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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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Tonight Shine crowns a tag team champion in a 8 team tournament!



SHINE Championship Match
Ivelisse defends vs. Mercedes Martinez

Serena Deeb of VALKYRIE w/ April Hunter vs. Angelina Love


I think Cena is a lot more likable and human on Total Divas. Guy has OCD and has been living his lifestyle for so long that he doesn't even know how to have a normal relationship outside of wrestling anymore. It's sad.
All the more reason to come to grips with the fact that Cena will never retire. And he'll always be protected as the #1 guy on the roster. He has no idea how to function outside of the WWE bubble. What would he do with himself? Is there still a part inside him that isn't a manufactured artificial persona?

Thank goodness he has super-human healing powers. He'll need those when he's still main eventing at 55.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm glad you guys DID love Arrival, it just didn't click as well as I'd hoped with me. It looked like NXT. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't feel like the revolution a lot of you are saying it is. And having some of their talent MIA bums me out.

I will pick up SHINE soon. Don't think I can watch live.


And this is why it will never get that "good" again. It's the same problem Vince had in '93 or so, not being able to let the old era die. Bringing back Hogan, Beefcake, etc.

Once he decided to cut all ties with the '80s, there were a few bad years, but eventually, they found new stars and exploded all over again.

They will never explode again until they stop bringing out HHH, Taker, Cena, Orton, Outlaws, Batista, Big Show, Kane, etc. and start pushing new, fresh guys. The crowd is CLAMORING for guys like Bryan, Punk, etc., yet we still had the goddamn Big Show main eventing PPVs in 2013, and even worse, he was shoehorned into Bryan's program and took his spot.

I was talking about the fans! The kids are almost all gone.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Just got done watching NXT and it was good. I'm with Sunny. The Cesaro/Zane match was great, the Paige/Emma match was good and that's about it. The Ascension are garbage, Mojo and Parker were whatever and that Ladder match didn't have anything in it that couldn't have been achieved in a regular match. I liked it well enough but those calling this the thing all "lolindywrestling" aspire to be are getting a bit hyperbolic.


So not worth it
Just got done watching NXT and it was good. I'm with Sunny. The Cesaro/Zane match was great, the Paige/Emma match was good and that's about it. The Ascension are garbage, Mojo and Parker were whatever and that Ladder match didn't have anything in it that couldn't have been achieved in a regular match. I liked it well enough but those calling this the thing all "lolindywrestling" aspire to be are getting a bit hyperbolic.

You're just mad we weren't watching Impact, aren't you?


I'm glad you guys DID love Arrival, it just didn't click as well as I'd hoped with me. It looked like NXT. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't feel like the revolution a lot of you are saying it is. And having some of their talent MIA bums me out.

I will pick up SHINE soon. Don't think I can watch live.

It was the normal NXT, but with longer matches and improved production values. Which is pretty rad. Sami/Cesaro was dope as fuck, Paige vs Emma was the best Diva match in WWE in many years. Main event didn't do much for me, though. I was expecting it to really be a crazy showcase for PAC, but there really wasn't much to the match that couldn't have been done in a standard match. And Bo really didn't even try to step up to the plate. He actually seems to have regressed both in ring work and his physical conditioning in the past 3 months. WWE cuts Hero (who is better than Bo at everything) because of his lack of dedication in the gym, but has had Bo as the flag bearer for NXT for most of the last year.


The way some of you are all up in Paige's panties makes me wonder if you are looking at her gawking and not her work story telling you know what matters.


I'm gonna throw this in here even though it is BARELY wrasllin' related.

I just got retweeted/answered by super-wrestling-fan Billy Corgan.

Yeah, I'm a fan.


I'm so happy to see all of this love for Zayn. He's been doing this shit for years as El Generico and deserves every single ounce of credit he gets.


Rewatching NXT Arrival this morning .. a couple of points:

- Announcing is 10x better than what's on RAW/Smackdown
- Paige is my favorite DIVA .. period
- Sami vs. Cesaro is what I'd pay to see every time


As noted, WWE is working on a new Batista DVD. WrestlingDVDNews.com reports that promotional material they received for the DVD stated, Batista's "life story is very compelling and continues in this program."

Is it really?


Oh, nice, they're taping the follow up episodes of NXT tonight at the Full Sail Arena....crowd should be hype for those shows.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Did y'all catch at the beginning of Arrival they used Earthquake's theme? Good shit.


Oh, nice, they're taping the follow up episodes of NXT tonight at the Full Sail Arena....crowd should be hype for those shows.

The crowd doesn't get hype...THEY STAAAAAAAAAAAY HYPE!!!!

I was watching NXT Arrival at the gym, fuck that was an awesome show. Cesaro is going to be in one of the main event matches at WM31. Dude is legit as fuck.


