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Female Smash player was sexually molested at EVO: Offender banned from comp play 1 yr

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Why can't they solve this problem like normal human beings, without destroying someone's life? Seriously, it is ridiculous. He would have gotten enough punishment from the conviction if accused.

Of course it is no good thing, but it is not a novelty.

Bad people should have their lives destroyed.
Heres a tip bros

Dont get shit wasted like a damn child. Learn to actually enjoy casual drinks

Get plastered with close friends only if you feel like you have to but seriously...

Poor girl. Im sure she wasnt the only one mistreated at these events


Law will proceed as however it will but his career as a competitive Smash player should be over. There are plenty of players who are responsible enough and have/will represent the community better. I know his sponsorship is over but he shouldn't be welcomed back to any event.

Thoughts are with the victim. Glad she came forward.


You have to take into consideration that there aren't conflicting reports here, it's not a he-said-she-said scenario that is nebulous and potentially false. The offender has already publicly admitted to his actions immediately and on top of that, he did it in a room packed with witnesses.

There's no question regarding his guilt, so that doesn't apply.

The alcohol 'defense' is out the window too, since he remembers it. Wasn't even completely wasted. He knew what he was doing.
You know, I can sometimes be loud and obnoxious when drunk, but never once felt the need to be a sick creep. Being drunk is no excuse for that kind of shit.


You have to take into consideration that there aren't conflicting reports here, it's not a he-said-she-said scenario that is nebulous and potentially false. The offender has already publicly admitted to his actions immediately and on top of that, he did it in a room packed with witnesses.

There's no question regarding his guilt, so that doesn't apply.

I am not familiar with the Nevada law which probably will be applicable, but if the law requires jail in this case then there is no question about a sentencing to go to prison.

Bad people should have their lives destroyed.

That is truly frightening.


Why can't they solve this problem like normal human beings, without destroying someone's life? Seriously, it is ridiculous. He would have gotten enough punishment from the conviction if accused.

Of course it is no good thing, but it is not a novelty.

Wow....this fucking thread
Booze breaks down whatever social safety net you constructed to keep an otherwise uncontrollable and horrible impulse in check. A person needs to be self-aware enough to understand if they have these impulses and do everything to control them. Whatever alcohol unleashes was there to begin with in my experience so stating 'I was just drunk' helps no-one on his end.

If you see something like this go down with a friend or even your own significant other, you need to act stat and not wait for an authority figure to do it for you.

This is very true

Im going to think long and hard about the talks i have with my kids about this stuff. There are a lot of nuances i took for granted growing up
I am not familiar with the Nevada law which probably will be applicable, but if the law requires jail in this case then there is no question about a sentencing to go to prison.

I could see your point if it weren't so utterly clear cut, but it is so I can't agree with your point personally.

He's a public figure in that community and has already admitted his guilt openly, people within that community should be aware of his antics.


Neo Member
If you think it's in the wrong section, you can always bring it to the attention of a mod. Otherwise, arguing it publicly doesn't serve much of any purpose.

"gamer at gaming event being molested by another participating gamer doesn't belong in a gaming thread"

you see how dumb your post sounds?

I know it's EVO and it involves "gamers". But the subject is about someone being sexually abused....should it be in a gaming thread?


I've been reading that he has been banned from tournaments, good for the community.
As if being drunk was a valid excuse... tsk.


Why can't they solve this problem like normal human beings, without destroying someone's life? Seriously, it is ridiculous. He would have gotten enough punishment from the conviction if accused.

Of course it is no good thing, but it is not a novelty.

The culprit destroyed his own life... He's also the person who failed to handle himself like a normal human being...

This IS ridiculous. But so is your outlook on life.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
If you aren't inclined to punch your mother in the face, alcohol won't make you do it. If you aren't inclined to rob a store, alcohol won't make you do it, If you aren't inclined to say a bunch of racist shit to someone, alcohol won't make you do it. If you aren't inclined to murder kittens and puppies, alcohol won't make you do it. If you aren't inclined to molest anyone, alcohol won't make you do it.

If getting drunk makes you molest, you're a piece of shit and you should be in jail. The alcohol is innocent. Leave it out of this.

And I'm sorry but me and most the other people here aren't just a number of drinks away from raping. The suggestion is insulting.

