NXT could put on a show of nothing but jobbers fighting jobbers
Isn't that what they're already doing?
NXT could put on a show of nothing but jobbers fighting jobbers
Isn't that what they're already doing?
Ricky Starks apparently shows up on tonight's NXT? He was great in the Inspire Pro Wrestling event I saw several months ago.
Anyone watch the WWE Network on an Android device? Did the update just straight up break the app for you? I've tried on both my tablet and phone (and reinstalled the app on my tablet) and I can't get any video to play. The free videos (like the New Day interview with Cole works) but watching any Network videos I get the preroll ad then just an error popup.
Corey Graves and his disdain for Mojo Rawley warms my soul.
Was Seth ever a face?
I had on and off again issues with the app (Galaxy Note 4). I ended up deleting it because it would crash too often when I tried to use it. I never had a failure to play videos. Just freezing issues. On your tablet can you login through a web browser?
That gif where Vince McMahon is oogling at the bodybuilders should get updated with nothing but Braun Strowman at this point.
Seth's booking is absolutely weird.
He was booked with some of the worst fucking finishes in WWE champion history, yet most of his matches had hot crowds since he was putting on a fucking show...until the fuckery ending happened and the crowd went "...what? goddamnit"
Remember that 3month stretch where we kept waiting for Kane?more like 6
Agreed. It just looks dumb.I'll never understand why the heck they put Prince Puma in a mask. Hopefully they fix this grave error by folding in a mask vs. mask match at some point.
Which is a better pick up point if I haven't watched NXT in a couple weeks? Should I go back to Jan 13th or start with last week's?
Which is a better pick up point if I haven't watched NXT in a couple weeks? Should I go back to Jan 13th or start with last week's?
That wasn't Havoc. That was Son of Havoc.Agreed. It just looks dumb.
Saw the first episode of LU last week and enjoyed it...very FnP. I really like Havoc and Mil
...and Ivelisse.
Anyone watch the WWE Network on an Android device? Did the update just straight up break the app for you? I've tried on both my tablet and phone (and reinstalled the app on my tablet) and I can't get any video to play. The free videos (like the New Day interview with Cole works) but watching any Network videos I get the preroll ad then just an error popup.
has anyone found any hidden gems on the network that isnt listed or found easily unless via search?
GrossThe dirtiest player in the game...and Ric Flair.
If Vince was there he would leave as soon as he saw the height of the people in the room.
Dude... Canyon Ceman is a legendary beach volleyball player. He won a silver medal at the World Championships back in '97. How dare you not respect his legacy!Is Canyon Ceman a kayfabe name?
A Super Juniors tournament for NXT? Fucking yes please.This sounds like an interesting idea:
Hart had retired as an active wrestler around 1963, but Stomper kept goading him to come out of retirement. Eventually they had a series of three matches in early 1969, culminating with the fight to the finish on February 7 in Calgary. Stomper not only went over, but broke Stus arm. Since the stories of Stu in the dungeon were well known around the city and throughout Eastern Canada, the idea that he injured the toughest man in Western Canada made people see Stomper as an almost unstoppable force. The memories of this program were so strong that 14 years later, when Bret had become a popular singles star, the storyline of his breaking Stus arm was used for a strong drawing program with Stomper.
Bret Hart, who was 11 at the time of the Stomper vs. Stu program, had vivid memories of watching his father get his arm broken. He said he had nightmares about The Stomper, remembering in particular an interview where he said he was going to come down to their house, and tear it apart, brick-by-brick, tear his father limb from limb, and even threatened to drag his mother out of the house, bring her onto the interstate and give her a piledriver.
Stu wore the cast at home, although Bret noted that when his father thought no one was around, or when he needed to cook, he took it off. Then one Saturday afternoon, coming out of a Corvette, in front of the house, was The Stomper. Bret didnt know if he was going to make good on his promise. But his mom greeted him, hugged him, and handed him a check.
I still wasnt sure what was going on, but I never viewed wrestling in quite the same way after that.
He took a job working at the Knox County jail, a job he held for the next 15 years. The most famous story regarded a tough fugitive, who had beaten up two officers badly when they tried to arrest him. Archie, at this point well into his 50s, said, Ill get him. As the story went, Stomper went to arrest him, choked him half to death, and brought him in. Another story from the period was someone he was taking in, who knew exactly who he was, started arguing with him and said, You wouldnt be so tough without that gun belt. Archie took off the belt and quickly ended that confrontation.
"Regarding rumors that WWE purchased Subconscious, those in WWE state that is not correct and Nakamura is expected to be given new music"
I don't understand how AJ got a good theme, and that one diva at Royal Rumble (The Boss?) has a good theme too, yet there are wrestlers like Ambrose, Rollins, and Cesaro running around with terrible themes.
How does this happen? Why do they do this? Did someone not listen to the music they were assigning to these superstars? Why did Swagger get to keep such awesome music when he's a jobber?
Please change the themes.
Most of the CFO shit sucks aside from Owens and Rollins.CFO$ does a good job with music for the most part. Joey Samoey's first theme was so bad it was good.