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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.

Early on I was on board with Naomi deserving more of a push than she was getting when she started wrestling but after all this time I've yet to see her do anything other than start doing a stupid move as a finish, I honestly can't remember her having a good singles match. Maybe it was on Smackdown or one of the hour long shows WWE doesn't care about so that's why so many still think she's some great performer. *shrug* I want the Charlotte match at WM to be a four way because as displayed last night triple threats annoy the shit out of me with how they have to be put together, it's such a dumb gimmick where there's always someone taking a break because aside from 2 on 1 moments you can't work a match with three people and the only reason it was created is because a tag match was booked and one of the guys no showed. At least with a four way each person has someone to actually work with, Paige would probably be the best candidate to move into that spot and have them all work together at house shows the next few weeks to get it down.

Twitter spoiled Shane showing up for me but that's cool, shame this story line isn't going to lead to actually changing what's broken in WWE but if it means FINALLY getting Stephanie off TV again then for the love of god please make it happen, I won't even be mad if the Undertaker is squashed in 30 seconds to make it fucking happen. Triple H getting cheer for annihilating the Roman simply is not good for Roman's future as the face of the company, didn't need a video to prove that was a blood capsule, seemed pretty obvious to me. Then there's Dean, I don't know... I just continue shaking my head with the direction he's has gone in the last two years from the stupid left over DX paint in Seth's MITB briefcase to jobbing to a stupid TV pyro thing to Roman's lil'buddy and his move set that drives up up a wall I'm starting to sour on him and it's not entirely his fault, that pre-show beat down wasn't even that brutal but they have him doing the incredibly obvious ambulance return thing only to drag himself as if he's near death. If their match doesn't recycle the Austin/Bret finish with Brock beating the shit out of him but Dean not staying down then, pffffffft. There's no way Dean is going over Brock with the way they've made him look over the last several months.

And barring some sort of tragedy Takeover is easily going to be the best show that weekend and still what I'm a million times more interested in.
Bret staying and Shawn leaving would have been, without a doubt, the best thing for everyone. Austin-McMahon still happens. Whose to say it wouldn't?

-keeps Owen alive
-finishing his feud with Austin
-programs with Rock (who hated Shawn and refused to work with him), Jericho, Angle
-willing to put said guys over without making up stories how you lost your smile or threatening to get them fired

He was in no way stale and was over huge. Biggest star in the company. I have no earthly idea where you came up with that, and think Bret leaving, and not Shawn, was better for the company.

LOL. This is just crazy talk.

-I'm not even going to address the Owen thing.

-Bret already got run circles around him by Austin in the ring and on the mic. The fans were going to make Austin the guy and Bret would have just held that back. In fact, the Hart family was holding back Austin's momentum, time after time. Let's not forget all the jobs he did. Or the fact that Owen nearly killed him.

-All those other matches are crazy hypotheticals. The only one that ever had a chance of happening was Bret vs. Jericho when they were both in WCW for a year before Jericho left, but Hart never worked him, nor is there any evidence he ever wanted to elevate him.

-That's funny, since we're talking about a guy who wouldn't do the job for anyone in the Kliq, even though they had once offered him a spot in the faction, which he refused.


Bottom line is: Bret Hart was against the whole idea of the "Attitude Era" and controversial storylines. He was against "shades of grey" characters. He hated his own after the Canada gimmick. He didn't like the concept of D-Generation X either, which had just started to go before the Screwjob. He would have been a millstone around the creative neck of the WWE and the Attitude Era had he stayed. You need people who can see the creative vision of the company and go with it, or those people have to go. Undertaker was skeptical of the Attitude Era, but he knew how to get on board and row the damn boat.

He was also a financial millstone around the neck of the company. The idea that Vince "chose Shawn over Bret" is silly. Vince first had to get rid of Bret's 20-year contract to make the company public and sell stock. If he couldn't make the company public and sell stock, the company would have gone under with expenses and debt. So that put Bret back on the negotiating table so he could sign with WCW. It wasn't "Vince chose Shawn over Bret." It was "Vince chose to keep the company in business."

Without the Screwjob, there likely never would been a "Mr. McMahon" character. No "Mr.Mcmahon" and who knows how the rise of Stone Cold Steve Austin would have played out. What we do know is that as it did play out after the Screwjob, with Stone Cold vs. "Mr. McMahon," it set box office records.

