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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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Just finished watching Arrival, it was a great show. Probably the best WWE event since SummerSlam. Not that the others were hard to beat but still, great show.

Cesaro vs Zayn was the match I was looking forward to and they didn't disappoint. It was just perfect and showed why pro wrestling is just an awesome form of entertainment. That match deserved to be at Mania, it felt to big to that little venue. Cesaro looked like a star and Zayn played the perfect underdog babyface. There is nothing bad to say about it, just outstanding.

Emma/Paige and Bo/Neville were the other two obvious highlights of the show. Emma/Paige started a little sloppy but it ended in terrific fashion with a great looking submission. Emma looked strong in defeat.

Bo/Neville was a strong ladder match. It was at is best when it focused on story since the ladder spots weren't that impressive. It was a ladder match that wasn't a spot fest and I don't see that as a bad thing.

The undercard wasn't bad either. I like Rusev and I think he is great for a big man, I don't know how he fairs in an actual match but seeing him clean house is entertaining. I don't have a problem with The Ascencion either, they have a great look and seemed cool. Not seeing the hate.

So, Arrival delivered for sure. The future looks promising, hopefully the best talent in this show will make a smooth transition over to the WWE.

The Ascenion are disliked because they have zero substance. They have the "epic" entrance but there's no actual gimmick to it. They just have the fancy entrance and they roar a lot. I have absolutely no idea who they are or what they want, and they've been around for a long time.

They also tend to wrestle the same squash match on TV against random jobbers constantly, sometimes every week. Now, they had a different theme song before tonight, which was this corny "epic" Carmina Burana sound-alike where they really slowly made their entrance. In little Full Sail arena, it comes off as stupid and boring.

Their new music and entrance is much faster and better. And the crowd have recently taken to shouting "YAH" with their moves because of all the roaring Konnor does, which helps their matches be a bit less dull, since the crowd were normally silent before.


They kind of switched up their gimmick on this show. They used to come out to brood like gothic music and dress up like vampires and it was pretty bad, would come off like a knock off Undertaker tag team. Last night they came out to a heavy metal tune and just acted like mean dudes. A much better use of them.

Yeah, I kind of remember the Undertaker like entrance they had from a NXT show I saw some time ago.

I think this looks suits them just fine.

Also, I forgot to mention, the commentary was really good. No constant bickering between the announcers really makes it so much better.

The Ascenion are disliked because they have zero substance. They have the "epic" entrance but there's no actual gimmick to it. They just have the fancy entrance and they roar a lot. I have absolutely no idea who they are or what they want, and they've been around for a long time.

They also tend to wrestle the same squash match on TV against random jobbers constantly, sometimes every week. Now, they had a different theme song before tonight, which was this corny "epic" Carmina Burana sound-alike where they really slowly made their entrance. In little Full Sail arena, it comes off as stupid and boring.

Their new music and entrance is much faster and better. And the crowd have recently taken to shouting "YAH" with their moves because of all the roaring Konnor does, which helps their matches be a bit less dull, since the crowd were normally silent before.

I only saw them one other time so maybe I'm just not over-exposed to them.

They seemed over and showed some intensity so they seemed interesting. Of course, maybe being the same every week gets tiring but I haven't seen enough of them to get to that point.


As I said, the Ascension were a bit better last night. Their entrance was improved, and the crowd are a bit more into them thanks to the YAH crowd chant (which the Ascension seemed to get pumped up by, I could see them nodding their heads to the chants).

But they still lack for substance, in the gimmick.


Guys like the Ascension & Corey Graves seem great when you see them once but when you've seen them again and again...They just don't have the quality mic or ring skills to maintain the fans interest.

The Ascension seem to have gotten a new lease of life with the YAHing and their new theme/entrance/look though.


After WWE NXT Arrival went off the air, John Cena joined new NXT champ Adrian Neville in the ring and praised him for his work and his win. Triple H raised Neville's arm and then Neville did a victory lap around and the ring and moonsaulted into it, landing on his feet, before thanking the fans.

I remember around Summerslam last year, when asked about developmental stars of the future, Cena specifically cited Adrian Neville as being particularly talented and with a bright future. Bodes well for Neville if Cena is in his corner.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I remember around Summerslam last year, when asked about developmental stars of the future, Cena specifically cited Adrian Neville as being particularly talented and with a bright future. Bodes well for Neville if Cena is in his corner.
Cena was also a fan of Evan Bourne and look at him now.


I remember around Summerslam last year, when asked about developmental stars of the future, Cena specifically cited Adrian Neville as being particularly talented and with a bright future. Bodes well for Neville if Cena is in his corner.

Bodes well for Neville
eventually getting buried by Cena
I remember around Summerslam last year, when asked about developmental stars of the future, Cena specifically cited Adrian Neville as being particularly talented and with a bright future. Bodes well for Neville if Cena is in his corner.

Reminds me of when people were high on Evan Borne before he kept messing up and getting injured. I guess this is their second shot. I finally caught up on NXT arrival after work last night and i was pumped the whole way through. Not only that, but now i work day times so that mean ill be able to go the ROH/NJPW show that i already got a ticket for!


