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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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Yo so that Raw thread was totally unneeded. It wasn't a BAD episode but it was just another episode. also dat leather jacket Dean


Raw thread pretty much confirms we can never get a solo-Raw thread again. Like when Kofi got that push against Orton but then botched and turned into the clock for the past five years.


So not worth it
I for one can't wait for Daniel Bryan's burial at WrestleMania 30.

Don't worry guys, he can get his win back at Elimination Chamber, so Batista can have a long title reign until SummerSlam while Daniel Bryan's momentum completely fades, it'll be okay.


Fuck Cunt Hogan. Can't even get the promos right he was hired for.

Cesaro is awesome.

Boot it's still sucks and has zero cardio. Him vs Orton will be a rest hold fest.

Mania looks pretty bad. It get some nice hijacking, probably worse than the Rumble.


Want me to make you feel old?

The vast majority of kids that Cena appeals to have never seen Hogan in a WWE ring for their entire life.

Hogan has been gone from the WWE longer than his entire WCW run.
Was it really necessary for JBL to intimate that he thinks Emma is ugly? As a heel commentator, you think he would've played up that she's "crazy", rather than shitting all over the dancing gimmick and basically calling her an uggo.

Was a pretty dull show, Kane vs D-Brine was fun, though.

*edit, apparently W-1's Sumo Hall show is selling really badly - that's the one with all the main TNA titles being defended. In response, Mutoh's also booked Takayama and Kojima on the cards, who are two guys people generally buy tickets for (well, maybe not Tak these days), so hopefully they'll have a decent crowd so it doesn't end up being an early death knell for the company.


Want me to make you feel old?

The vast majority of kids that Cena appeals to have never seen Hogan in a WWE ring for their entire life.

Hogan has been gone from the WWE longer than his entire WCW run.

The majority of kids that Cena appeals to never lived in a world with ECW or WCW.

*edit, apparently W-1's Sumo Hall show is selling really badly - that's the one with all the main TNA titles being defended. In response, Mutoh's also booked Takayama and Kojima on the cards, who are two guys people generally buy tickets for (well, maybe not Tak these days), so hopefully they'll have a decent crowd so it doesn't end up being an early death knell for the company.

I would say partnering up with TNA is a pretty early death knell on its own.
Fuck, New Age Outlaws are gonna be on NXT Arrival? THIS WAS OUR NIGHT DAMMIT

they gonna stare down the Ascension or something? it's strange how pathetic the NXT tag team division is. I need those East London gangsters to debut already
Was it really necessary for JBL to intimate that he thinks Emma is ugly? As a heel commentator, you think he would've played up that she's "crazy", rather than shitting all over the dancing gimmick and basically calling her an uggo.

Was a pretty dull show, Kane vs D-Brine was fun, though.
JBL is the WORST. he's King-level bad at his worst. they spend a good few minutes discussing Big E's name and how it sounded like Igor (which isn't even the Winnie the Pooh character). he sux


So not worth it
Want me to make you feel old?

The vast majority of kids that Cena appeals to have never seen Hogan in a WWE ring for their entire life.

Hogan has been gone from the WWE longer than his entire WCW run.


Most of these people haven't even seen guys like Austin.

Hell, some of them probably don't even remember Edge competing.

So yeah, there you go for feeling old.


Still baffled by the decision to give the tag titles to the NAO - instead of building up existing teams or introducing new ones (bring back the Edgeheads, gives Ryder and Hawkins something to do). Hopefully the Uso's get the rub at WM... Have to feel sorry for the Rhodes bros - will they even get on the pre-show?

Also, I suppose Hogan's return coincides with the Network, so WWE'll be "go check out the legendary Hoak Hogan, back when he could walk properly".
Still baffled by the decision to give the tag titles to the NAO - instead of building up existing teams or introducing new ones (bring back the Edgeheads, gives Ryder and Hawkins something to do). Hopefully the Uso's get the rub at WM... Have to feel sorry for the Rhodes bros - will they even get on the pre-show?
I'm sure there'll be some new toys for them to shill with Emma, Santino, Khali, and The Matadors


So not worth it
Hogan returning was pretty much a given after he left TNA, he had nowhere else to go because TNA couldn't afford him. In previous years when his contract with TNA was up, TNA would outbid WWE for Hogan (FYI, this is not because TNA is so much richer, but because WWE simply didn't want to go that high for Hogan). It's pretty much coincidence that Hogan comes back now, the exact timing of returning on this Raw is of course not coincidence. The deal was made a month or more ago.


I, for one, am still baffled they are legit going with Triple H vs. Bryan and Orton vs. Batista. Why would you expose Batista to that kind of go-away heat on purpose?



I'd rather remove my eyes with a spoon dipped in TCP.

I, for one, am still baffled they are legit going with Triple H vs. Bryan and Orton vs. Batista. Why would you expose Batista to that kind of go-away heat on purpose?

They've got 5 weeks to change their minds... Surely the biggest hope they have is to get Orton and Tista to tag up against the Wyatt family, and then both get injured...

Although yes, we know the Wyatt's didn't injure Cena... I demand opponents tag together!


