The next IWGP Champion right here!Daniel Bryan new look:
Wonder what got him to finally cut the hair off and trim the beard down to 2012 levels.
edit: Or the person just uploaded an old photo today.
In other news guess who's back?!

The next IWGP Champion right here!Daniel Bryan new look:
Wonder what got him to finally cut the hair off and trim the beard down to 2012 levels.
edit: Or the person just uploaded an old photo today.
Daniel Bryan finally cut his stupid hair.
He looks so much better now. Plz come back.
Now if only we can get AJ to cut
Daniel Bryan new look:
Wonder what got him to finally cut the hair off and trim the beard down to 2012 levels.
edit: Or the person just uploaded an old photo today.
Daniel Bryan new look:
Wonder what got him to finally cut the hair off and trim the beard down to 2012 levels.
edit: Or the person just uploaded an old photo today.
If Punk wins he's guaranteed that WM main event part timer schedule. If Punk loses Vince and HHH will cut a promo on it.
Pretty sure they're going to cut a promo regardless. If he loses, lol. If he wins, lol you beat a jobber good job Phil ya fuck
He had just reached his final form, too.
I now kinda want to see Bayley get driven over the edge straight into Demon Bayley as an angle someday.Expected full demon outfit and the crawling and shit![]()
I doubt they mention Punk at all.
I knew I liked Michael Ian Black for a reason.
The future is here
Roh has been a feal bigger than TNA for a while now.Pretty damn good looking set! Is ROH a bigger deal than TNA? Looks much more impressive that the bits and pieces I've seen of that promotion.
Bayley doing Balor's entrance to cheer him up
In another video Finn is throwing the crutches up to join in and then eats shit and falls on his arse
Unlike most people, I don't need to be in the ring to get over. The heartbreak hotel is showing everyone I've gots what it takes to be the man!Man Blue you getting worked today. That crutches life really affecting your push...![]()
I was reading that the Mrs was pushing him to grow long hair.Wasn't HBK DB's idol? Figure he'd grow his hair out like that too eventually.
Especially once he KOs Cody in the middle of the ring. All of the penciled neck geeks will be angryPunk's fight gonna be very interesting.
Jay Lethal is the worst
'I'm like Macho Man! but I'm also like Ric Flair! but also skulls and shit cuz my efed character is a badasssssss!'
I do a handstand then I do a diamond cutter! The handstand gives it more power!
Or it's for the purpose of theatrics since, y'know, wrestling is pretty much a theatrical performance.
The People's Elbow is a legit finisher. Just think about that.There is a limit to theatrics, mainly when it's implied it's only a finisher if he does a handstand before he does the move.
The future is here
Sounds like you had a great time!San Jose show was a blast, I had pretty good seats so being able to see the product up close was a great experience and allows me to see the product closer to how the wrestlers see it
-These guys and gals are getting hit for real. Awkward falls on their shoulders, real punches to the ribs, real drops of 7+ feet and many times they just get up like nothing happened. Incredible.
-TV in many ways does it a disservice. The perspective you see on TV naturally makes things look slower and more fake. Barely any moves look rehearsed or "performed" when you see them live.
-If you ever wonder why people like Ryback seem popular to a live audience its because holy shit, hes fucking huge and hes fucking ripped and when you see that actually in front of you its like "wow" Again, lost on TV
-Talent definitely reacts to random shit from the crowd. Charlotte kept responding to particular comments mocking them and doing a pretty great job. Xavier Woods kept selling moves even after tagging out, Del Rio noticed peoples chants and grabbed a mic and started berating them, it makes the show feel alive, interactable and awesome
-Enzo and Cass are gonna be just fine. When you have 18k people who supposedly dont know who the fuck you are and theyre all singing your intro, youre fine.
-Really good show, these people work their asses off and they have my utmost respect. They even did promos, the Miz was a real highlight talking about his dental work, Rusev and Lana had a whole pre fight segment about Russia and Brock and Heyman interrupted to ruin their day. This felt like it could easily have been on tv, they went the extra mile and its great.
-After the show, Roman stayed behind and took photos with fans, cracked some jokes and was kind of the face of the company. This could be for a variety of reasons (Vince wants ppl to like him, he represents the locker room, etc) but it felt genuine.
-The crowd loves the female talent, but their matches start really quiet and its been bothering me as I try to figure out why that is. I finally did tonight. Male wrestling usually starts with big spots to get the crowd going, thats a bit harder on women since they dont suplex somebody five times or do powerbombs like crazy, so its a slower buildup, they need good match psychology and charismatic wrestlers and a good 10-15 minute match THEN the crowd goes fucking nuts. The crowd is super ready to be into these matches, but they need a different buildup than the male talent. Becky and Charlotte did so tonight.
As for crowd reactions:
AJ (booked him first so the crowd had the most energy for him, smart move)
Miz (they love to hate him, most boos of the night)
Nobody gives a shit about The Ascension
Los Matadores were there, I hate them, they're trying to be heels now. Fuck
Lucha Dragons (not a big pop for them, but anything Kalisto does gets a big reaction, so he just needs to have a character)
Becky Lynch (probably loudest moment of the night was her last three minutes vs Charlotte, people love her)
Charlotte (strong heel, is learning how to get the crowd involved)
Usos and Ryback (theyre really popular! The internet keeps telling me theyre not, buy the crowd fucking loves them)
Roman (strong Cena like reaction, mix of boos and hype, but it doesn't matter because its NOISE, lots of it)
Brock and New Day (of course, as you'd expect)
Some videos I took (I yell a lot of random shit, sorry)
Ryback tags in as a hot tag, but belly dances for Big E
Del Rio tries his finisher on Roman, goes badly for him
Glad Bryan finally cut his hair. His long lady hair looked horrible.Daniel Bryan new look:
Wonder what got him to finally cut the hair off and trim the beard down to 2012 levels.
edit: Or the person just uploaded an old photo today.
Botchamania 299:
Yoshi Tatsu is the worst.
Had to be the worst choice for English x Japanese commitating.Yoshi Tatsu is the worst.
Yoshi Tatsu is the worst.
They fight.Yes.
Honestly, what in the hell were they thinking putting him on commentary for WK10?
The next IWGP Champion right here!
In other news guess who's back?!
Guise, help me out here.
What's the name of the classical song that plays in this Mankind vs Undertaker promo?
Oh Fortuna says the comments
Rip Kalisto's push.
Have a nice day!Guise, help me out here.
What's the name of the classical song that plays in this Mankind vs Undertaker promo?
I think it boils down to "We like CM Punk, we don't like Phil Brooks".