Bret Hart was doing 250K PPV buys on top. After he left, buys went way up. Way up. So did ratings.

I know all these facts may be hard for a Bret Hart fan to swallow, but it's pretty indisputable. The Montreal Screwjob ended up being one of the greatest bits of business in the modern era of pro wrestling.

Jamie OD

Taker Vs Shane? That's just sad. If the storyline is
Shane gets someone like Cena to wrestle in his place
then that would be better.


I'm going to the ROH PPV on Friday.

Filthy Tom Lawler just leaked that Meltzer is going to be there.... Omg omg omg omg Meltz!!!!

Shane vs. Taker in HIAC and
Brock vs. Ambrose in a Street Fight?


I don't even give a shit if it's some asspull because they're desperate. I'm back in, baby

I am so so so excited to see Shane back in the company, one of my all time favs from the Attitude era. Can't wait to see what he and Taker have planned if Cena does indeed miss the match.


So not worth it
Three of the four guys in the top two matches of Wrestlemania will be 46 or older

And one of four people is the only one that nobody gives a shit about.

Hint: It's the young guy.

Next time you guys complain about Roman, please consider that if you want young stars to replace the old ones, you have to stop hating every single one of them.
Vince needs to push young kids like AJ Styles.

It was nice to see a live murder cheered on live TV though, all it was missing was a shovel.
I'm home ill at the mo, and watching shane'o'mac return was the first thing to perk me up in days. Fantastic to see him back, though I worry about how he'll be utilised in th ecurrent climate.

Finale was hilarious. Heel/face reactions are defo gonna be like mania'22 but even worse


you guys remember how on sunday "wwe was screwed because they booked themselves into a hole and they didnt have a surprise shock to save it like rollins cashing in last year"

And one of four people is the only one that nobody gives a shit about.

Hint: It's the young guy.

Next time you guys complain about Roman, please consider that if you want young stars to replace the old ones, you have to stop hating every single one of them.

There are and have been plenty of younger guys people actually like
Really hope Lesnar gets some quick training in with Joey Ryan before Mania.

WWE creative must have that listed as his Achilles heel, the only way to topple the beast.
So.... 45 year old Shane is totally going off the roof of the cell isnt he?

This entire thing makes zero sense but sure. OK. Its so preposterous Ill allow it.


Good observer radio.

Interesting discussion how people may put Shane one a pedestal when his booking ideas might not be great.


So WWE saw Kimbo/Dada5000 and said "We can do one better! Maybe some will actually die!".

How the fuck can you be excited about a 46 year old non-athlete businessman who hasn't been active in ring since forever against a 50 year old broken down, concussion addled tall guy?

Fucking hell. Nostalgia overpowering people's minds here.
How the fuck can you be excited about a 46 year old non-athlete businessman who hasn't been active in ring since forever against a 50 year old broken down, concussion addled tall guy?

Fucking hell. Nostalgia overpowering people's minds here.

No joke, I got about a dozen texts this morning from friends of mine who used to be fans and were freaking out about Shane. It's an absurd match on paper, but one the casual and lapsed fans are going to go nuts over.
For those that have been to nxt recordings before how fast do these sell out? Am I going to have to be on the ball to attempt getting front row tickets?


Does Shane have anything with regards to the company that prove he was related to drama like Steph's 9/11 comnents, outing or disrupting a career such as Chyna?

I know Shane has some business ideas such as ECW, early online media coverage and matches, and early appreciation for Different ideas that aren't the bodybuilding cartoon that is the WWE norm.

I mean many dislike Steph including myself because she is an untouchable heel who always maintains her heat and the promotion of her outside the WWE business despite her being a heel. Frankly her position and booking probably isn't going to change at all but maybe after all of this she focues on What ever she actually does backstage.


No joke, I got about a dozen texts this morning from friends of mine who used to be fans and were freaking out about Shane. It's an absurd match on paper, but one the casual and lapsed fans are going to go nuts over.


It can't be Shane wrestling right? He's going to bring someone else in for him. They can't possibly pivot off DBry retirement into putting a match like this together on their biggest stage.


LOL. This is just crazy talk.

-I'm not even going to address the Owen thing.

