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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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Slightly unhinged Cody Rhodes retiring the Attitude Era guys could be a cool angle to run with. Cody is an incredible talent who is very handsome as well, so a run of him retiring these old dudes would be an easy way to build him back up as credible challenger in the main event and give a lot of these old guys a fair send off.

So they won't do that.


Still smh on how bad it went with Heyman and Cesaro. Where did Cesaro screwed up at.

Cesaro didn't screw anything up. It was again WWE's lack of direction. After winning the Andre The Giant battle royal he was over with the fans; he was considered a face even. But what did WWE do? They made him a Heyman guy with the idea to elevate Cesaro. But they forgot something. Heyman was a heel, a massive heel, after Lesnar broke the streak. Nobody wanted to boo Cesaro but nobody wanted to cheer for Heyman either. So it didn't work out, so they dropped that pretty quickly. And what they did afterwards was even worse; they turned him into a joke. And now i think of it, maybe you have a point. Maybe he did something backstage and they punished him. I find it hard to beleive because Cesaro is well respected backstage but maybe he stood up for himself and WWE doesn't like that. But this not first time they pushed someone and suddenly depush them and later on maybe push them again. They did it with Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Sandow, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz. Just to name a few. Maybe its Vince's way to test new talents. Lets push him to the main event and let it hang in front of him like a carrot. Lets see how he reacts if we suddenly pull it away from him. If he acts sportsmanlike, he is our new guy!



Slightly unhinged Cody Rhodes retiring the Attitude Era guys could be a cool angle to run with. Cody is an incredible talent who is very handsome as well, so a run of him retiring these old dudes would be an easy way to build him back up as credible challenger in the main event and give a lot of these old guys a fair send off.

So they won't do that.
Cody retiring Big Show and Kane would make him the biggest face in the company forever


What's the point of bringing back Bryan before Mania? They should have seen the audience being torn between him and Reigns. Why bring him back if he's just going to do nothing in the Rumble? You could bring him back after Mania and have an instant program with him and Reigns, or some heel who says he doesn't deserve a title shot etc. There's nothing for Bryan to do really.


What's the point of bringing back Bryan before Mania? They should have seen the audience being torn between him and Reigns. Why bring him back if he's just going to do nothing in the Rumble? You could bring him back after Mania and have an instant program with him and Reigns, or some heel who says he doesn't deserve a title shot etc. There's nothing for Bryan to do really.

Bryan came back to help ratings and give Reigns the rub for months until WM.

Honestly expecting Bryan to cut a promo in a few weeks telling Reigns the Yes Movement is his now and he owns the yes chant too. We have knucleheads saying the chant is the only part of Bryan that is over, and I'm sure Vince and company take that as absolute fact.


Replace him with a giant version of his action figure! People will not see the difference because the action figure will move just as stiff as the real thing.


Bryan came back to help ratings and give Reigns the rub for months until WM.

Honestly expecting Bryan to cut a promo in a few weeks telling Reigns the Yes Movement is his now and he owns the yes chant too. We have knucleheads saying the chant is the only part of Bryan that is over, and I'm sure Vince and company take that as absolute fact.

Big Show will because of health issues.

I'm sure Kane will follow suit. He's in better shape than anyone could ever hope, but he's still far too stitched-together.

Only problem is that the two men are making just shy of a million, each. Tough to reject that sort of money. Kane could probably get a job after retiring from wrestling (he's quite clever for a Libertarian), but Big Show replaced his brain with more fat a few years back, so... I'm gonna bet on Kane departing first.


I just read about the Reigns promo.... Holy shit. In their desperation to create a star, they've killed someone who was over with the crowd with a ridiculous ballwash and then had Heyman come out and basically say that he could have taken out the Von Erichs and Freebirds single handedly and probably take all the women screaming for Kerry.

They're lucky WM is in an open top stadium, because Brock's pop would have blown the roof off.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I'm sure Kane will follow suit. He's in better shape than anyone could ever hope, but he's still far too stitched-together.

Only problem is that the two men are making just shy of a million, each. Tough to reject that sort of money. Kane could probably get a job after retiring from wrestling (he's quite clever for a Libertarian), but Big Show replaced his brain with more fat a few years back, so... I'm gonna bet on Kane departing first.

Kane already has a job. He and his wife run an insurance company.
Nanae Takahashi tweeted that Yoshiko has "firmly apologised" for what she did to Act. STARDOM are asking fans to be patient regarding an update on Yoshiko's punishment or on Act's condition.

Meanwhile, Tanahashi's pissed off because that shit made the front cover of Pro-Wrestling Weekly. He says that the magazine's the one big thing that connects pro-wrestling to the mainstream and that to see Act's busted face on news-stands all across the country can only be a detriment to pro-wrestling and how it's perceived in Japan.


Watching the Cesaro/Kidd match.

Can the usos do anything but dives and rollups?

They fucking suck. They are tag team Cenas.


Nanae Takahashi tweeted that Yoshiko has "firmly apologised" for what she did to Act. STARDOM are asking fans to be patient regarding an update on Yoshiko's punishment or on Act's condition.

Meanwhile, Tanahashi's pissed off because that shit made the front cover of Pro-Wrestling Weekly. He says that the magazine's the one big thing that connects pro-wrestling to the mainstream and that to see Act's busted face on news-stands all across the country can only be a detriment to pro-wrestling and how it's perceived in Japan.

