If this is the case, Triple H winning at Mania is the best outcome.
Roman is going to win and Seth is going to return as a heel to challenge Roman. Pick up exactly where he left off before Survivor Series. Zero character evolution.
Brad Armstrong as Arachnaman AKA purple and yellow Spider-Man. Boy, Jim Herd was a dumb motherfucker. They quickly scrapped the gimmick after Marvel threatened legal action. You don't say??
No. My posting style is forever, even if I end up RIP.I was told by a moderator that "meme-ing, gimmick posting, and people pretending they are wrestlers" is partially to blame for WrassleGAF getting the axe last month, so could you ease up on your schtick?
If I'm off the mark here, please tell me. I would just like WrassleGAF to endure.
Brad Armstrong as Arachnaman AKA purple and yellow Spider-Man. Boy, Jim Herd was a dumb motherfucker. They quickly scrapped the gimmick after Marvel threatened legal action. You don't say??
I'm sure you have your own belief as to why the thread was locked but the word from the horse's mouth was "constant meme-ing, insular, exclusive posting, and gimmick posting. We shouldn't be mean spirited when we talk about wrestlers or their fans, and we shouldn't be mean spirited or exclusive about other members. We should stay on topic instead of making it a general chat/discussion thread, and we do not need people pretending they are wrestlers/managers/etc."
It isn't our job to backseat moderate, but proceed at your own peril.
I was told by a moderator that "meme-ing, gimmick posting, and people pretending they are wrestlers" is partially to blame for WrassleGAF getting the axe last month, so could you ease up on your schtick?
If I'm off the mark here, please tell me. I would just like WrassleGAF to endure.
Verendus' avatar is pretty indicative of his posting habits.
I take it as entertainment.
so its a fake post about fake sports?
so its a fake post about fake sports?
I didn't want to say anything, but because honesty's beneficial to whatever the mods decide to do, I've felt very threatened by behavior towards myself and my friends from posts like Mahonay and Man God among numerous others, who tend to single out and always jump on posts of ours specifically. I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a "gimmick", and truthfully I don't believe there are gimmicks here. Even Sunny most of the time was just being himself.
I absolutely see insularity and hostility. Only reason I'm making it public is apparently messaging mods didn't change anything from members of the community, so maybe people behaving this way will see it, see how affecting it really is, and lighten up a bit on the posting of others. If they can't after this, well then, it's just proof they were never going to, and after all other attempts have failed that's more concerning about the thread's longterm life.
I, Verendus, and others just want to talk about wrestling, matches, bad booking, and all of its types here without having to fear always being confronted just because what we say or how we say it is considered a "gimmick" or not sincere
ENTERTAINMENT DAMN ITso its a fake post about fake sports?
I'm pretty unreasonable and hostile.I didn't want to say anything, but because honesty's beneficial to whatever the mods decide to do, I've felt very threatened by behavior towards myself and my friends from posts like Mahonay and Man God among numerous others, who tend to single out and always jump on posts of ours specifically. I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a "gimmick", and truthfully I don't believe there are gimmicks here. Even Sunny most of the time was just being himself.
I absolutely see insularity and hostility. Only reason I'm making it public is apparently messaging mods didn't change anything from members of the community, so maybe people behaving this way will see it, see how affecting it really is, and lighten up a bit on the posting of others. If they can't after this, well then, it's just proof they were never going to, and after all other attempts have failed that's more concerning about the thread's longterm life.
I, Verendus, and others just want to talk about wrestling, matches, bad booking, and all of its types here without having to fear always being confronted just because what we say or how we say it is considered a "gimmick" or not sincere
No. My posting style is forever, even if I end up RIP.
As for why WrassleGAF got closed, I may barely be around, but I'm a really smart guy who can connect the dots, and I saw the posts in the Roman Rumble thread.
1) Posters unable to behave like adults, and unable to engage others in a respectful manner. If you did this, then you'd never have a problem.
2) Posters pushing things too far by posting inappropriate content, or dwelling on topics that would be inappropriate. Just have to try and use some sense here.
3) Posters making assumptions about others by claiming they're meme-ing (I'm not sure what this means but I can venture a guess) and gimmick posters simply because they happen to enjoy, and like to post to enjoy themselves. This naturally leads to misunderstandings, but it also stems from folks who probably need to grow up, and accept that in this world we live in, people are going to have different opinions than you. I know, it's crazy. Also, Star Wars is shit. Balee dat.
4) I saw a post that apparently this community is insular. There are posters who post here regularly so they probably know each other well enough that others may not feel as welcomed if they're new, but I've been posting here on and off for over two years, and I am far from a regular poster. I can disappear for weeks, if not months at a time from GAF, but I've never had an issue simply inserting myself into the conversation or just posting how I want whenever I do come back here. I can't relate to this, but I'm not around enough to really give a serious opinion either. I will pass on this, but I'm still leaving number 4 here since I typed it up. I'm not deleting that work.
5) The general attitude in this thread tends to be chill. It's why I actually like this community. They keep it fun for the most part, and it's like a bunch of people who know not to take each other too seriously, and talk about things casually like close acquaintances or friends would. This probably causes a problem with posters who like to be serious all the time, and it's also probably what leads number 2 at times, but no one forces you to engage that banter, and there are always plenty of serious posts in these threads too. At least, that's what I see when I'm around.
6) Be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi said that. Now, while I consider myself a better person than him, I have to admit that slogan is pretty damn good.
7) Negativity. People are way too negative. That's not going to get you anything in life except for stress, headaches, and regret. Be positive. It goes a long way.
