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Female Smash player was sexually molested at EVO: Offender banned from comp play 1 yr

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I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.

Still, i dont understand why they didnt kick him out the first time. He is already embarrassing himself, he should have been taken away to at least give the girl some safety.

a victim blaming thought experiment? WOW WHAT A CONCEPT


I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.

Still, i dont understand why they didnt kick him out the first time. He is already embarrassing himself, he should have been taken away to at least give the girl some safety.

What's the point of this mental gymnastics here? He admited it, and there was people there. He fucked up and was his own only fault.

Also, for the record, speaking of myself, if a girl comes to me seeking "something" and she is really drunk I would never take advantage of it. Especially not if she has a boyfriend, like in this case. Ya'll need to think with your heads.


There are different kinds of drunk and alcohol does not affect everyone the same way. So the boyfriend could have been blackout drunk meaning he was actually unconscious and a car coming through the window wouldn't wake him up.

Just because some of you are apparently always in a cat-like state of readiness when drunk does not mean that applies to everyone.
You don't even need to be drunk. Sometimes you can just be so exhausted that you're dead to the world when you finally fall asleep.

Trying to blame the boyfriend is a really shitty thing to do here.


I've been in a somewhat similar situation and the cops sided with me in this scenario. Another person grabbing your lady/guy physically is considered assault and as another citizen you can interfere at this point. I smashed a then-acquaintances nose about 10 years ago for very physically and publicly drunkenly grabbing my girlfriend while I was in the bathroom. You can't always put yourself first and worry about consequences when someone else's well being is at stake but specifically in cases like this, it'll be hard for cops to side with someone (sexually potentially) assaulting your girlfriend.
Lol so why are you quoting me? I would have fucked the guy up too like Vex. My issue with Vex's post was simply that nobody needs a blow by blow of what Vex would do in that scenario. That's it.
The guy fucked up and got caught. He has to deal with the consequences. He has committed a crime. Alcohol is no excuse. Nothing about what he did is acceptable, and that is why he has been banned from tournaments and lost his sponsorships.

She has every right to tell people what happened. In fact, she should be commended for her actions in going public.

Correct. Alcohol doesn't make you do things you would never do ... it removes inhibitions to allow you to do the things you want to do. Same with some other types of drugs.

Yup you summed up everything nicely

I hope we continue to see cultural change where young people are quickly educated on this sort of thing
Considering how talk of the issue was banned at the SmashBros reddit, I imagine it is because people are afraid it is gonna put the community in a bad light.

I almost kind of support that ban if only because I am sure I know how discussion of it would go on a Smash subreddit.

But not talking about it is only going to lead to dismissal of it when trying to shape the community culture.


You don't even need to be drunk. Sometimes you can just be so exhausted that you're dead to the world when you finally fall asleep.

Trying to blame the boyfriend is a really shitty thing to do here.

I don't think anyone's blaming the boyfriend, but the fact that he wasn't aware enough to do something about what was happening is kind of peculiar


We are absolutely all responsible for our actions. I hope you understand how outright assault, even in a situation like this, is a "great" way to complicate any legal action against the original scumbag. Don't confuse violent impulses with righteousness, and think for one second that will actually help the person harmed in a situation like this.

You did need to hear it.

I'm not implying a sense of righteousness, but rather a sense of defense. It's not "throw him down on the ground and stomp on him repeatedly", but physically removing him from your SO after she vocally expressed for him to stop (repeatedly). There is a line between protecting someone before it's called "assault".

I've been in a somewhat similar situation and the cops sided with me in this scenario. Another person grabbing your lady/guy physically is considered assault and as another citizen you can interfere at this point. I smashed a then-acquaintances nose about 10 years ago for very physically and publicly drunkenly grabbing my girlfriend while I was in the bathroom. You can't always put yourself first and worry about consequences when someone else's well being is at stake but specifically in cases like this, it'll be hard for cops to side with someone (sexually potentially) assaulting your girlfriend.

look at his texts in OP. he knows he did some fucked up shit. drunk is an excuse for calling someone an asshole, not an excuse for molesting someone

If you ever type "Just a thought experiment" in a sexual assault thread, MAYBE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER BACKSPACING.

I didnt mean to turn it upside down. And i am not trying to blame the victim. If it came off that way i apologise, i was just curious as to how another situation which was different really to the one i mentioned goes down in real life. I know in the internet people go up in arms over this but in real life a lot of people stay silent on taboo subjects and the victims are too scared to even say anything. So although i was lambasted just now, i see it as a good thing as it gives the victim a voice evem when they dont have one.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Oh, some conventions hold late night hentai and fetish panels. There was a topic in OT about it a couple of weeks ago. It was... odd.
1) Those panels have strict age requirements
2) What the fuck does that have to do with a drunkard molesting a girl?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Correct. Alcohol doesn't make you do things you would never do ... it removes inhibitions to allow you to do the things you want to do. Same with some other types of drugs.

I like this. Well said.


I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.

You would. By the letter of the law, you would be expected to understand that you would be taking advantage of someone not in a right state of mind, similar to if you decided to "go for it" with a person suffering from a particularly nasty head wound.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.

If he could prove it, yes. Men can be raped by women.

Peculiar how?

This is, like, the definition of casting suspicion on the boyfriend, but suspicion of what, I have no idea.

