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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Impact is like 2000 Thunder with less talent and Smackdown's sound machine.

2000 THUNDER!!??

TNA always feels lifeless whenever I try to watch a minute of it. Either people can barely move like Angle, or they're good like Roode but don't have shit to do, or they're in the X Division but no spots ever matter/impress. Then add that nothing ever consistently makes sense and no one seems like they care.
Catching up on Impact, and I think Austin Aries turns more than any wrestler I've ever seen. I don't even know if I consider him a face or heel considering he seemingly has no moral base and just does whatever the hell he feels like at a given moment.


Impact used to be sooooooooooo good, it's been a very depressing decline ever since about 2010 or so, the second the six sided ring was gone I knew there was no hope

Jamie OD

Didn't see the main event yet but Sami Vs Cesaro and Paige Vs Emma were worth staying up to watch the show live. I also like the College Game Day feel of the pre-show. I hope that format sticks around for the future live NXT shows. The live stream was almost flawless for me until the feed cut off like it did for everyone. I'll defend it as growing pains but I don't blame anyone for getting tired of how unreliable the Network has been so far.
My only gripe: wasn't feeling Paige's lipstick.

If this was indeed a glimpse into HHH's WWE, Vince needs to step aside now. I agree wholeheartedly that NXT show was better than any PPV WWE has put on since Money In The Bank 2011, and that was a one-match show.


Is this the first legitimate attempt at a Zoolander character/gimmick? Gonna watch some older NXTs to find out.

And OMG just caught the Cesaro/Zayn match. That was some PPV shit. A good number of the moves Zayn pulled off was stuff I only saw Cruiserweights do. Cesaro is just that dude, though. He is the reason I'm watching RAW again. Fingers crossed he doesn't get hurt/mismanaged, because he's definitely main event material.
You know, if you're Paige and Emma, why would you really want to leave NXT? They just made waves with an incredible fucking match. I know the money's better up top, but are you really looking forward to having throw-away 3-minute matches that have no importance to the show?


Is this the first legitimate attempt at a Zoolander character/gimmick? Gonna watch some older NXTs to find out.

And OMG just caught the Cesaro/Zayn match. That was some PPV shit. A good number of the moves Zayn pulled off was stuff I only saw Cruiserweights do. Cesaro is just that dude, though. He is the reason I'm watching RAW again. Fingers crossed he doesn't get hurt/mismanaged, because he's definitely main event material.
They're quite aware of what they have in Cesaro- he's singlehandedly gotten himself over and they had him beat Randy a few weeks back.


You know, if you're Paige and Emma, why would you really want to leave NXT? They just made waves with an incredible fucking match. I know the money's better up top, but are you really looking forward to having throw-away 3-minute matches that have no importance to the show?
Perform once a week in Florida in front of 1000-3000 people OR travel around the world, perform in front of crowds ten times the size, be on television and make more money.

Yeah. What a hard decision.
this is an odd shirt. don't know why anyone would want a shirt with a card on it. it'll probably be $5 in like a few months though.

why is this not available as a normal shirt. i don't have any fuckin muscles

this one is alright though. would prefer it without the BACK though


A bit of a random thought sprung into my head just now:

I wonder if and how long there is of an unbroken lineage of an angle. Like if you could pick an angle, how long year-wise could you go back until you get to the 'root' angle that started a storyline?

Like say Cena is mad at Orton for winning a PPV, because Orton had Flair help him cheat to win the title. Flair helped Orton because Orton saved Flair from Mark Henry. Henry attacked Flair because Flair sent someone after him in '97, etc

It'd be hilarious or amazing if there was some Angle Prime

Jamie OD

Is this the first legitimate attempt at a Zoolander character/gimmick? Gonna watch some older NXTs to find out.

It is. He had a feud with CJ Parker (the hippy) with one great moment backstage involving them and Brad Maddox.

