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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
So... Raw...

Well Wrestlemania is pretty much confirmed to be without a shadow of a doubt a train wreck. WWE, for everyone's sake, please, make it an enjoyable one, not a snooze fest.


This year's WM at least sounds better than last year.



Orton/Batista which will no doubt be hilarious as the crowd rages during it

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I missed Raw tonight. I can watch a wrap-up on the Network right?


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
This year's WM at least sounds better than last year.



Orton/Batista which will no doubt be hilarious as the crowd rages during it

Oh no doubt about that. I just hope that the entire show is, at it's worst, Brock/Goldberg.

Not, well... most of the Wrestlemania's of the past decade.


I'm willing to make an avatar bet that Bryan will be in the WWE Title match at WM30. I am that certain.

Any Takers?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm willing to make an avatar bet that Bryan will be in the WWE Title match at WM30. I am that certain.

Any Takers?


oh Carnby


How convenient.

Fuck, I dunno if I want to bet because I believe in it, but I'm tempted to take ANY av bet I see just because I love having fun.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Watching Raw from 1998. I really wish it had the old intro in the warehouse or whatever that was.


Ugh. Those guys chanting Husky Harris were right fucking behind me. Fuck thise guys.

Real talk though. Roman vs Bray was boring as fuck until the ending
WWE does a great job with WM but over the years they have really botched the main event selection, a few examples:

Hogan/Sid and Savage/Flair- EVERYONE wanted Hogan vs Flair so of course we didn't get it.

Jericho/HHH- Making this the main event over Hogan/Rock was absurd. No one had any energy left for this match.

Miz/Cena- no explanation needed.

LT/Bam Bam- Really?

HHH/Rock/Foley/Big Show- An overbooked mess, a fatal four way was not needed.

Orton/HHH- A personal feud that is settled in a match in which HHH can lose a title on a DQ. Dosent matter, Orton had good heat until HHH destroyed it. One of my most hated matches of all time.

Point being is WWE has been shitty with the WM main event on many occasions, this year though its going to backfire ( If they stick with it) and it will be must see TV when the crowd turns on the product.

I hope the fans watch Bash at the Beach 96 and get some ideas when Batista wins the title.
Bryan/H should have an epic match on RAW with the title shot at Mania on the line. Punk comes from the crowd and hits the GTS on H, crowd goes nuts with the Bryan win. Boom Punk/H and Triple threat for the title. Sigh.

Now they're going to turn bootista heel to warrant the boos. Sucks the fun out of it. =(


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, for the first time in a long time, I watched Raw from start to finish. In a word. Meh.

Batista vs. Del Rio - No one cares and every one knows it. Batista is in awful shape and Del Rio gives no fucks anymore. This leads to the awful Orton/Batista promo and I'm betting Batista is still gassed. Nothing match.

Cesaro vs. Big E - Good match. Big E can go but both guys were sloppy tonight. Some great spots in the match too (tilt and whirl backbreaker). Cesaro nearly killed him with the Neuralizer. I wouldn't be surprised if that finisher is gone. This will probably lead to Cesaro vs. Swagger at WM which is okay by me.

Cena vs. Wyatts - That injury is legit. Shame too because I don't think this segment needed to happen this way to begin wit. Props to Cena for gutting out the rest of the segment.

Christian vs. Sheamus - Bathroom Break.

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan - It's crazy that Kane is still in great shape. Decent match and did what it was supposed to do. I think the finish should have had Kane tap to the Yes Lock to get it over as a legit threat going into the HHH match but the Busaiku Knee is always a favorite. The commentary was just awful during this match though.

Emma vs. Summer Rae - Nice Muta Lock. Whatever otherwise.

NAO vs. Usos - Must be good to be friends with HHH. Getting paid for being horrible. Aren't the NAO heels? Why are they doing their mic gimmick still? Please go away.

Bray vs. Roman - There is a reason the crowd kind of shit on this match. It wasn't very good. Slow and kind of meandering. Part of the problem is that the crowd didn't know who the cheer for. The other part is that neither guy can led a match worth a shit yet. It showed. If Cena is hurt, the Wyatts vs. The Shield II is the best we can hope so neither guy gets too exposed too early.

Brock vs. Taker - Why is this a match? Does Brock need the rub? Does UT need the payday? What can possibly be done here that hasn't already been done to Taker at a WM? Brock won't go over at WM and I doubt Taker can work anymore (probably still better than Batista though) so this is just shit.

I wasn't impressed here. I guess this is why I usually start watching Raw every Monday but end up falling asleep in the first hour only to wake up to the beginning of NCIS. Luckily, I was grinding jobs in Bravely Default so, I accomplished something.

I wonder what CM Punk is feeling right about now. Probably feels good about his decision if he was truly that frustrated. I can see why now.

Oh yeah, at this rate, Orton vs. Batista will START Wrestlemania at the rate these crowds are going.


Ugh. Those guys chanting Husky Harris were right fucking behind me. Fuck thise guys.

Real talk though. Roman vs Bray was boring as fuck until the ending

Yeah I have no idea why they did that. I get that they're "The Future" but Reigns is carried by Rollins/Ambrose and Bray's not experienced or good enough to carry him in a solo match.

It seemed to be booked really slow for some reason as well.
Yeah I have no idea why they did that. I get that they're "The Future" but Reigns is carried by Rollins/Ambrose and Bray's not experienced or good enough to carry him in a solo match.

It seemed to be booked really slow for some reason as well.

It was an awful match. Both guys need good veterans to make them shine.
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