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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.


Maybe Roman is simply working HHH into thinking that he is actually strong with the blood packet and selling to him.

Roman is just trying to make this old man feel big and at Mania he will expose HHH as a fake tough guy when he and DADA5000 beat him and take the belt.

It's a work, friends
Too bad it's not a regular cage match. Wanna see Shane jump off the top of the cage and leg splash Taker.
Then to see Taker wake up like old Taker


Loved Trips getting that babyface applaud and yes chant, Wrestlemania is going to hilarious, Reigns getting booed out the stadium. Also lol @ Shane o'mac and taker in hell in the cell. Wonder if he'll do any crazy spots.


I think people missed one great thing about Shane's return last night.

JBL's call of 'Shane's come back to support his sister.'

I hate JBL's commentary, but he sometimes has moments of Gold like this.

You must not listen to commentary very often. They telegraph this stuff from miles away all the time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So I assume Owens is doing either a ladder match like last year's IC match or just fighting Styles, right?

I'm a little skeptical of the ladder match simply because there aren't many guys around to do the ladder match.


Pollock's real day job is covering MMA so after having to talk about the near death of Dada5000 I think he wasn't ready to accept Shane O Mac having a match in the year of our lord 2016.

Plus Shane's return does nothing to fix fundamental issues with the show....yet.

Its not that. He just never been a fan of Shane as a wrestler. If you heard his review of the Shane vs Angle match in 2001 and his other past reviews you knew this was coming.


Well, something happened on Raw so that's good. It's better than most weeks.

Shane making some sort of brand split would be great but, again, WWE doesn't care enough to do that. They would have to be totally different products that would bring some competition and life into wrestling.

Instead we get an old non-wrestler agains an older wrestler. Oh well.
They don't have the roster to support a brand split, even if the roster was at full health.

I disagree totally. They have a ton of guys not being used as well as a lot of guys in NXT who really shouldn't be there anymore.

Two seperate shows with zero roster sharing is much more interesting than Smackdown being a recap show.

With all the talent they are signing I think a brand split is inevitable.


I disagree totally. They have a ton of guys not being used as well as a lot of guys in NXT who really shouldn't be there anymore.

Two seperate shows with zero roster sharing is much more interesting than Smackdown being a recap show.

With all the talent they are signing I think a brand split is inevitable.

They don't have the roster to support three brand-split shows. And on top of that, creative can't find ways to properly use the roster they have on one three hour show. Splitting the roster is just going to turn Raw into an even more slowly paced padded out experience.


Man, HHH got cheered like crazy beating down Roman. It's not going to be better at Mania. Can't believe they will try to push Roman as a super-face given these reactions. I mean, they will but seems super misguided, even more than Cena.


My hope for the Taker/Shane story going into Mania...

Taker comes out next week and calls out Vince McMahon. He says he won't be his puppet. Vince fires back and says he owns him. Shane comes out and says he respects Taker, but that this is personal for him, so he'll give Taker all he's got despite sympathizing with Taker's position of not wanting to be Vince's puppet. Vince plants a small seed of doubt and tries to stir the pot a bit between the two men.

The week after, Shane says he's been training. He starts feeling confident and says he is going to WIN at Mania. Taker comes out and they placate each other a bit but signs of genuine animosity start to show. Taker lets Shane know that he doesn't know what he's in for, and that the Hell in a Cell is a match that leaves scars that stay forever. Vince is shown in the back smiling. He comes out and plays them against each other even more while just hanging out on the ramp with a mic. He coaxes Undertaker into getting ready to chokeslam Shane. Undertaker fights the urge and lets go of Shane's neck and just points at him while leaving the ring. He walks by Vince and gives him a look as he walks to the back.

The following week, Shane calls out Vince. He says he knows what he's trying to do but it's not going to work. He'll give his all at Mania, but he's not going to let Vince get into his head to disrespect Taker. Taker comes out and says he's tired of this talk of respect. He says Shane needs to understand what the hell in a cell means. He says he let go of Shane's neck the week before because he didn't want to do what Vince wanted. But this time, "I'm doing this for ME and to teach you a lesson, BOY." He grabs Shane and choke slams him. Vince is stunned, then grins sadistically from the side of the chaos.