Interesting point by Tanahashi, but at the same time, controversy creates cash?


So not worth it
Watching the Cesaro/Kidd match.

Can the usos do anything but dives and rollups?

They fucking suck. They are tag team Cenas.

Cena vs. Rusev is one of the few things WWE does well right now. Comparing him to the Uso's is overselling the Uso's.


Watching the Cesaro/Kidd match.

Can the usos do anything but dives and rollups?

They fucking suck. They are tag team Cenas.

Superkicks too! I thought they worked well on Raw last night, but that could be because I haven't watched an Usos match in a few weeks. Generally fast forward through 'em as they feel inconsequential, but this feud has a story. It's a typical wrestling story, but at least it's there. And Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya are the most entertaining part of WWE TV now, pseudo comedy gimmick or not.


Btw I looked at the promo of Paul Heymann and during it Reign's body language says that he wants to get the hell out of there. From the crossed arms, to the foot standing out to the side. He was totally out of his depth.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Btw I looked at the promo of Paul Heymann and during it Reign's body language says that he wants to get the hell out of there. From the crossed arms, to the foot standing out to the side. He was totally out of his depth.
I'm assuming you're an expert in this field because you saw all 3 seasons of Lie to Me.


I'm on the "Cena and Rusev are telling a fun story" train. I still dislike Cena's character, but I can't dispute how comfortable he is on the mic and how he's seemingly been winning over more fans with this current program. Rusev denying the match at Mania was also a nice wrinkle. I wonder if Cena will force him to get into the match by force or by mind games. Probably by force to keep in line with the Cena is a dick trend.


Superkicks too! I thought they worked well on Raw last night, but that could be because I haven't watched an Usos match in a few weeks. Generally fast forward through 'em as they feel inconsequential, but this feud has a story. It's a typical wrestling story, but at least it's there. And Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya are the most entertaining part of WWE TV now, pseudo comedy gimmick or not.

Their moveset is boring. They do the same shit and everything works into that running stink face corner spot.

Its every fucking match. You wind up watching their matches for their opponents.


Reigns' in-ring promo instincts are definitely lacking at this point, but he's sounding more comfortable. His facial reactions make his character difficult to connect with, as you're not really sure if he's taking things seriously, or going for pure comedy, or what. I like him going down the road of "I have a lot of doubters. Tell me again I can't do it. Tell me again," but his body language and facial reactions need to match that intensity and vibe.



AVClub knows where the real money is.
Shitting on the WWE's parody of pro wrestling.

Their moveset is boring. They do the same shit and everything works into that running stink face corner spot.

Its every fucking match. You wind up watching their matches for their opponents.

I can totally see that. I'm not really an Usos fan either, but I'm enjoying their stuff with Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya. Feels fresh in the middle of everything else the WWE is doing right now.

Do you guys think Kidd and Cesaro are tweeners, or straight up heels? With the way Kidd's treated Natalya in the past, they're straight heels, but last night it seemed like they were all united.
AVClub knows where the real money is.
Shitting on the WWE's parody of pro wrestling.

I can totally see that. I'm not really an Usos fan either, but I'm enjoying their stuff with Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya. Feels fresh in the middle of everything else the WWE is doing right now.

Do you guys think Kidd and Cesaro are tweeners, or straight up heels? With the way Kidd's treated Natalya in the past, they're straight heels, but last night it seemed like they were all united.

Oh they're heels. Tweeners wouldn't hide behind their wife.

Also, I really like the double team moves they're using. Really inventive stuff. And maybe it's not a result of his own volition, but Cesaro not using every single one of his moves every single match (e.g. Ambrose always using that goddamn rebound clothesline, D.Brine always doing the flip off the turnbuckle) makes me more appreciative when he does stuff like the deadlift turnbuckle suplex. Like how Sami Zayn doesn't bust out the DDT through the ringpost every match.
Oh hey. Since Mania is soon who do we think is going to be the annual post wrestlemania NXT call-ups to the main roster?

One would think its finally time to bring up Sami Zayn and Neville but maybe they want to hold on to Zayn and do more stuff with Steen. Neville seems like a safe bet after that Mighty Mouse rumour.
Oh hey. Since Mania is soon who do we think is going to be the annual post wrestlemania NXT call-ups to the main roster?

One would think its finally time to bring up Sami Zayn and Neville but maybe they want to hold on to Zayn and do more stuff with Steen. Neville seems like a safe bet after that Mighty Mouse rumour.

Yeah, they need some fresh bodies to feed to Reigns at Summerslam.



I still hate the unification of WWE Championship and Heavyweight titles.

Some top guys feud on the title and the other top guys feud on nothing.

If that didn't happen, Brock, Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Cena can fight for the WWE title, then Rusev, Bray, Orton, Ziggler, etc. can go for the heavyweight title.

I still hate the unification of WWE Championship and Heavyweight titles.

Some top guys feud on the title and the other top guys feud on nothing.

If that didn't happen, Brock, Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Cena can fight for the WWE title, then Rusev, Bray, Orton, Ziggler, etc. can go for the heavyweight title.


There should be one top belt that everyone is fighting for. The problem is with the writing and not being able to create believable feuds for the other top carders. You don't need a belt on the line.
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