower than it is by the end of 1997 a year later.
The only superstar that's still full time in this picture is The Big Show.![]()
The only superstar that's still full time in this picture is The Big Show.
Andre Memorial BAttle Royale.
No idea where the first R comes from though.
Sorry to tell you bud but believe it or not they're about to be part time(not as bad as Brock) . Orton already had his schedule cut down and I could see Cena being that way once he comes back.The two guys in the center of the picture are full time, they're just hurt.
The only superstar that's still full time in this picture is The Big Show.
Andre Memorial BAttle Royale.
No idea where the first R comes from though.