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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.

Jamie OD

So we've got...
- Roman vs. Triple H (w/ part-time distractions to help get Roman over)
- Brock vs. Ambrose and his laughable offense
- Taker vs. Cena (if he has a miracle recovery); if not, Taker vs. Goldberg/Big Dave/Sting's Lifeless Corpse
- Brauny the Strowman winning the ARMBAR
- Owens vs. Styles
- Multi-man Spotfest Match for the US Title
- Charlotte vs. The Boss vs. Becky Lynch
- The New Day vs. The League of Nations

This is our Mania card, isn't it?

Pretty much.


Based solely on what I saw at Fastlane I'm going with the following happening at WM.

HHH vs Reigns
Brock vs Ambrose
Owens vs AJ
Big Show & Ryback vs Strowman & Bray

The Undertaker match is still a mystery but I'm fine with Cena, Seth or Sting.



  • Sasha being face is stupid as fuck. Did no one in the main office watch her run in NXT?
  • Reigns in the main event again is stupid as fuck. But hey, Rock will be there so... yay.
  • Brock's 5 Moves Of Doom are great.
  • Brock vs Ambrose is almost laughable - I hope it gets changed to the Wyatts. Ambrose can go jump off ladders for a while, and hope for a better main event build at some point.
  • All of the "Titans" can go away, and nothing would be lost. Sorry, Ryback fans.
  • I think Harper is losing interest - I could see him leaving in the not too distant future - which would be a huge fucking waste. But if he ends up in Japan, that would be amazing.
  • Owens vs Styles will hopefully be great.



  • Sasha being face is stupid as fuck. Did no one in the main office watch her run in NXT?
  • Reigns in the main event again is stupid as fuck. But hey, Rock will be there so... yay.
  • Brock's 5 Moves Of Doom are great.
  • Brock vs Ambrose is almost laughable - I hope it gets changed to the Wyatts. Ambrose can go jump off ladders for a while, and hope for a better main event build at some point.
  • All of the "Titans" can go away, and nothing would be lost. Sorry, Ryback fans.
  • I think Harper is losing interest - I could see him leaving in the not too distant future - which would be a huge fucking waste. But if he ends up in Japan, that would be amazing.
  • Owens vs Styles will hopefully be great.

Ambrose would sell for 25 minutes before losing
My favorite part of the main event outcome from last night is my girlfriends reaction. She had the same expression as that one girl with the devil stare that gets posted every once in a while. She hates Roman and loves dean but was fine with Lesnar winning.


So we've got...
- Roman vs. Triple H (w/ part-time distractions to help get Roman over)
- Brock vs. Ambrose and his laughable offense
- Taker vs. Cena (if he has a miracle recovery); if not, Taker vs. Goldberg/Big Dave/Sting's Lifeless Corpse
- Brauny the Strowman winning the ARMBAR
- Owens vs. Styles
- Multi-man Spotfest Match for the US Title
- Charlotte vs. The Boss vs. Becky Lynch
- The New Day vs. The League of Nations

This is our Mania card, isn't it?
At least Bray isn't on the card.


Do I buy ringside smackdown tickets for tomorrow after the shit show that was Fastlane? Y/N?
If you get a rush out of rewarding a company for failure and wasting your money on a main event that will inevitably end in a DQ/non-finish... knock yourself out. They'll see it as an endorsement of their infallible booking and a 10-year main event run for Roman Reigns the uberface.

Please bring a sign that showcases "50/50" booking in some form or fashion if you do.
Are they ever going to really put anyone over Lesnar? If not, what was the point of him beating the Streak?

Right now Roman is the only person they would do that with so I say its better off keeping Brock as the unbeatable force of nature that he is.

Maybe one of these random matches some relatively young guy can pull a win out of nowhere and that will be cool but it should be unexpected.


Well, Owens vs Styles and Brock vs Dean sound pretty good if they end up happening. I like Reigns fine as a performer but I'm not invested in him at all, and I'm pretty skeptical that he and HHH will be able to put on a match worthy of the main event.

I'm also interested in what Sasha and Becky will be doing. A 3 way for the title would be alright.

So, to recap, we are a month from Wrestlemania and the only things of note for me are currently nothing more than speculation. Yay.


Are they ever going to really put anyone over Lesnar? If not, what was the point of him beating the Streak?
Right now the point of the streak was to justify Brocks Salary, bobbing to HHH, and get network subs up after nobody subbed for mania 30.


