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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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4.5 stars for that match is crazy. I'd say 4 stars at most and even that is super generous. Bryan carried Reigns to the best singles match of his career.

Reading that Meltzer story on Reddit, it's pretty sad that Bryan's whole title run was pretty much set up for him to get demolished at Summer Slam by Brock. Instead, Cena got that spot and I feel like that match will always be remembered (in a positive way). Brock came out of Summer Slam as a huge babyface, though. Definitely would have been a strong heel coming out of it if Bryan took 16 germans and got squashed instead.

I also realized that Ziggler's performance at Survivor Series was 100000000000000% intended for Reigns. Fuck. Way to go somewhere with Ziggler after that, you fucks.


So she worked the company with her shoot and they got marked like a bunch of jabronis so now they have to shoot a work to make people think they care about her shoot. So I guess my question is will it work?


Data West

coaches in the WNBA

And this is the problem with the Network. If you have the Network, every match in that video should be clickable and should take you to the Network page of the Nitro/Raw/whatever it was on as well as recommend you matches those either superstar was in as well as well as playlists like a 'Bret Hart's biggest opponents' or Macho Man's most underrated matchups' or 'Bill Goldberg's WWE tenure'

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Seriously, if you're going to pimp the network with your youtube channel get the folks at the network to upload those shows first.

I was wrong though, the last of those dream matches is in fact on the network.


So if Bryan kept the belt until Summerslam, would he have gotten a rematch at Night of Champions where he almost beat Lesnar?

hahahahaha nope

Not sure how the rematch would be booked. My guess is this would of happened if Bryan was never injured:

May: Kane
June: Kane
July: ?
August: Brock
Sept: Brock

Then Royal Rumble would be Cena and Wrestlemania would be Reigns.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Good things about the network:

The video quality is great. I used to watch various other forms of old ass Nitros/Raws/PPVs, and they LOOK LIKE SHIT.


They didn't go anywhere near as far censoring/editing as I thought they would.


any match could take place on a random raw, that doesn't mean anything, it was a good match

No one's saying it wasn't a good match. However, rating the match a 9/10 is what people are slightly taken aback by. It's Meltzer's opinion and his perspective, which he's more than entitled to giving, but the fans on this board disagree and think it was an 8/10 at best, and likely more in the 7.5/10 category. I think I stated that it was a good match and around a 3.75/5 for me. But Meltzer has a ton of knowledge that I maybe don't, so whatever.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man, I would love to watch Barbarian vs Sting. If only there was some sort of platform that had all the Worldwides on it. Some platform that I could pay 9.99 for.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Man, I would love to watch Barbarian vs Sting. If only there was some sort of platform that had all the Worldwides on it. Some platform that I could pay 9.99 for.

Bray Wyatt is the product of the fusion dance between Meng and the Barbarian. That's why he is now the Face of Fear.
any match could take place on a random raw, that doesn't mean anything, it was a good match

It was a good match but both the Royal Rumble three way and Tanahashi - Okada from WK9 were only a quarter star higher than Reigns - Bryan. So Meltzer is saying all three are basically of equal quality. Which is crazy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Royal Rumble 3 way is a perfect match in my book. Entertained every single second of it which is my metric. Okada/Tanahashi is just more of the same, though the ending was great.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Suzuki vs Sakuraba was half the length of Okada/Tanahashi and twice the quality. Meltzer fell for the hype. That feud is already overexposed.

I haven't seen any of the WWE matches, so I couldn't tell you what those are like by comparison.
Watching this week's ROH episode. Starts off with Alberto El Patron vs. ACH. Not too shabby. This looked and sounded fantastic...

ROH is putting ACH in some big matches. First with Alberto and he's getting AJ at the next PPV. Hopefully they have a plan to eventually have him win one and move to the next level.
Suzuki vs Sakuraba was half the length of Okada/Tanahashi and twice the quality. Meltzer fell for the hype. That feud is already overexposed.

It may be over-exposed to the 1% of fans that have watched all of their other matches but pretty much everyone else loved it. Saku - Suzuki was a great change of pace match but it only stood out because of its uniqueness and the people involved. If an org was still doing UWF-style on a regular basis you'd have the same complaints as about the main.


ROH is putting ACH in some big matches. First with Alberto and he's getting AJ at the next PPV. Hopefully they have a plan to eventually have him win one and move to the next level.

We'll see. ROH has a habit of waiting a bit too long with their talents at times. I've been waiting for them to strap the rocket to Cedric Alexander since his feud with Roderick Strong. Sadly, he hasn't really had much character development. I thought he had something with talking about his family, but they never followed up.
Is Vampiro straight edge? He made a comment about Cage twisting Puma's head off like a beer bottle cap and then quickly added that he didn't drink beer.
Did Striker save Vampiro's life or something? Instead of arguing with him over stupid common sense shit he's agreeing with him and kissing his ass. Maybe someone finally told him to cut the shit.


Reigns failing a drug test and Vince still pushing him throws the doctor' credibiliy that is sueing Punk right out the window.

Belee dat.
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