CJ Parker: This does not concern you.
Tyler Breeze: No, it doesn't concern you, uggo. It concerns me, I wanna be in the tag team turmoil.
CJ Parker: No, you need to leave, you need to go.
Brad Maddox: SHUT UP! Neither of you even have tag partners what do you want me to do?
Tyler Breeze: Clone Me.
CJ Parker: Find some government funding.

It's from the 25th September episode.

Jamie OD

A bit of a random thought sprung into my head just now:

I wonder if and how long there is of an unbroken lineage of an angle. Like if you could pick an angle, how long year-wise could you go back until you get to the 'root' angle that started a storyline?

Like say Cena is mad at Orton for winning a PPV, because Orton had Flair help him cheat to win the title. Flair helped Orton because Orton saved Flair from Mark Henry. Henry attacked Flair because Flair sent someone after him in '97, etc

It'd be hilarious or amazing if there was some Angle Prime

Pretty much every major angle in Chikara can be linked back to the 2005 Tag World Grand Prix final where Chris Hero turned on Mike Quackenbush and formed the Kings of Wrestling. And that angle was created because of a match Hero & Quack had in the 2004 Ted Petty Invitational.

Edit: Sorry, didn't mean to double post.


Random thought:

Give Brie Bella some proper training, ditch her sister, change her name to Brie Bryan, make her Daniel Bryan's hippie, vegan enforcer. Like a high flying anti-Chyna.

Every day I wonder why creative doesn't hire me.



This looks so much more "realistic" than the usual catch because Cesaro is just that strong. Normally they do this very obvious "let me now jump into your arms" cross body for a catch, in WWE, but Sami just does his moonsault as normal and Cesaro simply muscles him up instead.
Great stuff.


So not worth it
A lot of the Total Divas would work better as heels, but hey, that's WWE logic for you.

Seriously though, think about their characters on Total Divas.

Natural Heels on TD:
1. Eva Marie, this one goes without saying and I can't believe they're doing a storyline where they pretend she's getting more popular with the fanbase.
2. Nikki Bella, shallow and obnoxious, terrible to her sister and almost solely focussed on the way she looks (as in her actual looks, not how good her wrestling looks in the ring)
3. Natalya, constantly threatened by younger people in the company, jealous of them too, talks bad about them behind their backs all the time. Seems to think that because she had the good fortune of being born in a wrestling family, that automatically makes her better and more deserving than other talent that works just as hard (or maybe harder, considering they didn't have the benefit of being trained at a young age and getting opportunities based on family association). Also has no problem going on a date with another guy just weeks from her wedding.
4. Ariane (Cameron), is just bat-shit insane. Treats Vinny like complete shit, refuses to put out to the point where they have to go to therapy and will occassionally randomly throw drinks at cars because she doesn't have any control over her temper.
5. John Cena, completely devoid of human emotion, has anxiety issues when he lets his girlfriend move in and she puts a candle in the room or puts the clothes in the wrong basket (you see, there's two, one for fancy clothes and one for actual dirty clothes). Comes off as more of a phony on Total Divas than he does in WWE, amazing.

Faces on TD:
1. Bryan Danielson, down to earth, doesn't need much in life and is content with the littlest things. Always in a good mood, just in general a friendly guy.
2. Brie Bella, maybe due to Bryan's influence, but seems genuinly nicer, isn't obsessed by her looks and seems to make an effort to be a good wrestler, isn't material at all.
3. Vincent, what a great guy, constantly makes an effort to work around the crazy tendencies of his girl, excited for everything she does. Definitely deserves better.

The rest are pretty much tweeners, flip-flopping between batshit-insane and supercool every 10 minutes or so.


Them trying to push Eva as a face simply because she's on Total Divas is ridiculous beyond words, the girl is literally a natural heel, she's ALREADY getting heat, not to mention she's so dumb that she plays the heel during matches.

I honestly hate the TD cast because they're obviously leveraging their fledgling reality show as an excuse to get more tv time and get put over other divas, and the idea of them all hating AJ because she didn't wanna be on shows how pathetic they all are

Cena, as portrayed by Total Divas, comes off like a complete lunatic.

