it's basically just a wrestlecon match that will be happening in the stadium instead of in a warehouse in front of a handful of people and drunk Brian Christopher
I think that says something about WWE's inability to build talent.
it's basically just a wrestlecon match that will be happening in the stadium instead of in a warehouse in front of a handful of people and drunk Brian Christopher
Are we agreed that the main event will just be Reigns/HHH?
They've made countless flawed decisions in Roman's booking that have served to do the opposite of making him look strong up until now. Why do you think this mid-tier network special is anything different?Its a line Teddy Roosevelt coined.
And no I don't agree that is going to be the card at all. There isn't any reason for Ambrose to be on the card at Fastlane otherwise because it will just get Roman booed even more.
We're getting Triple H vs. Reigns, Lesnar vs. Wyatt and Undertaker vs. Strowman at the biggest WrestleMania of all-time. We just have to get used to the fact that the card will be complete ass and accept it. They'll throw Dwayne and Austin into the main event to get some pops. It's all good.If they go with Reigns vs HHH it would be a disaster. Probably be the worst Mania of all time. Vince needs to put Lesnar in the main event.
Wrestlemania will be a one night tournament for the title as a tribute to Mania 4
Why's everyone talking about Mania's main event
You should instead be talking about how Vince allegedly (PWInsider after all) is torn between having Strowman fight Taker at Mania or having Strowman fight Brock at Mania
We finally getting a new star :')))
Ryback looking more slimmer?Ryback went full Goldberg with his new gear:
Ryback went full Goldberg with his new gear:
This is exactly why he was wearing the singlet when he came back and did the streak- they didn't want him looking like a knockoff. Never had a body type that needed one.Ryback went full Goldberg with his new gear:
This fucking companySD
* Kevin Owens vs. WWE United States Champion Kalisto in a non-title match is next, with Dolph Ziggler on commentary. Kalisto gets the win with an assist from Ziggler.
WWE's Creative team already forgot about that promo. Makes as much sense as Roman being inserted into this match up by the Authority in the first place.A few weeks before the rumble Bray said "Anyone but you Roman, anyone but you" and now he's gonna interfere in the Fastlane main event and take out Lesnar helping Reigns win in the process. Makes perfect sense.
* Kevin Owens vs. WWE United States Champion Kalisto in a non-title match is next, with Dolph Ziggler on commentary. Kalisto gets the win with an assist from Ziggler.
No surprises there. Not a single solitary person is being built up in that program.This fucking company
* Kevin Owens vs. WWE United States Champion Kalisto in a non-title match is next, with Dolph Ziggler on commentary. Kalisto gets the win with an assist from Ziggler.
* Kevin Owens vs. WWE United States Champion Kalisto in a non-title match is next, with Dolph Ziggler on commentary. Kalisto gets the win with an assist from Ziggler.
Fucking Trump!Might as well count election night as a football game. At least this was the only one on a Monday.
... They've probably given up on him. Not surprised if that's the case.
... They've probably given up on him. Not surprised if that's the case.
He was getting too credible. Have to bury him now so that fans aren't screaming from the rafters for a title program against Reigns after Mania. They clearly have other plans in mind.scust. he was fucking killing it all the way to the rumble. why the sudden shit bookings for this guy?
This is also true. 50/50 in a nutshell. They'll all be involved in some schmoz of a match at Mania.You know he is going to beat Ziggler at fastlane right?
Feels a bit like they might be worried about having viable faces for Mania matches so even Ziggler is getting wins.
You're probably right.Feels a bit like they might be worried about having viable faces for Mania matches so even Ziggler is getting wins.
Dolph will be back in his place in like 2 weeks
Remember when Owens was rumored to be fighting taker
Good times
Did anyone else feel like Reigns was much more entertaining and enjoyable in the tag role last night over the typical singles we've been seeing?
I think Ambrose is going to end up being the next babyface. The crowd is just so into him, corny and lame moves and all.
Ziggler even lost clean to Heath Slater less than a month ago.Remember the last 15 months when the only people he beat clean before Owens Monday were Harper and Breeze
Good times
Clearly he's just too damnRemember when Owens was rumored to be fighting taker
Good times
From the rumble I thought he was going to face AJ Styles after the Jericho program is done.
Remember how over Kofi Kingston got after his endless stream of singles matches trading wins with Ziggler for three straight years?There's no way you can spin "50/50 feud with Dolph Ziggler in 2016" as a positive. I'm sorry.
He should have had some time in NXT with the rest of the new recruits. Because nothing is more important to the WWE than their talent learning how to wrestle the WWE way.Agreed, AJ has to bake in the WWE oven for a bit, get to know the cameras, the rules and regulations, how to take all that and make a match so the two talents involved are not wasted. It's a different beast and I think at times we underestimate that because we harbor resentment towards their creative process.
He still might.
It looks like they are trying to heat AJ up first before doing a proper feud.
Very smart
There's no way you can spin "50/50 feud with Dolph Ziggler in 2016" as a positive. I'm sorry.
Remember how over Kofi Kingston got after his endless stream of singles matches trading wins with Ziggler for three straight years?
Which reminds me to ask (thanks btw): Why did they insert AJ in RAW and Nakamura in NXT?
Which reminds me to ask (thanks btw): Why did they insert AJ in RAW and Nakamura in NXT?
I'm glad he's already went on record saying he's retired the second New Day's inevitably broken up
He's seen how things are when you're not one of the 4 guys they actually regularly plan for, and he's not going back to that now that he's on the first thing in years that actually took off. I like when wrestlers acknowledge how they're treated (mistreated really), and I wish more were that up-front about stuff
Two days before, right? I'm going to that NXT and I think it's a Friday.Nakamura's not sticking around in NXT, they just had nothing in mind for him to do on Mania so the next best thing is big match the day before
Which reminds me to ask (thanks btw): Why did they insert AJ in RAW and Nakamura in NXT?
Styles is clearly being given that "wrestles his important matches on SmackDown" schtick that D.Brine was earmarked for before getting retired. Having Ranallo call those matches should help make them seem that much more special.They announced on Smackdown next week Lesnar will be there and they are doing the Styles vs Jericho rematch.