Exactly alcohol isn't some magic potion. And if you know you are not a good person on it, don't drink. It is all on him.


I got robbed about 3 weeks ago (not saying this is equivalent, before someone points that out). I still played video games that day. Are people supposed to curl up in the corner or something? What are you suggesting?

Same here. I got robbed some years ago and after a while I was looking at TV, probably posting on here...lol.


Am I reading this right?

He places himself between the bf and the gf and was feeling on the gf???

I promise you if I were the bf, he would not look the same anymore. In that particular moment, if someone is attacking my GF and I am there?!! They would have to put him back together like a Mr. Potato head.

His nose, his eyes, his ears - all that shit would be scattered. I don't give a fuck if you're drunk or if you think I'm sleep. You can't sneak PAST ME to my gf anyway. I'm not even sure how he even managed to do that.

I feel like I'm reading this wrong.


I know it's EVO and it involves "gamers". But the subject is about someone being sexually abused....should it be in a gaming thread?

i'm not sure why you have such a hard on about harping this point. yes, it should. end of story. if you don't like it take it up with the mods.


Am I reading this right?

He places himself between the bf and the gf and was feeling on the gf???

I promise you if I were the bf, he would not look the same anymore. In that particular moment, if someone is attacking my GF and I am there?!! They would have to put him back together like a Mr. Potato head.

His nose, his eyes, his ears - all that shit would be scattered. I don't give a fuck if you're drunk or if you think I'm sleep. You can't sneak PAST ME to my gf anyway. I'm not even sure how he even managed to do that.

I feel like I'm reading this wrong.
The boyfriend was blackout drunk iirc otherwise i'm probably sure he'd have beaten the shit out of hyuga.
This is very true

Im going to think long and hard about the talks i have with my kids about this stuff. There are a lot of nuances i took for granted growing up

I grew up with a cliche drunkard of a stepfather and it's very true in my experience. There's a reason they'll beat the shit out of you while drunk and apologize profusely and, sorry to say, very sincerely and profoundly the next day when sobering up.

It's not as clear cut as being 'evil' or 'bad' and this is coming from someone who was beaten on for years as a child by a drunk person. However, that IS the big deciding factor. I don't drink to that degree because I know myself, just like someone who feels the urge to bash someone's face in during road rage doesn't because they understand the consequences.

This is how civilized society works. We all have 'wrong' and 'evil' impulses, every human does, but we stifle them for the greater good.
The boyfriend was blackout drunk iirc otherwise i'm probably sure he'd have beaten the shit out of hyuga.

Geez maybe alcohol culture needs to be looked at here as well with regards to these events

No one should be getting blackout drunk around so many people.

Sorry not trying to derail i just find it disturbing
Unfortunately, this type of thing happens far too often in all parts of society. I'm glad they did file a Police Report and he has lost Sponsors and been banned from some EVO events. I'd like to see the statistics, but I believe I've seen that the majority of people that commit these types of acts often repeat their behavior.
Why can't they solve this problem like normal human beings, without destroying someone's life? Seriously, it is ridiculous. He would have gotten enough punishment from the conviction if accused.

Of course it is no good thing, but it is not a novelty.

Friend, how do you know how this event really affected her? Maybe she's still in shock from it. She was violated. Keeping this hush hush empowers her attacker and may make her feel like a bigger victim. She's taking control of her experience by choosing to come forward and speaking up.


Sad stuff. Unfortunately it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of this stuff went on given the environment, and amount of alcohol going around. No doubt everyone was drunk too, which doesn't help when trying to deal with these issues when they arise. Maybe they should rethink Vegas as the locale.


No one should be getting blackout drunk around so many people.

that's why people get drunk. some people are just scummy fucks

Why in the world does it bother you so much?

I agree with him. it's worth addressing absolutely, but it has nothing to do with games
edit: I guess he'll be barred from literally everything going forward (hopefully)... i guess it has to do with games at that point


I could see your point if it weren't so utterly clear cut, but it is so I can't agree with your point personally.

He's a public figure in that community and has already admitted his guilt openly, people within that community should be aware of his antics.

Probably it is my incomprehension for the competitive scene it happened in, but generally I agree that public figures need to be aware that they act under the special interest of the society. It is strange to me that the competitive gaming scene reached a level in which players are public figures of that importance.