Shane goes in as a babyface, and Taker as a semi-face with selfish heel tendencies.

Maybe? I dunno. Bored at work and came up with this. Woooooo.


Man, HHH got cheered like crazy beating down Roman. It's not going to be better at Mania. Can't believe they will try to push Roman as a super-face given these reactions. I mean, they will but seems super misguided, even more than Cena.

Cena was at least over with the entire crowd as singles competitor for a couple of years.

Roman's big singles push really began at last year's Rumble... where he was booed out of the building. Since then, reactions have been mixed to negative the majority of the time, with some positive reactions here and there.

It blows my mind, but they have their mind set on the guy. Nothing is going to stop them.


The DX crotch chop is definitely a face move/taunt, and Hunter absolutely knows that.

Its possible that he just did it spontaneously because he was high on adrenaline.

Hunter wont play a weasily, weak heel, he will play a strong dominating heel, but he is already being cheered. So its gonna be a face pretending to be a heel vs a heel pretending to be a face.


Meanwhile, in Baywatch land...




Comes down, gets a huge pop, beats up Roman one on one, big pops, Roman bleeds, big pop, does all his face crotch chopping shit.

The King of Kings baby, how can you NOT like him? Like it doesn't matter if he tries to play heel - its Seth vs Cena all over again doesn't matter, everyone is going to boo the babyface (except more people liked Cena than Reigns).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

WWE knows EXACTLY what they're doing, and all this Roman push and lack of substance was to build HHH as a face for Wrestlemania since the very beginning.

Just kidding. I'll give you the non-ISEC sarcasm version.

They're building to something bigger that involves Roman and they're giving HHH these spots for a reason.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You guys have such short memories.

HHH is NOT a face in this storyline. HHH, married to one of the biggest heel on the program, Stephanie McMahon, and son in law to the biggest wolf of them all, Vince McMahon, is NOT branching off on his own the fight for justice and the American way.

Go back and watch TLC to remind yourselves why the character got the crap beat out of him by Reigns. They're not breaking kayfabe to play to the crowd's cheers. There's still a storyline taking place.

WWE listens to their audience. Things change.

Also keep in mind "WWE listens to their audience" does not force them to act and give the audience what they want. They work with it, not serving one or the other.


The real answer is that creative is trying to apply the Daniel Bryan template to Roman thinking it will get the crowd behind him, but it backfired on Raw last night and made everyone root for HHH.

lol @ anyone who actually thinks hunter is a face in this storyline

just because he's incapable of acting like a true heel (see: kevin owens) does not mean he's a face. he's attacking roman reigns, who is the underdog babyface fighting all the odds in this program. that makes him the BAD GUY. all of the playing to the crowd with crotch chops, beating people up like a badass and beating the living shit out of a guy everyone hates is irrelevant.

Eh, what does Owens do that makes him incapable of acting like a true heel? Dude is probably one of the better heels on the roster.


lol @ anyone who actually thinks hunter is a face in this storyline

just because he's incapable of acting like a true heel (see: kevin owens) does not mean he's a face. he's attacking roman reigns, who is the underdog babyface fighting all the odds in this program. that makes him the BAD GUY. all of the playing to the crowd with crotch chops, beating people up like a badass and beating the living shit out of a guy everyone hates is irrelevant.


The real answer is that creative is trying to apply the Daniel Bryan template to Roman thinking it will get the crowd behind him, but it backfired on Raw last night and made everyone root for HHH.

Are they still trying to pass Roman as an underdog? I thought we were past that already.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The real answer is that creative is trying to apply the Daniel Bryan template to Roman thinking it will get the crowd behind him, but it backfired on Raw last night and made everyone root for HHH.

No, the Rumble was the exact same way

lol @ anyone who actually thinks hunter is a face in this storyline

just because he's incapable of acting like a true heel (see: kevin owens) does not mean he's a face. he's attacking roman reigns, who is the underdog babyface fighting all the odds in this program. that makes him the BAD GUY. all of the playing to the crowd with crotch chops, beating people up like a badass and beating the living shit out of a guy everyone hates is irrelevant.