Still baffled by the decision to give the tag titles to the NAO - instead of building up existing teams or introducing new ones (bring back the Edgeheads, gives Ryder and Hawkins something to do). Hopefully the Uso's get the rub at WM... Have to feel sorry for the Rhodes bros - will they even get on the pre-show?

Also, I suppose Hogan's return coincides with the Network, so WWE'll be "go check out the legendary Hoak Hogan, back when he could walk properly".

I was kinda hoping they would fully embrace a storyline where they are in fact HHH's lackeys and are heel. They're still allowed to act like faces, though.

I'm pretty sure they're there to help give the Usos the rub, though. Goldust and Cody don't need it.


Just finished RAW. UGH. Like Stro said, the only OT Raw thread that should ever be made is the one right after Wrestlemania. So way to go Heavy, thanks for bringing down the Wrasslegaf brand in the eyes of everyone. It's was funny to see Hogan botch the whole "Universe/Network/Universe/Network/etc..." portion of his promo, but other than Old Man 'Taker showing up, the show was completely forgettable.

My biggest gripe was WHERE WAS BAD NEWS BARRETT? You have a guy interrupt the ppv the night before with countless promos and then you don't feature him AT ALL the next night? JEEEEZUUSS. And as much as I don't like AJ she should have been on tonight in some fashion. She's the champion for pete's sake.

How terrible was the Green Bay crowd too? Ugh. UGH.


I was kinda hoping they would fully embrace a storyline where they are in fact HHH's lackeys and are heel. They're still allowed to act like faces, though.

I'm pretty sure they're there to help give the Usos the rub, though. Goldust and Cody don't need it.

Although G&C did bring the belts back to the forefront, so why have them drop a couple of months before WM to NAO, just for NAO to drop to the Uso's? With NAO not being in the frame for so long, surely the Uso's would benefit more from beating Goldust and Cody...

So yeah, hoping for the lacky storyline - but seems like they've missed the boat.


It's just so puzzling. Why would you completely ignore the audience.

Also, this means Punk is definitely not coming back next week, just as I was slowly building up some hope they had reached a deal.

How late can they leave DB hanging, before putting in the stipulation...? H hasn't accepted yet - but perhaps DB should've demanded the title shot before challenging the H's...

As for Chicago, they're going to have to bring out some big guns to try and win the crowd over, otherwise it's train-wreak time...


could never
Yeah, totally hear you guys.

I'm so disappointed... :( also Raw next week is going to be hilarious since Punk is likely done, we know most of this shit stain WM card. Chicago crowd gonna tear the show apart lol.

Brock/Taker could be good... I hope.
I took a step back and had a real Come To Jesus meeting with myself.

I looked at this community from afar with fresh eyes and brother, I didn't like what I saw.

This place is full of toolboxes. Toolboxes who post too many threads. Toolboxes that snitch on each other to moderators. Toolboxes who won't stop bellyaching about children's television programming.

Looking down into this thread was akin to looking down into a Port-A-Potty that's been out baking in the hot sun. Looking deep into that blue liquid with brown turds floating around, dirty toilet paper clumps, soupy green diarrhea slop and bubbling, sudsy piss. That's what this thread looks like, drizzling shits. But beneath all the crap and piss, I saw a sapling of hope beginning to grow. A young tree in the form of a couple of cats named Alucard and Spider From Mars. These cats get it, man.

They realized long ago, what I realized these last few days:

It's all about Impact Wrestling.

With the Network launching, this place is going to get a lot shittier, a lot faster. As if there wasn't enough WWE programming in a week already.

I won't kid you. TNA will probably never be seen as anything other than a joke by these a-holes. There's probably going to be more posts this Thursday about their little Internet Wrestling show than Impact.

However, if you want in on this, it's real simple:

Set aside 2 hours a week. That's it, just 2 hours. This Thursday, from 9 pm to 11 pm est. Tune your TV to Spike, kick back and commit to making at least 5 posts about Impact.

This invitation is open to everyone here. You don't need to watch 8+ hours of wrestling a week to fit in here. All it takes is just 2 hours.

You just became my wrestling thread hero!




Was it really necessary for JBL to intimate that he thinks Emma is ugly? As a heel commentator, you think he would've played up that she's "crazy", rather than shitting all over the dancing gimmick and basically calling her an uggo.
Has Vince written all over it. Remember the terrible Piggy James stuff? Also had some material with Kaitlyn and Natalya being chubby. Unless you're a twig or some big boobed blonde, Vince will make fun of you.

As for Mania, I still am baffled they haven't turned Batista heel yet.


So how is WM salvageable?

Orton (c) vs Batista vs Bryan

Taker vs Lesnar

Cena vs Wyatt

NAO (c) vs Usos vs Brotherhood vs Shield(?)

HHH vs Bryan (to get in the main event, although HHH this early on makes me laugh)

Divas match...

Ambrose (c) vs Big E (c) (unify now? or in the summer?)