So we've got...
- Roman vs. Triple H (w/ part-time distractions to help get Roman over)
- Brock vs. Ambrose and his laughable offense
- Taker vs. Cena (if he has a miracle recovery); if not, Taker vs. Goldberg/Big Dave/Sting's Lifeless Corpse
- Brauny the Strowman winning the ARMBAR
- Owens vs. Styles
- Multi-man Spotfest Match for the US Title
- Charlotte vs. The Boss vs. Becky Lynch
- The New Day vs. The League of Nations

This is our Mania card, isn't it?

This wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for that god awful main event. It just ruins everything.




Last night when they brought out the filler segments, I was disappointed that League of Nations or even R-Truth weren't Enzo and Cass.

Also, The Edge and Christian show sucked. Their one note humor does nothing for me and if it was ever funny, it was because of someone else.


So we've got...
- Roman vs. Triple H (w/ part-time distractions to help get Roman over)
- Brock vs. Ambrose and his laughable offense
- Taker vs. Cena (if he has a miracle recovery); if not, Taker vs. Goldberg/Big Dave/Sting's Lifeless Corpse
- Brauny the Strowman winning the ARMBAR
- Owens vs. Styles
- Multi-man Spotfest Match for the US Title
- Charlotte vs. The Boss vs. Becky Lynch
- The New Day vs. The League of Nations

This is our Mania card, isn't it?

I actually think Mark Henry wins the ARMBAR. Retires with a win.

Also, no idea what they'll do with Bray after last night.


So we've got...
- Roman vs. Triple H (w/ part-time distractions to help get Roman over)
- Brock vs. Ambrose and his laughable offense
- Taker vs. Cena (if he has a miracle recovery); if not, Taker vs. Goldberg/Big Dave/Sting's Lifeless Corpse
- Brauny the Strowman winning the ARMBAR
- Owens vs. Styles
- Multi-man Spotfest Match for the US Title
- Charlotte vs. The Boss vs. Becky Lynch
- The New Day vs. The League of Nations

This is our Mania card, isn't it?

Usos and Dudleys unless Uso is injured again.
Probably a Dudley/League/New Day/Uso/ Wyatts/? for the tag belts
Kallisto vs someone on the pre-show also


I felt like the whole we're going to destroy you're god's narrative from Bray was leading to something. Maybe The Rock puts them over by taking a non-match beating from them.


I'm still shocked about how bad Fastlane was. Holy fuck, so many small changes they could have done that would've changed the whole picture but nah fuck that, everything was the laziest fucking outcome, the writing nonexistent, the delivery as unsatisfying as humanly possible, they didn't even bother to get any feud going for WM, except for the shitty main event. So incredibly mediocre.


I think the best match at Fastlane was Kalisto vs Del Rio, and the best match on the actual show was Styles vs Jericho.

Even the triple threat went as anyone of us here could have booked it. Compare that to last year's triple threat at the Rumble with Cena and Rollins and how amazing that was.


He'll probably job to Ziggler and then the Social Outcasts.

He will resurrect Fandango and dance with him into the sunset.

The Sister Abigail curse will be broken, Rowan will join the Social Outcasts, Harper will put Ziggler over and Strowman will become maineventer.


I was stunned with the no sells. It's not something new, I know, but no selling Brock's Kimura and Dean's chair shots was just crazy.

I genuinely felt that WWE has just no clue, none. They do that kind of thing and don't know why people don't like the chosen ones, they book awful feuds with awful promos and absurd finishes like that, making so that some just can't stand their golden boys and also ensuring the rest look extremely weak in the process.

Hell, even Brock looked weirdly vulnerable last night. I mean, the one guy that was almost unbeatable, the guy that broke the streak, the guy they could use to give a MAJOR rub to the next face of the company was wasted in a stupid triple threat match. At least make Roman actually pin Brock after a one on one match if he's the definitive face of the company.

I feel like WWE just wants everyone to look bad and to make sure we don't get invested in anything, as they not only can't deliver something solid, but also try their best to make everything as disappointing as they possibly can.

I honestly don't care if we're entering the Roman era anymore. If that's the thing they want and will do, fine, I can tune out from the main event scene, but just fucking do it already and do it convincingly, as they're not doing anyone any favors.

He will resurrect Fandango and dance with him into the sunset.

I could actually imagine that while reading it, and it was great lol



  • Sasha being face is stupid as fuck. Did no one in the main office watch her run in NXT?

Sasha is a face in the meta-story. WWE could have Sasha running around as a heel but she's not going to get booed by PPV crowds. Given that, hands are tied booking-wise with what to do with her.

It's a testament to Kevin Owens that he can get a nice number of boos from crowds that like him.


They are gonna get everything to try and get Roman over.

And it probably won't work and every PPV for the next 10 years will feature Roman conquering the odds while the loyal audience gets older and a 5th hour of raw is added


Bryan Alvarez brought up a good point on the Bryan & Vinny show in regards to Charlotte's selling.

Brie had Charlotte in both the Yes Lock and then a Half Crab for at least one minute total, and then after Brie lets go of the submission hold due to her "bad leg", Charlotte immediately jumps up and quickly applies the Figure Eight. Then after the match, she walks down the aisle without showing much of any residual effect from Brie's submission holds.

Bryan's bewilderment and his reaction to that was great. :lol


We'll all still watch Mania and either say it was better than expected or we'll complain online about our disappointment. And Vince will keep making money all the while.


We'll all still watch Mania and either say it was better than expected or we'll complain online about our disappointment. And Vince will keep making money all the while.

I won't, my subscription is cancelled and I no longer watch the weekly shows. I'll check the results and see the highlights online though, but not on WWE's channel.

You guys need to stop acting like Rollins coming back is gonna change shit. Seth's just going to come back to play an indignant heel who wants his title back, job to Roman for around 3 to 6 months, and get pushed down to the 50/50 club.

He will change something, he'll make the shows and PPVs more watchable. He won't make WWE change their ways, no one will do that. He will just do what he used to, be the best wrestler on the roster and consistently pull great matches.
Bork vs featherweight Dean can work if it's no DQ and both guys get some color. Bork obviously doesn't give a shit and bleeds when he feels like it but it's gonna be up to Dean to either convince Vinny Mac or risk angering folks backstage to kick the match up to another level.


I won't, my subscription is cancelled and I no longer watch the weekly shows. I'll check the results and see the highlights online though, but not on WWE's channel.

He will change something, he'll make the shows and PPVs more watchable. He won't make WWE change their ways, no one will do that. He will just do what he used to, be the best wrestler on the roster and consistently pull great matches.

Actually, you're right. I also don't watch the main shows or the PPVs anymore, and just listen to the results on The LAW while finding the stuff that sounds interesting on YouTube.

Still, it's Mania. I'll probably watch Mania, if for nothing else than the entrances and to see the stage setup.


How does Brock put over Ambrose to another level? Beat the blood and piss out of him for 15 mins til the point he's just a stain in the mat crawling through his own blood...Brock gives that "what is wrong with you look?? Why don't you quit???" And then finally ends the match.

Do something similar Austin/Bret but with Brock violence
Brock v Dean sounds terrible. Dean needs to work on his shitty moves...especially those punches. It'll basically be Brock doing his normal shit of suplex/no selling and Dean making stupid faces.



Yay Monday.

Fast thoughts on Fastlane.

Owens Ziggs good
Jericho AJ good enough
Sasha tag match better than I thought it be.
New Day and Edge & Christian was fun
Main event was cool despite people not being on board with the road to WrestlemaniaStarBullhorns

The rest was poop.

I had no expectations going into Fastlane, and it was even worse than I expected.

Things that stood out:

-Glad they're keeping the belt on Kalisto.
-Becky & Sasha keeps putting on great matches
-Y2J and AJ had a good, yet sloppy match
-Bre vs. Charlotte was godawful
-Wyatt's are useless. Break them up if they're going to be anything but PPV jobbers
-Ryback is still unsafe as fuck in the ring
-New Day segment was awful, and I hope that wasn't how they planned to turn them face
-There was no point to the R-truth match. They could've moved that to the pre-show instead
-I guess I should've known Roman was going to win given how much they hinted at Brock vs. Ambrose happening at WM. Horrible ending though.

Fastlane started out strong, then quickly fell off.


Are they ever going to really put anyone over Lesnar? If not, what was the point of him beating the Streak?

1) At this point I don't think they're going to put anyone over Lesnar clean. And if they do, the significance of it is going to be drastically reduced since Brock hasn't been putting up dominating W's anymore and isn't the God King champion.

2) The point of him beating the streak was because Vince wanted to waste a 20 year legacy on a shock value moment.
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