Hunter is being cheered for denying Roman. This is babyface behavior. Things change, like this story.


No, the Rumble was the exact same way

You mean the Royal Rumble where Roman was built up as the ultimate underdog, announcers acted kayfabe stunned when he was eliminated by the heel HHH, but the crowd popped when Roman got eliminated? Naw man, I don't buy them having a bigger plan for Roman. I think they're just trying to apply underdog tropes to Roman thinking it will get people behind him (because, to be fair, underdog tropes usually work), but it's backfiring hard on Roman.


My hope for the Taker/Shane story going into Mania...

Taker comes out next week and calls out Vince McMahon. He says he won't be his puppet. Vince fires back and says he owns him. Shane comes out and says he respects Taker, but that this is personal for him, so he'll give Taker all he's got despite sympathizing with Taker's position of not wanting to be Vince's puppet. Vince plants a small seed of doubt and tries to stir the pot a bit between the two men.

The week after, Shane says he's been training. He starts feeling confident and says he is going to WIN at Mania. Taker comes out and they placate each other a bit but signs of genuine animosity start to show. Taker lets Shane know that he doesn't know what he's in for, and that the Hell in a Cell is a match that leaves scars that stay forever. Vince is shown in the back smiling. He comes out and plays them against each other even more while just hanging out on the ramp with a mic. He coaxes Undertaker into getting ready to chokeslam Shane. Undertaker fights the urge and lets go of Shane's neck and just points at him while leaving the ring. He walks by Vince and gives him a look as he walks to the back.

The following week, Shane calls out Vince. He says he knows what he's trying to do but it's not going to work. He'll give his all at Mania, but he's not going to let Vince get into his head to disrespect Taker. Taker comes out and says he's tired of this talk of respect. He says Shane needs to understand what the hell in a cell means. He says he let go of Shane's neck the week before because he didn't want to do what Vince wanted. But this time, "I'm doing this for ME and to teach you a lesson, BOY." He grabs Shane and choke slams him. Vince is stunned, then grins sadistically from the side of the chaos.

Shane goes in as a babyface, and Taker as a semi-face with selfish heel tendencies.

Maybe? I dunno. Bored at work and came up with this. Woooooo.
For me it's pretty incredible to think that someone can come up with better scenarios while bored at work than the whole WWE "creative" team will ever do.


It's never going to happen because it's HHH, but I bet fans would cheer Roman at Mania if he completely squashed and destroyed HHH in that match. Similar to Brock and Cena at SummerSlam.


Shane's segment was pretty cool. The pop during his entrance and, specially, when he denied Vince's hug was crazy. Also, Steph's got the second most irritating voice in wrestling, Vickie is still number 1.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You mean the Royal Rumble where Roman was built up as the ultimate underdog, announcers acted kayfabe stunned when he was eliminated by the heel HHH, but the crowd popped when Roman got eliminated? Naw man, I don't buy them having a bigger plan for Roman. I think they're just trying to apply underdog tropes to Roman thinking it will get people behind him (because, to be fair, underdog tropes usually work), but it's backfiring hard on Roman.

You gotta look at the underlying body language though. Crotch chops are always cheered, and HHH did them. Also he runs NXT, a fact that's getting harder and harder for them to not call attention to. There's been a lot said that it doesn't make sense that he works two different "personalities" and this is a bridge to unify the two so he can simply be HHH.


You gotta look at the underlying body language though. Crotch chops are always cheered, and HHH did them. Also he runs NXT, a fact that's getting harder and harder for them to not call attention to. There's been a lot said that it doesn't make sense that he works two different "personalities" and this is a bridge to unify the two so he can simply be HHH.

I think you're giving WWE writers way too much credit here. Also, the crotch chop (at least in WWE) started off as a heel gesture that simply got over. Hunter also did the crotch chop against Daniel Bryan, IIRC. Cole and Saxton, the face announcers, are still acting like Roman is getting 100% screwed unjustly behind this. The intention is still that HHH is the heel and Roman is the face. Crowds just aren't buying it.


