KO is my hero. I'm officially starting OwensGaf
How does one gain membership into this exclusive club?
KO is my hero. I'm officially starting OwensGaf
How does one gain membership into this exclusive club?
Sorry, no Ithils.
btw I have changed my name to Ithil Glumplich. A-hyuck!
Big show is a vapper? I knew there was a reason why I didn't like him.
Big show is a vapper? I knew there was a reason why I didn't like him.
God I cannot get over how disappointing that NXT main event was. It was a repeat of the title match just with a very flat finish instead of a Corbin DQ.
You've got Uhaa Nation struggling with headlocks for 50+% of the match, Balor has completely fallen into the WWE style of nothing matters for the first 3/4 of a match then I hit my big spots and win. Like, a bad Randy Orton match. I know its a TV match but something a bit more than an extended squash would be nice. Crews got to hit his press/moonsault and miss a moonsault to the outside along with some perfunctory clotheslines in the corner as his offense, that's it....
That's 3 or 4 pretty terrible NXT's in a row. At least the Asuka squash was intense, the jobber they had for her seemed a lot better than some of the NXT homegrown talent.
He will return. Stronger, faster, better.
I find this funny. After the New Day mentioned Ambreigns, people went to the internet and searched it:
Good luck on those who researched it and Reigns and Ambrose gave alot more fodder for that name on Smackdown.
Also they renamed Styles Calf Killer name to Calf Crusher.
But....the Bloody Sunday!
A pretty weak version of it and all T____T
I think I'm pretty disillusioned with whatever they are teaching or mandating at the Performance Center...
One step closer to becoming Goldberg.Big guy now has a big main event look.
No vest needed here
Big guy now has a big main event look.
No vest needed here
This is a way better look than the goofy singlet and whatnot. Is this really what he's sporting now?
dude just started spamming tiger knees
shit was awesome
I doubt it. He wears the singlet because he gets "Goldberg" chants if he doesn't
In an odd way the suplex city stuff can limit his moveset.It was honestly one of the best mark out moments of the whole thing.
Brock needs more of that.
Big guy now has a big main event look.
No vest needed here
I'd say punk was gonna get his wakeup call but he will never fight.CM Punk did an interview with Complex, and the results were certainly not surprising.
The story is here:
I interviewed Punk, very briefly, as part of THQ's wrestling events some years ago. THQ wheeled out a few wrestlers to talk with the game journalists, promote the latest title, and compete in a video game challenge. Punk showed up one of those years, probably at a Chicago event.
Punk accepted the check for the appearance, but clearly did not want to be there. I jokingly asked him about money in the bank and if he wouldn't prefer a briefcase stuffed with cash. He paused before answering, stared, and shot laser death eyes at me. Then he recovered and mumbled something about a title shot being better than actual cash.
As for the Complex interview, I could totally see Punk being aloof and defensive. Despite the tension, there are some good insights to be had on the man.
CM Punk did an interview with Complex, and the results were certainly not surprising.
The story is here:
I interviewed Punk, very briefly, as part of THQ's wrestling events some years ago. THQ wheeled out a few wrestlers to talk with the game journalists, promote the latest title, and compete in a video game challenge. Punk showed up one of those years, probably at a Chicago event.
Punk accepted the check for the appearance, but clearly did not want to be there. I jokingly asked him about money in the bank and if he wouldn't prefer a briefcase stuffed with cash. He paused before answering, stared, and shot laser death eyes at me. Then he recovered and mumbled something about a title shot being better than actual cash.
As for the Complex interview, I could totally see Punk being aloof and defensive. Despite the tension, there are some good insights to be had on the man.
CM Punk did an interview with Complex, and the results were certainly not surprising.
The story is here:
I interviewed Punk, very briefly, as part of THQ's wrestling events some years ago. THQ wheeled out a few wrestlers to talk with the game journalists, promote the latest title, and compete in a video game challenge. Punk showed up one of those years, probably at a Chicago event.
Punk accepted the check for the appearance, but clearly did not want to be there. I jokingly asked him about money in the bank and if he wouldn't prefer a briefcase stuffed with cash. He paused before answering, stared, and shot laser death eyes at me. Then he recovered and mumbled something about a title shot being better than actual cash.
As for the Complex interview, I could totally see Punk being aloof and defensive. Despite the tension, there are some good insights to be had on the man.
If you were in punks spot you would argue with Vince toOh Phil.. thinking it's the world vs. him.
It's not.
I can't get over his interview on Colt Cabana's podcast. The dude wanted to argue everything in his last year with Vince. Just shut up and wrestle.
When hes asked how he might respond to fans who question his motives for going into MMA, wonder if it is a publicity stunt, or wonder if hes ever going to fight, he pushes back again. Now, hes no longer smiling. You say my fans say that? Youre mistaken. My fans do not say that. I wouldnt say anything to them [my critics]. I dont justify stupidity with an answer. I dont give a shit what anybody thinks of me, whether Im going to fight or not. I know what Im going to do.
CM Punk did an interview with Complex, and the results were certainly not surprising.
The story is here:
I interviewed Punk, very briefly, as part of THQ's wrestling events some years ago. THQ wheeled out a few wrestlers to talk with the game journalists, promote the latest title, and compete in a video game challenge. Punk showed up one of those years, probably at a Chicago event.
Punk accepted the check for the appearance, but clearly did not want to be there. I jokingly asked him about money in the bank and if he wouldn't prefer a briefcase stuffed with cash. He paused before answering, stared, and shot laser death eyes at me. Then he recovered and mumbled something about a title shot being better than actual cash.
As for the Complex interview, I could totally see Punk being aloof and defensive. Despite the tension, there are some good insights to be had on the man.
I've been watching 1997 WCW PPVs for some reason and it's definitely not nostalgia because everything but the cruiserweights sucks so much ass, it's horrible.I've been watching 2000 Raws for about a week now, and I have to say... It's not just nostalgia. This shit is awesome.
Brian Knighton, professionally known as Axl Rotten, was found deceased today in Baltimore, Maryland. According to sources we have spoken with, he was found by authorities in a motel this afternoon.
We will have more on this shortly.
We'd like to express our deepest condolences to Knighton's friends, family and fans.
Brian Knighton was 44 years old.