Money In The Bank: Ziggler vs Cesaro vs Swaggy vs Sheamus vs Blue Dot vs Del Rio vs RVD (needs a hot opener)

Lots of Renee interview segments to keep people happy, and there you go. Covers most of the talent pool, makes some new stars (Wyatt, Usos), the ending shot most people want...

wishful thinking, and still no Punk


Bryan will somehow get into MITB, cash in right before the match starts giving off a huuuuuge pop and beat both Batista and Orton clean making the entire arena explode.


Very much looking forward to Chicago RAW ..

It seems the Wrestlemania main event is Brock/Taker at this point. I don't consider Orton/Batista a main event match and more so with 2 heels where one is clearly in the fan doghouse due to mismanagement of his return and mismanagement of "their" star Daniel Bryan. From a storyline perspective, I get the HHH vs Daniel Bryan WM match .. IF and only IF their is a huge payoff at WM. Selfishly I'd love to see a D Bry double main event but I don't think will happen. Think about it .. Daniel going over Paul, Randy, and Dave?? That would be one hell of a payoff ...


If this is the card with no changes, no Bryan double match, then the only logical thing to do is to either have Taker/Lesnar main event, because that is going to be a hot match and a crowd pleaser, or have Bryan/HHH main event, which would solve one of the problems (Bryan not main eventing) but still leave the other (Bryan not being in the title match).

I wonder if they're thinking about Orton retaining the title at WM, and Bryan beating HHH at WM and winning the title on RAW the next night in the main event. Since that's the biggest RAW of the year.


So is the Cena injury a shoot or a work?

I'm leaning towards work, and I think it may have been a last minute scramble so that they could set up Wyatt's vs. Shield pt.2 for mania.
If this is the card with no changes, no Bryan double match, then the only logical thing to do is to either have Taker/Lesnar main event, because that is going to be a hot match and a crowd pleaser, or have Bryan/HHH main event, which would solve one of the problems (Bryan not main eventing) but still leave the other (Bryan not being in the title match).

I wonder if they're thinking about Orton retaining the title at WM, and Bryan beating HHH at WM and winning the title on RAW the next night in the main event. Since that's the biggest RAW of the year.

There's no way in hell that Orton/Batista goes on last unless the match changes to add another participant. Taker/Lesnar should be a great match but, unless Taker plans to announce his retirement, it's also not a great match to go on last since neither of these guys is on tv on a regular basis. Hell, Taker Wrestles like once or twice a year.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
So is the Cena injury a shoot or a work?

I'm leaning towards work, and I think it may have been a last minute scramble so that they could set up Wyatt's vs. Shield pt.2 for mania.

On the post show, they interviewed a person from the medical staff and he said that Cena refused an MRI, so work.


So is the Cena injury a shoot or a work?

I'm leaning towards work, and I think it may have been a last minute scramble so that they could set up Wyatt's vs. Shield pt.2 for mania.

Been confirmed to be a work now. He took a slight knock but nothing serious.

Now Cena's gotta overcome them odds at Mania.


There's no way in hell that Orton/Batista goes on last unless the match changes to add another participant. Taker/Lesnar should be a great match but, unless Taker plans to announce his retirement, it's also not a great match to go on last since neither of these guys is on tv on a regular basis. Hell, Taker Wrestles like once or twice a year.

What I meant was, if Bryan is not in the main event, you need a match people aren't going to crap over on account of Bryan not being in it, and Lesnar/Taker is the only one I can think of that people will be invested in enough to not crap over.

Cena/Bray really isn't a WM main event, Bray is too new and it's not being positioned as a top match, it feels like fourth from the top right now.

So it's Bryan/HHH or Lesnar/Taker as the choices. It would be slightly hilarious if Punk left over burnout and disinterest in losing to Triple H in the middle of the card instead of main eventing, and Bryan got plugged into his spot and ended up main eventing the show.

Jamie OD

*edit, apparently W-1's Sumo Hall show is selling really badly - that's the one with all the main TNA titles being defended. In response, Mutoh's also booked Takayama and Kojima on the cards, who are two guys people generally buy tickets for (well, maybe not Tak these days), so hopefully they'll have a decent crowd so it doesn't end up being an early death knell for the company.

Should have sided with DDT.

I meant Wrestle-1 should, not TNA.


Big E. vs Cesaro last night was good, despite the finish, same for Wyatt vs Reigns. Both matches are worth watching alongside the Mania Hype.

Taker / Brock announcement was awesome. Heyman set the match up a little too well, saying they'll give Lesnar history at Mania or have no Lesnar at all. The Streak is the only history at Mania.....it's bigger than the title at this point. But I digress. That GONG gets me every single time and I get the biggest grin on my face. I loved Taker stabbing Lesnar with the pen, and I wish they had took it further and had him sign in Lesnar's blood, but I doubt they could do that, and this was the closest they could get.

Taker vs Lesnar isn't going to fuck around, Bryan vs Hs is going to be a good feud, and the crowd will make Batista vs Orton entertaining (you all know this).

Mania may not be what we all wanted, but it will be good.

Also, WWE NXT Arrival |OT|

Yay or nay?

Cause we need to get on the NXT Express Hype Train.
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