-Bret already got run circles around him by Austin in the ring and on the mic. The fans were going to make Austin the guy and Bret would have just held that back. In fact, the Hart family was holding back Austin's momentum, time after time. Let's not forget all the jobs he did. Or the fact that Owen nearly killed him.
"I'm not going to address the Owen thing" then blames Owen for 'holding down Austin'. How in the bluest of fucks did any of them hold back Austin? He wasn't a main event star - yet - in 1997 and profited off feuding with the biggest star of the company. It made him hugely more popular. He also wrested circles around him, priceless.

-All those other matches are crazy hypotheticals. The only one that ever had a chance of happening was Bret vs. Jericho when they were both in WCW for a year before Jericho left, but Hart never worked him, nor is there any evidence he ever wanted to elevate him.
They're hypotheticals because they never happened and would have been super effective for their careers. He is willing to put over Ken Shamrock for the title. Mr. Kliq was never going to do that.

-That's funny, since we're talking about a guy who wouldn't do the job for anyone in the Kliq, even though they had once offered him a spot in the faction, which he refused.
Why would he want to join that group? Tons of guys from that era hated them, notably Shawn. Shawn was doing it on his own early on. Spreading rumors on Tatanka saying he has a 'bad attitude'. All because he was close to taking away his IC title. For many guys they have tried sabotaging their push. Most popular one is trying to do so when Bret wrestled The Rock when he was carrying the IC belt. Both Shawn and Hunter were saying for Bret to go over him and take the belt. Bret refused and said it would have hurt him so early in his career. See, unlike those two clowns, he never purposely tried to ruin someone else's career.

It's easier to ask, who did like them from that era?

Bottom line is: Bret Hart was against the whole idea of the "Attitude Era" and controversial storylines.
Many guys did. Owen hated it. Goldberg hated it in his short time in the company. For Owen, they tried pushing him into an angle with Debra and he refused. Then he gets the Blue Blazer gimmick.

Bret Hart was doing 250K PPV buys on top. After he left, buys went way up. Way up. So did ratings.

I know all these facts may be hard for a Bret Hart fan to swallow, but it's pretty indisputable. The Montreal Screwjob ended up being one of the greatest bits of business in the modern era of pro wrestling.
Ratings only started to substantially go up in April of '98, after Mania 14. Austin's success and Tyson's involvement in the PPV. All the PPV's with these sport celebs have produced gold for viewers (LT, Tyson, Mayweather). Wrestling boom along with raunchier storylines. He wouldn't have survived or aided that process? Pretty ridiculous statement to say considering he was one of the biggest names in wrestling at that point.


so what if

Shane is working with HHH and Steph to wrestle control away from Vince. Shane gets RAW, Steph gets Smackdown!, HHH get NXT. HHH/Steph are the Heel Authority on RAW while being face at NXT, all a work, just doing what daddy wants.

HHH is pissed off that his NXT guys are working their asses off and are brought up to the main roster to job to mid-carders. HHH intervenes at Wrestlemania, looking like he's going to tear Shane apart, then attacks Undertaker. Shane gets control of RAW and by extension, the entire company and heel authority dissolves.

HHH tries to bury the hatchet with Roman, Roman gets pissy that he's been put through hell for months and is expected to forgive and forget, turning heel, Seth comes back and everything has changed and feels left out, joins up with heel Roman. Ambrose rejoins midway through the year.

Survivor Series sees Vince come back and gets an elimination match for the control of RAW with The Shield as his enforcers.


Outside of HHH, Cena, Taker, and Brock, nobody is getting to do that

Old part time, Cena, Old extremely part time, part time.

I am sensing there is a problem here. God its so frustrating to even think about! I thought cutting off main roster stuff would make me more nonchalant about this stuff but I like too many guys in the company and they keep signing guys I like even more :(
Old part time, Cena, Old extremely part time, part time.

I am sensing there is a problem here. God its so frustrating to even think about! I thought cutting off main roster stuff would make me more nonchalant about this stuff but I like too many guys in the company and they keep signing guys I like even more :(

This is a company that has done absolutely nothing to try and build a main event heel since Rollins went down (no Sheamus doesn't count). Where are the heels? Taker and Lesnar are having matches with babyfaces because they refuse to make credible heels
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