I remember that I heard a case of a politician who was falsely denunciated by a competitor, however he did not win his legal fight since the judge had the opinion that, as a person of public interest, he should be aware that things like this could happen.

Even that is incomprehensible for me. I guess I better drop out, since my view of a just society is widely different from others.


Our society is civilized because people who sexually abuse other people are and should be publicly shamed. This isn't something you just sweep under the rug.

Keep in mind this person was allowed into the room as a concern for their own safety. He repaid this by molesting the poor girl TWICE. He should be ashamed of himself especially after using his drunkenness as an excuse.

People should be aware that he is a dangerous individual. Or should we just let this one slide because he had a promising esports career before fucking it all up

Bold mine
This right here. Absolutely inexcusable behavior. Talk about no good deed goes unpunished.
the guy *might* have been actually drunk but so what?
i bet that if this girl was not "random girl x who i don't give a damn about" but was your sis or your special one, most guys on gaf would either
1) show their bravado with (menacing) comments that they would not follow up
2) show their stupidity and actually beating up the guy
3) show at least some intelligence and sue the shit out of the guy...

the guy is drunk?
perfect, i get drunk as well every now and then, but you know what?
when i'm *too* drunk, my friends usually just call a cab for me (or i get it myself to the hotel room, especially when i'm abroad for work) and end of the story..
you were weak, and abused the alchol to gain some solace? perfectly legal.. you get drunk enough to be nefarious to other people with words or actions? it's on you to act as an asshole..

and come on, if the report of the girl is even remotely accurate, the guy was NOT that drunk.. you don't get drunk and end up switching bed twice and trying to get some "unwanted attention" (and this is me, putting the whole thing midly.. frankly it was a molestation attempt, done and through) with the same girl twice in a row..


I wonder how the boyfriend slept through this. He must be angry that no-one woke him up when his girlfriend was being assaulted right next to him, I'd feel sick.


Sad stuff. Unfortunately it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of this stuff went on given the environment, and amount of alcohol going around. No doubt everyone was drunk too, which doesn't help when trying to deal with this stuff.

Where do you live? That would definitely be uncommon and suprising where I live in Canada.
Probably it is my incomprehension for the competitive scene it happened in, but generally I agree that public figures need to be aware that they act under the special interest of the society. It is strange to me that the competitive gaming scene reached a level in which players are public figures of that importance.

I remember that I heard a case of a politician who was falsely denunciated by a competitor, however he did not win his legal fight since the judge had the opinion that, as a person of public interest, he should be aware that things like this could happen.

Even that is incomprehensible for me. I guess I better drop out, since my view of a just society is widely different from others.

If ANYONE is a tangible threat to other humans' safety, then people need to be warned and go, "hey, uh, this person is a threat" along with ensuring that the person is punished or kept away to avoid causing further harm. That's all that there is to it.

He was put into the room as a safety concern, and the result of that ended with him... being a safety concern. If people feel uncomfortable around that person, then that's a side effect of his own history of threatening behaviour.


Am I reading this right?

He places himself between the bf and the gf and was feeling on the gf???

I promise you if I were the bf, he would not look the same anymore. In that particular moment, if someone is attacking my GF and I am there?!! They would have to put him back together like a Mr. Potato head.

His nose, his eyes, his ears - all that shit would be scattered. I don't give a fuck if you're drunk or if you think I'm sleep. You can't sneak PAST ME to my gf anyway. I'm not even sure how he even managed to do that.

I feel like I'm reading this wrong.

Since the situation was (thankfully) diffused, and the police were involved for a legal record of what happened, I feel like assault would have just made things worse. It's illegal, for one.


Can't believe this guy tried to excuse himself. I'm not someone who wishes bad to others, but there're consequences he should (and hopefully will) asume. Many people in the smash community here in Mexico look up to him and some of them are defending him. Which is disgusting, considering this same community treated Vinnie like shit. I've attented a few tourneys here and everyone has been really cool and awesome and I hope I could get more involved in this scene, but man some people need to get their shit together.

Why can't they solve this problem like normal human beings, without destroying someone's life? Seriously, it is ridiculous. He would have gotten enough punishment from the conviction if accused.

Of course it is no good thing, but it is not a novelty.

No one is destroying his life more than he did to himself.
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