Full time annoyance is more like it.JBL is full time
Full Time Broadcast Journalist
Full time annoyance is more like it.JBL is full time
Full Time Broadcast Journalist
Sorry to tell you bud but believe it or not they're about to be part time(not as bad as Brock) . Orton already had his schedule cut down and I could see Cena being that way once he comes back.
Please don't encourage ignore list culture, it only enables like-minded posting.How do people still not have Grimace blocked
Watch and see. Cena will be a guy like Hunter for ambassador purposes. Orton, I could see getting out of the business other than returns for big shows. The guy has suffered plenty of injuries and even though the neck thing was said not to be true,I believe there's some truth to it.Why are you "sorry to tell [me]" about some fact you just made up
The only superstar that's still full time in this picture is The Big Show.
Yeah let's block him for trying to start a discussion!!!How do people still not have Grimace blocked
2 years my ass, Show will still be having major turns for the next 20 years. Unless Vince is able to find a legit monster who resembles Andre like Show does.Imagine defending indy scrubs nonstop saying they're the future, and yet one by one their bodies each break and Big Show ends up the only one standing by the end.
Someday, Vince will be proven wrong - said for decades
Yeah let's block him for trying to start a discussion!!!
2 years my ass, Show will still be having major turns for the next 20 years. Unless Vince is able to find a legit monster who resembles Andre like Show does.
Yeah Show said two, so I could probably take his word. I'm surprised he's hung on for as long as he has. That break he took probably did wonders as a guy that big with his history, should've been gone a long time. Dude is blessed.Show's probably only got a few years left, Kane's definitely got a few decades left.
I want him coming out of the ring to prevent HHH's kid from grabbing the belt in a ladder match
holy fuck, I insulted you? I must mean a lot for you to remember that, because I totally don't, but if I really did, I'm sorry.Insulting posters constantly for pointing out certain people's bodies are breaking down noticeably and seeing the inevitable end isn't a discussion, it's tedious antics that endanger the thread's lifespan
But I wouldn't expect you to notice that, you were one of many here who insulted me and a few other posters for acknowledging for a while that Bryan was done and daring to support Reigns despite your pleas for a wounded man to endanger his lifespan
By the way, still waiting on that formal apology to Maroon from each of you
Hey, let's talk about silly wresting instead of being argumentative and petty.
Mr. Kennedy...what you could of been.
*puts Plywood on ignore*
*folds arms and smiles*
What? WrassleGAF without the drama?Hey, let's talk about silly wresting instead of being argumentative and petty.
Grimace, one of the things that Heel and I have long-since realized is necessary in Wrestling GAF is to ask for sources when people make wild, unsourced claims. You'll find that 90% of the time, they'll say that they "read it somewhere on the Observer site" or "heard it on an Observer podcast" without actually being able to provide any evidence.
The finish to the main event tomorrow feels inevitable, but to me I'm less unhappy with Roman winning and more so unhappy with the WM card that win seems to solidify. Roman vs. Triple H is a match that in and of itself will probably be good, and they have been so desperate to crown Roman for so long that it's better if they just finally get it over with. It's when you combine that with Brock vs. Bray and, likely, Owens vs. Ambrose XIII that the WM card as a whole just starts to seem like a massive disappointment. Roman losing tomorrow's main event would signify a change-up in the card as a whole, which would be nice.
*puts Plywood on ignore*
*folds arms and smiles*
Nah, his ridiculous injury luck followed him in TNA too. He was never going to be big because of that. Even now his greatest moment is silly reactions to Of Course Tito Ortiz
I thought he might of stayed injury free for a good period of time to go on a run, similar to Edge, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
The finish to the main event tomorrow feels inevitable, but to me I'm less unhappy with Roman winning and more so unhappy with the WM card that win seems to solidify. Roman vs. Triple H is a match that in and of itself will probably be good, and they have been so desperate to crown Roman for so long that it's better if they just finally get it over with. It's when you combine that with Brock vs. Bray and, likely, Owens vs. Ambrose XIII that the WM card as a whole just starts to seem like a massive disappointment. Roman losing tomorrow's main event would signify a change-up in the card as a whole, which would be nice.
Mr. Kennedy...what you could of been.
My secret shame is that I really enjoyed Ken Kennedy in his WWE stint.Nah, his ridiculous injury luck followed him in TNA too. He was never going to be big because of that. Even now his greatest moment is silly reactions to Of Course Tito Ortiz
"Hey Plywood! Maybe next thread, YOU won't be around!"
My secret shame is that I really enjoyed Ken Kennedy in his WWE stint.
It only took King a year or so, but he was right, Barrett truly isn't around anymore.
TOO SOON BEEF!It only took King a year or so, but he was right, Barrett truly isn't around anymore.
Ken was fucking awesome. Sloppy but awesome. I wasn't mad that Edge took his spot.
I thought you were doing it....I guess we should slap together a Fastlane thread right? I assume people give a shit due to being right in front of mania right? Or is someone else doing it?
I read that interview and I could tell he was bummed, of course you would be too if you found out that your chance to be on top was being stripped away due to a bad calling on an injury. But I kinda laughed because he said Stephanie told him that he's going to be out for however long and he's like wtf?TOO SOON BEEF!
What's fascinating is just how very close he was to having a world heavyweight title run.
And then the injury that cost him the big one was in fact only a 2-3 weeks break.
I thought you were doing it.
He had too much concussions and went to a company that didn't (and still doesn't) take that issue seriously. It could have been much worse though, he could have took the place of Rob Terry for that dumbass chairshot spot
And in TNA, i don't remember him being injured, or maybe one time ?
The important lesson here is that I got behind Kennedy as my guy (that wasn't Kane) for that time period and he gets plagued by injuries and teases of main event pushes that never materialise. Plus a movie.
Then I got behind Barrett as my guy (that also wasn't Kane) since 2010 and he also suffered from injuries and booking that never panned out. Plus a movie.
So basically whichever midcard talent smashing against the class ceiling that I truly support next may continue this cursed tradition, my apologies to them in advance for their injury list, underwhelming story results but hey they'll get a WWE stuidos movie role out of it I guess.
Stop supporting guys other than Kane.
Hey Pal, we need you to get behind Reigns at this very minute. Make him look strong as hell in this thread man, you're our guy and we need you to stand behind this guy.The important lesson here is that I got behind Kennedy as my guy (that wasn't Kane) for that time period and he gets plagued by injuries and teases of main event pushes that never materialise. Plus a movie.
Then I got behind Barrett as my guy (that also wasn't Kane) since 2010 and he also suffered from injuries and booking that never panned out. Plus a movie.
So basically whichever midcard talent smashing against the class ceiling that I truly support next may continue this cursed tradition, my apologies to them in advance for their injury list, underwhelming story results but hey they'll get a WWE stuidos movie role out of it I guess.
Hey Pal, we need you to get behind Reigns at this very minute. Make him look strong as hell in this thread man, you're our guy and we need you to stand behind this guy.
The tradeoff for this is I'll require eternal Kane in *insert any future year*, though he's pretty eternal as is, he bucks that injury trend something fierce.
He does join in those wasted potential and WWE movie categories mind you.
Welp, we're fucked guys.You make a convincing argument but by already main eventing a wrestlemania and being WWE champ he's already ascended, believe that.
I'm afraid that my heart already belongs to THE BIG GUY, thank Beef for allowing me to see the light.