I know social media is not kayfabe at all but Paul called Nakamura "the best of the best" yesterday, and he destroyed Reigns' ass just a few hours ago. How the fuck could I boo him?


Eh, what does Owens do that makes him incapable of acting like a true heel? Dude is probably one of the better heels on the roster.

that's what I'm saying. Owens is probably the best true heel on the roster. he does heel shit. he gets the crowd pissed. he denies them what they want. he eliminates aj styles from the royal rumble.

hunter gave that crowd exactly what they want. but it's clear in wwe land that the live crowd doesn't matter, or else roman would have never got this far.


You guys have such short memories.

HHH is NOT a face in this storyline. HHH, married to one of the biggest heel on the program, Stephanie McMahon, and son in law to the biggest wolf of them all, Vince McMahon, is NOT branching off on his own the fight for justice and the American way.

Go back and watch TLC to remind yourselves why the character got the crap beat out of him by Reigns. They're not breaking kayfabe to play to the crowd's cheers. There's still a storyline taking place.

Uh. Maybe you should go back and watch Survivor Series where HHH goes out to congratulate Roman and Roman spears him for no reason causing Sheamus to cash in MITB. Then at TLC, HHH is just out there after the match trying to stop Roman from destroying Sheamus since referees couldn't do it and he gets laid out only to make a triumphant return at the Rumble.

HHH is not the heel in this story. He hasn't been for months.


Still don't see Taker fighting for Vince, it's very weird.

Vince is the higher power, though

Uh. Maybe you should go back and watch Survivor Series where HHH goes out to congratulate Roman and Roman spears him for no reason causing Sheamus to cash in MITB. Then at TLC, HHH is just out there after the match trying to stop Roman from destroying Sheamus since referees couldn't do it and he gets laid out only to make a triumphant return at the Rumble.

HHH is not the heel in this story. He hasn't been for months.

Okay, I can see the "HHH is the face" angle from this perspective. However, Roman speared HHH because HHH is the heel authority figure who had been screwing over other people before Roman was a title contender, plus Roman and HHH have a feud dating back to The Shield vs Evolution (where HHH was the heel). So you could say that Roman spearing HHH was a continuation of that feud as well as Roman not wanting to play ball with the powerful heel faction.


Eh, what does Owens do that makes him incapable of acting like a true heel? Dude is probably one of the better heels on the roster.

Owen toes the line pretty hard. He's often too entertaining on the mic and too dominating in the ring to be a "true heel". From what I can gather, a 'True Heel':

1) Doesn't do anything fantastical in the ring. No impressive moves unless they are power moves.
2) Makes the crowd hate him on the mic -for real-

Owens does death valley drivers, swanton bombs, pump handle neck breakers, and takes clotheslines with inside out sells and DDTs with headstand sells. He's too entertaining in the ring.

Owens can talk so well on the mic and does hilarious yapping in the ring and against Michael Cole. People love hearing him talk, especially when he's being a jerk.

The only time he starts working 'True Heel' is when his ring work is all chops, sentons, and super kicks. And the only time he's 'True Heel' on the mic is when he delivers promos like the NXT "you're the John Cena of wrestling fans" promo. But even then, smarks love him for working a crowd that well.

It's the same as The New Day -- snarky face comedy for 90% of their promo, then tack on a jab at local sports team to show how heel they are in the end.


Okay, I can see the "HHH is the face" angle from this perspective. However, Roman speared HHH because HHH is the heel authority figure who had been screwing over other people before Roman was a title contender, plus Roman and HHH have a feud dating back to The Shield vs Evolution (where HHH was the heel). So you could say that Roman spearing HHH was a continuation of that feud as well as Roman not wanting to play ball with the powerful heel faction.

It's WWE though. They don't expect you to remember 6 months ago let alone 18 months ago.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think you're giving WWE writers way too much credit here. Also, the crotch chop (at least in WWE) started off as a heel gesture that simply got over. Hunter also did the crotch chop against Daniel Bryan, IIRC. Cole and Saxton, the face announcers, are still acting like Roman is getting 100% screwed unjustly behind this. The intention is still that HHH is the heel and Roman is the face. Crowds just aren't buying it.

Cmon, they have Max Landis on staff.
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