I always forget they WWE actually acquired him for a short time.
Of the "ECW originals", I think he adapted to life after ECW the worst.
I always forget they WWE actually acquired him for a short time.
Ah yes, both guys like Jericho also had very similar near copyright infringing versions of existing grunge rock songs.Raven, DDP
Lol not very surprising.Of the "ECW originals", I think he adapted to life after ECW the worst.
WCW crowds would get got for technically impressive mat work in the ring. WWF crowds couldn't give a shit about it, usually sat on their hands when it came to those things.WCW has the best crowds.
First nitro if 98 is pretty solid
WCW has the best crowds.
First nitro if 98 is pretty solid
Is Jericho the only WCW guy whose theme has been dubbed over? I know they dubbed over Sandman's theme at ONS 05.
Yeah those weren't so great.But those Disney-MGM Nitro crowds though.
Yeah those weren't so great.
What's the date of that Nitro?
Jericho coming out to his wwe theme on nitro is lame
Meltzer is also a fortune teller
Nakamura secret deep carny, wants his win back http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2...uke-nakamura-njpw-tokyo-dome-01-04-2006_sport
He and Brock fought back in the day.
Raven, DDP
WCW has the best crowds.
It crushes me that there are so many dubs (and Raven doesn't even have music!), but one thing I find humorous is that Public Enemy usually has a dub, but occasionally has their regular theme. It's really weird. Like they were dubbing them and then some guy popped in like "oh hey, we actually own the rights to their theme" and they were just like "good enough."
What I love most is how much they LOVE Dean Malenko and HATE Chris Jericho.
It's gah dang amazing.
Meltzer is also a fortune teller
And DDP guy is super over
WCW has the best crowds.
First nitro if 98 is pretty solid
They're focusing on the big marquee singles main event matches first.So Owens wasn't on Raw and then they have him on SD Vs.. They need to start doing that WM build WTFBig Slow
Shouldn't be that remarkable. NXT occasionally pulls that trick off. RAW used to do that effortlessly in its heyday as well.It is remarkable to me that Lucha Underground can have four matches, advance stories and fluff and have plenty of commercials all in an hour.
Ciampa is an interesting case. They have him on a winning streak yet he is not on the dallas card. I wonder what they are planning for him.
It is remarkable to me that Lucha Underground can have four matches, advance stories and fluff and have plenty of commercials all in an hour.
It is remarkable to me that Lucha Underground can have four matches, advance stories and fluff and have plenty of commercials all in an hour.
Have they signed him yet? Last I heard he was doing a per appearance deal.
Brock/Roman/Dean **** 1/2
Ishii/Roddy **** 1/4
Y2J/AJ ****
Dean and Brock are going to destroy WM.Doesn't seem like it but he booked stronger than Gargano because he is not contracted to a company like Gargano is.
Also, NXT books EVA pretty well.
Plus some Meltzer Star ratings: