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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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I like the setup for the Dust Brothers feud. I like that Cody has gone full gimmick. You never go full gimmick.

However, I am not at all excited for their match at Fastlane.
Sid could powerbomb Jesus, and he still seems to be over with the fans. Every time I hear Nash or Hall or Vader or anyone talk about Sid he always talks about how he thinks he'd be better as a heel. His whole career was him flubbing lines and beating up people as a heel, and he got cheered. So I have no idea why he constantly thought he was better as a heel. EVERYBODY seemed to want to cheer the goof. WCW, WWF, USWA, didn't matter. He got cheered for attacking Bret and Shawn with the camera, he got cheered for eliminating Hogan. Yet he thought his money was in being a heel.

He's the worst heel ever. He was the perfect foil to Michaels because no matter what Michaels did to sabotage him, Sid did worse to himself, and the fans still loved him.

You're over thinking it.

People loved the heel Sid character and cheered him as a result. A babyface Sid would have been awful.

Sid did well almost everywhere he went. He was over. He got reactions. Getting lost in the minutiae of are they ones he was supposed to get is kind of pointless.

That'd be like knocking Kurt Angle's first heel gimmick, or like knocking Rocky Mavia turning into the people's champ.


Is it Sid Justice appreciation day?


RAW ep. 166 is a very important episode. As it's the first episode of RAW to feature lesbian undertones between Divas! Finally we are starting to see Dunn's genius all over the product in 96.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That'd be like knocking Kurt Angle's first heel gimmick, or like knocking Rocky Mavia turning into the people's champ.

That's incredibly arrogant. Go ahead, tell me more gimmicks that I'm not allowed to like, and why I don't really think they worked. Obviously you know better than I do.

Jokes aside, Sid was liked because of his look. He has THE wrestler look. He wasn't a cool heel like Razor. He wasn't a monster that people wanted to be like Vader. He was just 'the look.' It was evident even by the face that he was super over in his first babyface run in the WWF when he was Hogan's chum.

The whole reason he was gone from WWF the first time and pissed Vince off was that Vince offered him THE spot and Sid wanted to be a heel. Vince wanted to give him everything, and Sid lost a bunch of money because he thought he HAD to be a heel.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sid was Vince's second serious attempt to replace Hogan. It goes Warrior, Sid, Barry Windham, Lex Luger, Diesel.

Of the list, I absolutely think Sid could have replaced Hogan. That's why I thought Sid was beyond stupid(shocking) for turning it down to play a heel. Sid could have been WAY bigger than he was. He would have been perfect under Vince. He was a total goof, but people liked that. And he had the size AND the build which none of those other guys had.



I seriously think Sid/HBK was Sid's best match. Dude was in the zone throughout the whole match and squashed the living shit out of a then douchey HBK.

plus the fistbumps man


I had no problem with the Paige bit, except for the execution implying she only wears her gear and that she doesn't shower at the hotel. It was a nice change of pace from the usual backstage skit, which is just an ambush or a staredown.

It would work just as well for the guys, too. Good cartoon.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is that comic seriously trying to imply that stealing the other wrestlers clothes is a diva thing?

Because that shit's been happening since the 80s. Owen did it numerous times.


Girl bye

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Al Snow looks like the cuntiest mother fucker in all of wrestling.

And TNA's website continues to look more and more like an E-Fed.
That's incredibly arrogant. Go ahead, tell me more gimmicks that I'm not allowed to like, and why I don't really think they worked. Obviously you know better than I do.

This doesn't remotely apply here. I just thought it was weird that you were calling someone a terrible heel *because they got cheered*. Loads of really good heels have been cheered. When that was happening to Sid it was right around the start of the attitude era and Sid wasn't exactly the only heel starting to get cheered... you know?

Jokes aside, Sid was liked because of his look. He has THE wrestler look. He wasn't a cool heel like Razor. He wasn't a monster that people wanted to be like Vader. He was just 'the look.' It was evident even by the face that he was super over in his first babyface run in the WWF when he was Hogan's chum.
Well, that was a different time and a different place. A babyface in 96 was not being received like a babyface in 92. Things changed pretty fast there.

The whole reason he was gone from WWF the first time and pissed Vince off was that Vince offered him THE spot and Sid wanted to be a heel. Vince wanted to give him everything, and Sid lost a bunch of money because he thought he HAD to be a heel.
One thing no one will ever argue is that Sid was smart.
Al Snow looks like the cuntiest mother fucker in all of wrestling.

And TNA's website continues to look more and more like an E-Fed.

I just went to their website and finally saw the "closet" that people kept mentioning the announcers were in. It's pretty sad that TNA isn't willing to build a set for their announce team. reusing pieces of old sets like spin cycle or where they used to interview people would be way better. It looks significantly lower budget than a number of youtube channels.

Edit: Just watched one of their unlocked videos and they don't have a set for that show either.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
In like a 4 year span, Chyna looks like a completely different person.

Frankly, I thought she looked better before the Playboy push. Like 1999.

and Shane is eternally money. I love when she was Shane's coach for his upcoming match.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Chyna is pretty fantastic looking after her first breast augmentation and jaw surgery. After that she goes too far.
loved chyna's amazon cher look at X7.

Think that was around the time she split the leather pants she was wearing on some award show? She was just a really cool celeb personality in that era. Really a fuckin' shame.
I will maintain that Chyna in her prime was an absolute WOULD and I wouldn't be surprised if her continued plastic surgery was a result of some body shaming back in the day
I certainly don't need to see Shane wrestle ever again, but I'd love him back for storylines.

edit: not that he wasn't awesome! but because he's getting on, and he was never a full time worker.
when i was little i thought it was cool that chyna was wrestling with guys sometimes and she won the IC title at some point right?

i mean i know, women and men competing in a fight is pretty fucked up in real life, but in wrestling i thought it was a cool thing to have her be doing that. a lot of people seem really disgusted with her like these OSW guys.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really like Daniel Bryan matches and I want to like his promos but he just embodies too much of what I can't stand and never want to be like. I think that's my big problem. I talked before about me liking big galoot lunkhead dudes because that's what I wanna BE. Bryan is someone I -never- wanna be, so that's part of what puts me off from him. Love watching him work, though, no matter what promotion.
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