I enjoyed Arrival a lot. Sure, not everything was a hit but overall it was a very good show. I like the characters they have, Tyler Breeze, Cesaro and Zayn were all great, the guy who wrestled BO was obviously super talented but seemed to generic to me.

What stood out to me were the announcers, though. I think the Raw team should listen and learn from the NXT crew, they outshone them in every single way. It really made it obvious how piss-poor the Raw announcers really are.
I said it before but March OT should have a pole to on if Bryan will job to triple H at mania.

What side are you on? Will be Hunter Bury that Bearded B+ Player?

What stood out to me were the announcers, though. I think the Raw team should listen and learn from the NXT crew, they outshone them in every single way. It really made it obvious how piss-poor the Raw announcers really are.

They were good this week mainly because Regal was there. Depending on who is in the booth the commentary can be god awful on NXT. Still can't tell Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips voice apart.


They were good this week mainly because Regal was there. Depending on who is in the booth the commentary can be god awful on NXT. Still can't tell Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips voice apart.

I honestly kept forgetting that it was a 3 man commentary team. It just sounded like Regal and 1 other.


By the way did anybody else get this in their email last night after Arrival?

During tonight's live NXT ArRIVAL special, we unfortunately experienced technical difficulties, which are to be expected when launching a new digital network. We will work aggressively to solve these glitches and deliver quality service. The complete event will be available on-demand overnight.


They were good this week mainly because Regal was there. Depending on who is in the booth the commentary can be god awful on NXT. Still can't tell Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips voice apart.

Ah, this was really my first NXT experience, I assumed Regal was always there. I do agree about the other two though, their voices weren't distinctive at all.

One thing I really liked was that no matter who was talking, if there was a pin attempt, they'd always stop and call the pin. Great stuff.

Edit: I got that same email, too, Sephzilla.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
HHH/D.Bry open the show.

D.Bry wins in 17 seconds.

Get his title shot. WINS!


If they really wanted a DB to overcome the odds moments they'd have that HHH - DB match right before the main event. DB wins but Orton + Batista + HHH all beat his ass down after the first match.


They were good this week mainly because Regal was there. Depending on who is in the booth the commentary can be god awful on NXT. Still can't tell Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips voice apart.

There's not really any need to have both Saxton and Philips there, because they sound similar and cover the same role, but I get that they want Philips to be trained up and Regal and Saxton are fine to learn from.

I don't really like three man booths anyway, it's too crowded. Saxton to call the match, Regal to explain everything and provide info, sounds like a fine combination to me. Tensai is also decent for his low experience, he has a good voice.


HHH/D.Bry open the show.

D.Bry wins in 17 seconds.

Get his title shot. WINS!


That would be terrible. Let him go 15 mins with Trips at least. It sucks that he's not in the mainevent, but they could still put on a decent match.

I can't tell if people are serious or not about Trips not putting Bryan over.


Not surprising, they need to assure customers that this will not happen for Wrestlemania and its just teething trouble.

I have to imagine they're going to do a lot of prep-work for Wrestlemania. If they fumble WM it'll be a pretty big blow to the network.


Just finished watching Arrival, it was a great show. Probably the best WWE event since SummerSlam. Not that the others were hard to beat but still, great show.

Cesaro vs Zayn was the match I was looking forward to and they didn't disappoint. It was just perfect and showed why pro wrestling is just an awesome form of entertainment. That match deserved to be at Mania, it felt to big to that little venue. Cesaro looked like a star and Zayn played the perfect underdog babyface. There is nothing bad to say about it, just outstanding.

Emma/Paige and Bo/Neville were the other two obvious highlights of the show. Emma/Paige started a little sloppy but it ended in terrific fashion with a great looking submission. Emma looked strong in defeat.

Bo/Neville was a strong ladder match. It was at is best when it focused on story since the ladder spots weren't that impressive. It was a ladder match that wasn't a spot fest and I don't see that as a bad thing.

The undercard wasn't bad either. I like Rusev and I think he is great for a big man, I don't know how he fairs in an actual match but seeing him clean house is entertaining. I don't have a problem with The Ascencion either, they have a great look and seemed cool. Not seeing the hate.

So, Arrival delivered for sure. The future looks promising, hopefully the best talent in this show will make a smooth transition over to the WWE.
I don't have a problem with The Ascencion either, they have a great look and seemed cool. Not seeing the hate.

They kind of switched up their gimmick on this show. They used to come out to brood like gothic music and dress up like vampires and it was pretty bad, would come off like a knock off Undertaker tag team. Last night they came out to a heavy metal tune and just acted like mean dudes. A much better use of them.


They were good this week mainly because Regal was there. Depending on who is in the booth the commentary can be god awful on NXT. Still can't tell Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips voice apart.

I don't like Byron at all. He sounds like a kid doing his announcer voice, flip flops his role as a face or heel announcer, and gets so hamfisted with pushing story points that it i annoying.
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