If I just walked out onto the NXT stage and sucked at wrestling and the crowd booed me, that's not me working the crowd, that's me sucking. Being bad at wrestling isn't a character.
Dat generic Pepsi tat
All she does is raise her arms, because that's the single video game taunt she was taught.
I want Menome to undergo a wellness test before our match damnit!
Heat means nothing for a wrestler if no one wants to see you wresle.I'm gonna throw my 2 cents in about Eva Marie and I have to agree with Vince. Heat is heat and over is over regardless of how one achieves. Be it gaining heat from crowds due to skill or heat from excellent verbal skills. I think boos translate no matter how one gets them.
I think there's some validity to this, but I think skill should matter and the person should be able to hold their own at some point. I have no idea who Eva Marie is, but this conversation reminds me of when Edge benefitted from being associated with Lita and Vickie Guerrero.I'm gonna throw my 2 cents in about Eva Marie and I have to agree with Vince. Heat is heat and over is over regardless of how one achieves. Be it gaining heat from crowds due to skill or heat from excellent verbal skills. I think boos translate no matter how one gets them.
I think there's some validity to this, but I think skill should matter and the person should be able to hold their own at some point. I have no idea who Eva Marie is, but this conversation reminds me of when Edge benefitted from being associated with Lita and Vickie Guerrero.
He wasn't as significant by himself, but when paired with those two, fans hated them for either cheating on Jeff Hardy or being the widow of Eddie Guerrero and being with another man. He clearly benefitted more due to other's strengths and not his own. I think that's overlooked because Edge was actually talented, and held up his own in storylines, but I also don't think he's anywhere near as successful without them generating so much hate for him.
In a similar way, this Eva Marie would have to be able to do something with that hate eventually. You need skill to capitalize on it. Godzilla knows her name seems to come up often in this thread, and even with the general negativity, it's something else with her.
I'm assuming she's a developmental talent, right? If that's the case, maybe she's able to improve by the time she gets to the main roster. I assume that's the point of being on that NXT show or whatever.
Heat means nothing for a wrestler if no one wants to see you wresle.
Heat means nothing for a wrestler if no one wants to see you wresle.
I think there's some validity to this, but I think skill should matter and the person should be able to hold their own at some point. I have no idea who Eva Marie is, but this conversation reminds me of when Edge benefitted from being associated with Lita and Vickie Guerrero.
He wasn't as significant by himself, but when paired with those two, fans hated them for either cheating on Jeff Hardy or being the widow of Eddie Guerrero and being with another man. He clearly benefitted more due to other's strengths and not his own. I think that's overlooked because Edge was actually talented, and held up his own in storylines, but I also don't think he's anywhere near as successful without them generating so much hate for him.
In a similar way, this Eva Marie would have to be able to do something with that hate eventually. You need skill to capitalize on it. Godzilla knows her name seems to come up often in this thread, and even with the general negativity, it's something else with her.
I'm assuming she's a developmental talent, right? If that's the case, maybe she's able to improve by the time she gets to the main roster. I assume that's the point of being on that NXT show or whatever.
TLF Starrcade 1993 is processing.
Bets on Eva Marie being one of the next 5 NXT Women's champions?
The problem with X-Pac Heat is that you can't really translate it into anything beyond one-offs like that single episode where she got a title match because the underlying problem is that the recipient of X-Pac Heat is not entertaining.
This would set up Eva going around to the other girls like "hey guys no hard feelings right, we gotta work together to stop her, right guys? .....guys?"100% certainty. Her being a heel champ hiding behind Nia Jaxis fucking money.and Jax ultimately turning on her
Bets on Eva Marie being one of the next 5 NXT Women's champions?
Bets on Eva Marie being one of the next 5 NXT Women's champions?
100% certainty. Her being a heel champ hiding behind Nia Jaxis fucking money.and Jax ultimately turning on her
I still believe that Nia Jax will physically win the Women's Belt, then hand it over to Eva Marie for the ultimate heat.
I think the pushback of people decrying Eva Marie is simply because they don't WANT her to get any kind of success in NXT or in wrestling at all. They've made their choice and will dig in their baby heels into the ground to protest, like it matters. Like her shortcomings are a big deal. They're not. They've made more out of less in the past. It's a non-issue. They just want to throw tantrums.
Oh, and guys, I've been meaning to post that I finally caught up on NXT and I really enjoyed the Bayley/"Corporate" business. It was easily the most enjoyable thing Eva Marie has done ever. It's about the best thing they could've done with her. And get this: I would've been into it if she had won. :O
But then, of course, Willie Regal would make his glorious return and be like "WHAT THE F IS THIS?" and good-guyed Bayley into a rematch at Takeover or whatevz, and then BAM! Bayley's champ again.
All of that being said, since they didn't go that route, I'm fearful that they've missed the boat on the only decent thing Eva Marie could've done. But I guess we shall see.
Sad day when the shitty version of Dana and Emma win the title before Emma and Dana.
I still believe that Nia Jax will physically win the Women's Belt, then hand it over to Eva Marie for the ultimate heat.
Pffft. Stop being a goose. Remember the time I posted this:
Those were the days.
King of the Ring 2000."goozle me take!"
That Bayley/Eva Marie title match was the best thing on NXT since the last TakeOver special. Not unwatchable in any way.Except for the part where it leads up to unwatchable TV main events. I'm not that annoyed about it, I just skip every Eva match/segment right now.
The really sad thing about NXT is that this Finn/Bayley thing is the most compelling thing Finn's been involved in since Itami got injured.
Pffft. Stop being a goose. Remember the time I posted this:
Those were the days.
We're still in these days pal! Eva Marie having a heater is a great thing, amplifies the hate.
That Bayley/Eva Marie title match was the best thing on NXT since the last TakeOver special. Not unwatchable in any way.
Yeah, I feel like they could still salvage a relatively quick championship run with her post-Bayley, but if she's crapping up the place for a long period of time, won't it have an adverse effect on the perception of NXT in the long run? Seems like a bad long-term strategy, unless she actually improves in the ring (I don't think she will -- although I still haven't watched Wednesday's show!).
And I still think that she's currently a hazard to her wrasslepals' health.
Triple H will defend his title at the March Network Special
Eva Marie has been around since 2013, so a single match being interesting isn't exactly a good rate :lol
I still have no idea if Asuka is a face or a heel or just an unstoppable kicking machine.
I think the pushback of people decrying Eva Marie is simply because they don't WANT her to get any kind of success in NXT or in wrestling at all. They've made their choice and will dig in their baby heels into the ground to protest, like it matters. Like her shortcomings are a big deal. They're not. They've made more out of less in the past. It's a non-issue. They just want to throw tantrums.