I was stunned with the no sells. It's not something new, I know, but no selling Brock's Kimura and Dean's chair shots was just crazy.
I genuinely felt that WWE has just no clue, none. They do that kind of thing and don't know why people don't like the chosen ones, they book awful feuds with awful promos and absurd finishes like that, making so that some just can't stand their golden boys and also ensuring the rest look extremely weak in the process.
Hell, even Brock looked weirdly vulnerable last night. I mean, the one guy that was almost unbeatable, the guy that broke the streak, the guy they could use to give a MAJOR rub to the next face of the company was wasted in a stupid triple threat match. At least make Roman actually pin Brock after a one on one match if he's the definitive face of the company.
I feel like WWE just wants everyone to look bad and to make sure we don't get invested in anything, as they not only can't deliver something solid, but also try their best to make everything as disappointing as they possibly can.
I honestly don't care if we're entering the Roman era anymore. If that's the thing they want and will do, fine, I can tune out from the main event scene, but just fucking do it already and do it convincingly, as they're not doing anyone any favors.
He will resurrect Fandango and dance with him into the sunset.
I could actually imagine that while reading it, and it was great lol