8) You can ignore all points from 1-7 because this one is the most important. Just don't do dumb things, and if you do, accept the consequences without whining and taking it as an affront to yourself. You talk about posters pretending to be other wrestlers, but where's the one pretending to be The Rock so he can tell all you jabronis "It doesn't matter". Just relax bitches.
And I ain't no goddamn schtick. You better balee dat. Making me waste a precious 5 minutes posting this bullshit.
My uce.No. My posting style is forever, even if I end up RIP.
As for why WrassleGAF got closed, I may barely be around, but I'm a really smart guy who can connect the dots, and I saw the posts in the Roman Rumble thread.
1) Posters unable to behave like adults, and unable to engage others in a respectful manner. If you did this, then you'd never have a problem.
2) Posters pushing things too far by posting inappropriate content, or dwelling on topics that would be inappropriate. Just have to try and use some sense here.
3) Posters making assumptions about others by claiming they're meme-ing (I'm not sure what this means but I can venture a guess) and gimmick posters simply because they happen to enjoy, and like to post to enjoy themselves. This naturally leads to misunderstandings, but it also stems from folks who probably need to grow up, and accept that in this world we live in, people are going to have different opinions than you. I know, it's crazy. Also, Star Wars is shit. Balee dat.
4) I saw a post that apparently this community is insular. There are posters who post here regularly so they probably know each other well enough that others may not feel as welcomed if they're new, but I've been posting here on and off for over two years, and I am far from a regular poster. I can disappear for weeks, if not months at a time from GAF, but I've never had an issue simply inserting myself into the conversation or just posting how I want whenever I do come back here. I can't relate to this, but I'm not around enough to really give a serious opinion either. I will pass on this, but I'm still leaving number 4 here since I typed it up. I'm not deleting that work.
5) The general attitude in this thread tends to be chill. It's why I actually like this community. They keep it fun for the most part, and it's like a bunch of people who know not to take each other too seriously, and talk about things casually like close acquaintances or friends would. This probably causes a problem with posters who like to be serious all the time, and it's also probably what leads number 2 at times, but no one forces you to engage that banter, and there are always plenty of serious posts in these threads too. At least, that's what I see when I'm around.
6) Be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi said that. Now, while I consider myself a better person than him, I have to admit that slogan is pretty damn good.
7) Negativity. People are way too negative. That's not going to get you anything in life except for stress, headaches, and regret. Be positive. It goes a long way.
8) You can ignore all points from 1-7 because this one is the most important. Just don't do dumb things, and if you do, accept the consequences without whining and taking it as an affront to yourself. You talk about posters pretending to be other wrestlers, but where's the one pretending to be The Rock so he can tell all you jabronis "It doesn't matter". Just relax bitches.
And I ain't no goddamn schtick. You better balee dat. Making me waste a precious 5 minutes posting this bullshit.
My uce.
It's fun to see how many different ways they've edited the curbstomp out of the WM31 finish.Someone blur that curbstomp sign, think of the children
Let's hope our problematic posters decide to stay on Slaent where they gathered in secret to circumvent their punishment.
Here's to FnP, friends.
Just imagine the insane IC title tourney they could book post-Mania if they actually did the improbably and put the strap on Dean.You're right, there's a 0% chance he wins.
Reigns vs. HHH is happening with Roman winning the title standing victorious at the end of the show. It's guaranteed. WWE doesn't give a fuck if he's booed, it's what they want.
Ambrose will be a part of the inevitable 6 man IC title match.
so its a fake post about fake sports?
I bet that both of the doctors that gave Daniel Bryan the green light would bench Davey Richards out of concern for his concussion history.Also in TNA news crosspost with injury news:
Kurt got concussed Friday
Davey got concussed Friday
Mandrews nearly got concussed Saturday
Davey hurt his leg Sunday
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't?What the hell is gimmick posting anyway?
What the hell is gimmick posting anyway?
It's fun to see how many different ways they've edited the curbstomp out of the WM31 finish.
What the hell is gimmick posting anyway?
What the hell is gimmick posting anyway?
Lol, I didn't even notice that.Someone blur that curbstomp sign, think of the children
Basically, it's having an opinion that's different than most folks here.What the hell is gimmick posting anyway?
Just imagine the insane IC title tourney they could book post-Mania if they actually did the improbably and put the strap on Dean.
Would be glorious. Of course, they won't do the above so it doesn't matter.
This forum got shut down for plenty of reasons.
The gimmick posting and people pretending to be wrestlers is just the most embarrassing of the lot.
Just reading Rusev's recent tweets about Meltzer just solidifies how awesome Rusev is and he just quickly needs to get away from that League of Jobbers stable. He deserves another push but who knows if that'll ever happen.
A lot of his recent Tweets really seem to be from Lana.Just reading Rusev's recent tweets about Meltzer just solidifies how awesome Rusev is and he just quickly needs to get away from that League of Jobbers stable. He deserves another push but who knows if that'll ever happen.
Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't?
Implication that people aren't posting their serious thoughts about something
Loved it when that accidentally happened with the crowd reacting to Styles' Rumble TitanTron reveal, and was criticized enough they had to post a Youtube video correcting it
Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
I honestly have no idea, but it's already a shoe-in for my most hated internet term of 2016. 2015's winner was 'entitled/entitlement'.
Lol, I didn't even notice that.
Basically, it's having an opinion that's different than most folks here.
Basically, it's having an opinion that's different than most folks here.
I missed everything after New Year's Dash leading up to this last Shinsuke show.
Have all of the crowds turned on Hirooki Goto this hard?
Honestly I'll always trust Meltzer over any active performer.