Arrival wasn't THAT good.
It was better than anything the main product has done in a pretty long while.

The Sami/Cesaro stuff puts anything you have seen on Raw/Smackdown in a long, long, long time to shame. It's embarrassing that this show was more entertaining then the last years worth of PPVs.



Also, Fave Five Current Day Wrestling Bodies

1) Cesaro
2) Tanahashi
3) Brock Lesnar
4) EC3
5) Cena
2 and 4 I don't know, 3 and 5 I don't agree with (though Lesnar gets credit for having to work harder due to his illness), but 1 is definitely the truth. I've got nothing but respect/jealousy for Cesaro's physique. Dude was looking JACKED last night.
Speaking of Cena what is it with him and suits lol?

He's got a house the size of a small country but wears a suit that makes him look like a overweight pensioner.

If you just glance at that photo, Cena looks just like Vinny Mac. I had to stare and make sure it wasn't him.


WWE cuts Hero (who is better than Bo at everything) because of his lack of dedication in the gym, but has had Bo as the flag bearer for NXT for most of the last year.
Doesn't matter whether you're talking about Vince or Triple H... the WWE has blinders on when it comes to second and third-generation talent. Especially when it comes to kids of their own employees.

Some have talent... like Bray.

And some do not... like Bo.
Or Ted Jr.
Or Natalya.
Or Brian Christopher.
Or Curtis Axel.
Or... has "some talent" but gets a zillion second chances after screwing up repeatedly like Orton.


Holy shit guys....I just bought a GA ticket to NXT tonight.
My advice for anyone attending an NXT taping is to bring a hoodie or something you can use as a cushion. Those bleachers are not very comfortable and there is no intermission at all. So it's pretty much four hours of sitting on a metal bench, potentially with a metal bolt shoved into one of your ass-cheeks.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Buff Bagwell is a family man! Did you see him defend his mothers honor in the Judy Bagwell on a forklift match? Woman look for that dedication in a mate.


Natalya and Ted Jr now have no talent.

lol I can't

Natalya wouldn't have made it 10 minutes if she didn't have the family connections and we all know it.

And Ted Jr.? You want to talk about someone who can't talk, bland look and no charisma whatsoever? Natalya and Ted Jr... LOL


Bo's had more of a chance because he's the only guy on the roster who draws genuine heat. Yeah his ring skills are mediocre, yeah his mic skills are shoddy and only work because of his gimmick and yes he looks flabby and unconditioned but he's served a purpose and he's been useful.

I mean he's never going to get a call up looking like he does and he's going to get less and less TV time now he's dropped the belt.
What a silly opening by Triple H.

The series as a whole reminds me of the Punk vs. Samoa Joe ROH trilogy, and last night's match between Zayn and Cesaro reminded me of the last match between Joe and Punk, the no limit ROH World Championship match. Cesaro played Joe, while Zayn played Punk. Zayn, like Punk, gained more by losing; like Joe, Cesaro played off of spectacular moments from their previous matches, like uppercutting Zayn as he went for the through the ring ropes across the ring corner DDT. They played off of Cesaro's freakish strength spot from the 2/3 falls match with another Cesaro catch. Cesaro busted out the Ricola bomb, which he hasn't used since joining WWE, but that was reversed by Zayn. This was an outstanding match that blew off the feud between them, and it moved Cesaro one step closer to his face turn when he picked Zayn up and hugged him.

C.J. Parker is awful.

The Ascension is laughably bad. Did Scotty 2 Hotty sell his hair for gas money? The tag team scene is NXT's weak spot right now.

Paige vs. Emma was very solid. Emma has a better powerbomb than Batista, as the crowd took delight in highlighting. I wasn't digging Paige's make-up; it doesn't make sense, since she's the anti-diva. Emma's Tarantula hold, her powerbomb, Paige's Paige Turner, and her Scorpion Cross Lock were definite highlights. You can definitely see the Sara Del Rey influence here.

Rusev's fine, for what he is.

The ladder match felt a little slow; Dallas just doesn't do very much in the ring. Neville had two great athletic moments (the corkscrew shooting star press, called the Red Arrow, and the jump to the top of the ladder from a ring corner), and hopefully he can really impress new viewers with his high-flying offense.

Edit: New page?


My advice for anyone attending an NXT taping is to bring a hoodie or something you can use as a cushion. Those bleachers are not very comfortable and there is no intermission at all. So it's pretty much four hours of sitting on a metal bench, potentially with a metal bolt shoved into one of your ass-cheeks.

Check your PMS


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Bo's had more of a chance because he's the only guy on the roster who draws genuine heat. Yeah his ring skills are mediocre, yeah his mic skills are shoddy and only work because of his gimmick and yes he looks flabby and unconditioned but he's served a purpose and he's been useful.

I mean he's never going to get a call up looking like he does and he's going to get less and less TV time now he's dropped the belt.

Bo Dallas is the next Miz.

Hence I'm a boliever!
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