Honestly I'll always trust Meltzer over any active performer.

Honestly I'll always trust Meltzer over any active performer.
Perfectly stated, it's ridiculous that some still refuse to acknowledge this
Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
It's difficult when you have posters who are correctly accused of this, but when they're accused they try to change the definition and make it out like you're accusation is the negative thing.
A lot of the hate for the Meltz seems to come from shitty knockoff dirtsheet sites playing 2nd hand reporting on whatever Meltzer said, e.g. he'll say "Rusev has a nagging knee issue" and then WrestleZone or something will report it as clickbait - "Rusev Injured - Will He Be Available for WrestleMania?"
Bingo.Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
Was out with a shoulder injury when this happened. But now I'm back and ready to retake my...oh.don't get us banned again, nerds
That downcast look right as the smoke hits him gets me everytime.
It's totally a schtick. Saying "balee dat" every post. C'mon.
Unfortunately, that's the standard reply. It got to the point where I stopped calling it out (and visited WrassleGAF less) because it was always the same reply
Trolling. In a wrestling context, its something like if a poster says they think Daniel Bryan would put on a good match with some other wrestler, someone responds with "there's no way a goat-faced vanilla midget goat could ever put on a good match with him balee dat friend," usually in more words and catchphrases. Also known as "getting your shit in" - an empty reply without any purpose other than dropping memes and catchphrases.
By the way, welcome back Zach. This place literally can't go without you.
Just because he calls them Jimmy Haitch, Joan Cena, Romanian Reigns and Barack doesn't make it a schtick!
Sorry friend, but you made this personal.I don't even mind the schtick! Especially since he only pops in once in a while! But to act like "who, meeeee?" and contribute to the thread getting closed again would be pretty crappy. That's it. That's all I'm saying. I'm not trying to have personal vendettas with you people!
Haha, god. I hate you guys.
Remember when Orton came back to a hot as fuck crowd and they immediately put the damper on it by having him "work for the Authority" again so he could turn on them later - even though they were the ones to put him on the shelf in the first place?He has the potential to have a hugely over face run when he comes back.
I fully expect WWE to suck all of the air out of it immediately after his initial return.
Lol yeeeep.Remember when Orton came back to a hot as fuck crowd and they immediately put the damper on it by having him "work for the Authority" again so he could turn on them later - even though they were the ones to put him on the shelf in the first place?
Expect Seth to do that.
Remember when Orton came back to a hot as fuck crowd and they immediately put the damper on it by having him "work for the Authority" again so he could turn on them later - even though they were the ones to put him on the shelf in the first place?
Expect Seth to do that.
i went back into lurking for a while after it got so bad that there was the guy claiming that Eva Marie was getting "legit heel heat" instead of "go away" heat, and that she was going to be the future of the womens division for an entire page on and on before renegging and saying "you guys know i was joking right".
That's not joking. That's outright trolling a conversation people were having about the state of the womens division. That's the kind of crap that drives people away. Nobody wants to sift through "joke posts" to that degree while a real discussion is going on.
I actually forgot about this, what a blunder.Remember when Orton came back to a hot as fuck crowd and they immediately put the damper on it by having him "work for the Authority" again so he could turn on them later - even though they were the ones to put him on the shelf in the first place?
Expect Seth to do that.
No one ever trolls in WrassleGAF. There are only bullies.
Sorry friend, but you made this personal.
As far as I'm concerned, I need to wipe you off the face of this Earth. The vendetta is real. It's so real.
Absolute sincerity Zach. This place literally crumbled in hours after your ban.
Remember when Orton came back to a hot as fuck crowd and they immediately put the damper on it by having him "work for the Authority" again so he could turn on them later - even though they were the ones to put him on the shelf in the first place?
Expect Seth to do that.
So were some of the posters banned in the shutdown (Sunny, Blue, Seph) permed?
i went back into lurking for a while after it got so bad that there was the guy claiming that Eva Marie was getting "legit heel heat" instead of "go away" heat, and that she was going to be the future of the womens division for an entire page on and on before renegging and saying "you guys know i was joking right".
That's not joking. That's outright trolling a conversation people were having about the state of the womens division. That's the kind of crap that drives people away. Nobody wants to sift through "joke posts" to that degree while a real discussion is going on.
I'm not joking and I am not gimmick posting, Eva Marie is going to be a great heel champ one day.
I'm not joking and I am not gimmick posting, Eva Marie is going to be a great heel champ one day.
Just reading Rusev's recent tweets about Meltzer just solidifies how awesome Rusev is and he just quickly needs to get away from that League of Jobbers stable. He deserves another push but who knows if that'll ever happen.
Brad Armstrong as Arachnaman AKA purple and yellow Spider-Man. Boy, Jim Herd was a dumb motherfucker. They quickly scrapped the gimmick after Marvel threatened legal action. You don't say??
The young bucks were on ECW on a live version of the Dirtsheet with Miz and Morrison in 2008.
They played DX.
You mean Dx.
Yes I said SMALL!
A friend RVD unavailable to make comment
She is great as a heel, even though she just bumbled into it. The problem is that she shouldn't be wrestling. She's terrible, sure, but she also seems especially dangerous.
They don't actually have a problem filling the cards up. WM is going to know who I could honestly see WWE bidding for next? John Morrison. Last I heard he was teaming with Matt Hardy and Anderson for some TNA cross promotional thingy. That and Lucha Underground and he keeps losing there.
Guy is already built up as "The Next Shawn Michaels" with WWE anyway. May as well use him. At this point he's probably one of the best options they have on bringing in folks with little to no build up required to push back into filling up PPV cards to draw numbers. Plus...he'd work good with AJ.
I missed everything after New Year's Dash leading up to this last Shinsuke show.
Have all of the crowds turned on Hirooki Goto this hard?
It's intentional. Goto's been playing the spoilsport rather well lately by constantly attacking Okada and trying to muscle in on Nakamura's final match.