I love crazy Total Divas Cena, I laughed so hard when he started wiping the floor as Nikki was trying to cook


Faces on TD:
1. Bryan Danielson, down to earth, doesn't need much in life and is content with the littlest things. Always in a good mood, just in general a friendly guy.
2. Brie Bella, maybe due to Bryan's influence, but seems genuinly nicer, isn't obsessed by her looks and seems to make an effort to be a good wrestler, isn't material at all.

The part that gets me is how they don't milk this. People like Daniel Bryan not because he is angry and pissed off, but because as far as underdogs go, he is a pretty nice guy; he can be funny, he can be self depreciating at times, he is earnest, and on and on. Make him less screaming angry that he wants to be on wrestlemania and more calm and collected and "listen to these people" while smiling and you got charisma gold there.

And I think Brie is the same; I really like her on twitter, she has that thing where she is honestly trying to be a better human being and stuff. According to Daniel Bryan, she was the one that started the hashtag #YesMovement and this notion that a chant can influence how this big evil corporation works and whatnot. And now it is the foundation of his (hopefully) upcoming post-wrestlemania big push.

They both have this kind of progressive naiveté that will remain very likeable if they avoid being preachy.

We have this crazy situation where the real people are not only more likeable than the characters, but they're also more interesting. I say bring this to screen.



The part that gets me is how they don't milk this. People like Daniel Bryan not because he is angry and pissed off, but because as far as underdogs go, he is a pretty nice guy; he can be funny, he can be self depreciating at times, he is earnest, and on and on. Make him less screaming angry that he wants to be on wrestlemania and more calm and collected and "listen to these people" while smiling and you got charisma gold there.

And I think Brie is the same; I really like her on twitter, she has that thing where she is honestly trying to be a better human being and stuff. According to Daniel Bryan, she was the one that started the hashtag #YesMovement and this notion that a chant can influence how this big evil corporation works and whatnot. And now it is the foundation of his (hopefully) upcoming post-wrestlemania big push.

They both have this kind of progressive naiveté that will remain very likeable if they avoid being preachy.

We have this crazy situation where the real people are not only more likeable than the characters, but they're also more interesting. I say bring this to screen.


I'll pitch it to Vince and let you know what he thinks.


Actually Bryan's smiley promos tend to be weaker than his angry passionate promos. Then again, his smiley promos tend to be the "WWE face" promos with dumb jokes and whatever.

If he was the guy he is in interviews during said smiley promos, he'd be lovable instead of corny. Though I don't know that he would be intimidating, since he's so friendly and nice in said interviews, which isn't necessarily what a wrestler needs to be on TV.


could never
5. John Cena, completely devoid of human emotion, has anxiety issues when he lets his girlfriend move in and she puts a candle in the room or puts the clothes in the wrong basket (you see, there's two, one for fancy clothes and one for actual dirty clothes). Comes off as more of a phony on Total Divas than he does in WWE, amazing.

Wow, I need to start watching.


You know, if you're Paige and Emma, why would you really want to leave NXT? They just made waves with an incredible fucking match. I know the money's better up top, but are you really looking forward to having throw-away 3-minute matches that have no importance to the show?
Largely depends on what motivates them.

Clearly NXT gives them the better platform on which to hone their craft and a rabid audience that actually appreciates their work on top of that.

But being a part of the main WWE roster likely pays a whole hell of a lot more. Or at least will enable them to earn more with merchandise sales due to exposure and possibly command a lot more when their contracts renew.

It's a question of what they want to do more. Although, if you ask me, the ideal solution would be to sit on the fence and do both if you're allowed to. At least until Vince is gone.


Rewatching NXT ArRIVAL, and in span of one minute in Zayn/Cesaro the commentary team calls an exploder suplex, Blue Thunder bomb, Koji clutch and stretch muffler. It's refreshing.

I don't know what they think ignoring moves on the main roster does, it doesn't make it more "accessible" it just makes the commentators look clueless and untrained.


With NXT Arrival last night, I'm thinking the new March |OT| which goes live today should be

March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era has arRIVED
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