Suspicious of being a bad boyfriend for not helicoptering his girlfriend.


Gotta know how to handle your drink, young blood.

Man the thing is I can't even take statements like this seriously.

Not being able to hold your booze doesn't equal that it suddenly seems perfectly okay to you to molest someone. It's a matter of barfing, hangovers and swearing yourself to never drink again, and not "Oh nooo the alcohol is compelling me to molest this girl".

And yeah different sorts different people, but to do something like that requires by itself a severely fucked up character that doesn't truly understand the problem behind sexual assault to begin with. Alcohol enables bad people to do bad things, but it by itself can't be blamed as reason as to why someone would do that, nor should anyone's incapacity to handle their booze under any sort be a valid excuse for molesting another person.


I don't think anyone's blaming the boyfriend, but the fact that he wasn't aware enough to do something about what was happening is kind of peculiar
Not really? Again, sometimes a person, for whatever reason, is just that dead to the world when they are asleep and can sleep through anything.


Peculiar how?

This is, like, the definition of casting suspicion on the boyfriend, but suspicion of what, I have no idea.

if the dude slid in between her and the boyfriend in bed and did some shit. he was clearly hammered or out of it in some other aspect at the very least. I'm not casting suspicion on anyone, just responding to "people blaming it on the boyfriend," which I said I didn't think was something to do. dunno how that got turned.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Also: Hyuga molesting a girl in a year where one of the presidential candidates for POTUS runs his campaign on the idea that Mexico only sends rapists to the US is incredibly tone deaf.


I don't think anyone's blaming the boyfriend, but the fact that he wasn't aware enough to do something about what was happening is kind of peculiar

I agree. I dont get it one bit. Even when i am with any SO and even if i was drunk i am aware of my surroundings - One full body person next to me and the fact he was doing something would of alerted me. Again, That's me.. I guess he's a deep sleeper.


I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.
It should stick if you "go for it" on someone that's drunk.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.
If he said "no", obviously. Your thought experiment sucks.
And video games breed serial killers, I guess.

I recognize this as sarcasm, but I do want to use it as a jumping off point for a thought I have been dancing around vocalizing:

Yo maybe the fact that sexual assault is so prevalent within gaming culture might have root causes in the culture itself.
I agree. I dont get it one bit. Even when i am with any SO and even if i was drunk i am aware of my surroundings - One full body person next to me and the fact he was doing something would of alerted me. Again, That's me.. I guess he's a deep sleeper.

I am a very deep sleeper, to the point my children can climb over top of me and get between me and my wife without me knowing until I wake up in the morning. Obviously, I don't know what the situation was, but I think it's entirely plausible that he simply didn't wake up and shouldn't be blamed in the least.

Dee Dee

Guys, please stop implying it's not a shitty thing by Hyuga to do unless her boyfriend beat him into a pulp.
Obviously the situation wasn't fully grasped by the people in the room until he creeped on the girl and groped her a second time, which is when they did the right thing of kicking him out of the room to keep her safe and filed a police report.

Misjudging a situation like this at first is not the shitty thing here, groping and harassing a friend is the shitty thing. And personally, I don't think beating someone up is the only way for a boyfriend to react in that situation either. I have no idea why people feel it's necessary to question the boyfriend's actions in this.


Man the thing is I can't even take statements like this seriously.

Not being able to hold your booze doesn't equal that it suddenly seems perfectly okay to you to molest someone. It's a matter of barfing, hangovers and swearing yourself to never drink again, and not "Oh nooo the alcohol is compelling me to molest this girl".

And yeah different sorts different people, but to do something like that requires by itself a severely fucked up character that doesn't truly understand the problem behind sexual assault to begin with. Alcohol enables bad people to do bad things, but it by itself can't be blamed as reason as to why someone would do that.

Eh, it depends. A lot of people that I know understand that certain types of liquors make them behave differently. I know a lot a lot of women who stay away from brown liquors because "it makes them more violent." Now whether you consider alcohol to nothing more than a social lubricant that enables our innerselves or whether you think it makes us do things that we never would even dream of doing otherwise, in either case it's just a rationale of staying away from things that promote bad behavior in ourselves. That's a big part of "holding your liquor", knowing when to drink, knowing what to drink, and knowing when to walk away.

I've been to so many parties where people just guzzle down a drink that's popped in their hands with reckless abandon because "It's a party and it's okay if we get shitfaced".

It will rarely be okay if you get shitfaced in a public place.
Lol so why are you quoting me? I would have fucked the guy up too like Vex. My issue with Vex's post was simply that nobody needs a blow by blow of what Vex would do in that scenario. That's it.

Because you were the first person I saw involved in that line of conversation that was going on. I was just posting it as an example actually, I wasn't referring to Vex's blow-by-blow description or anything. Just convenience honestly.
I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.

Still, i dont understand why they didnt kick him out the first time. He is already embarrassing himself, he should have been taken away to at least give the girl some safety.
Thing is with events like this, stuff like this happens. We are close nit in the FGC, we invite each other no matter how well we know each other into our personal space willingly with the understanding and love of the a similar game, no matter how much we know about each other. It always annoys me to see the FGC getting pointed out for stuff like this over things like leauge and Dota ect. simply because those majors tend to be invite only for players, and the rest are viewers, where as FGC events, the vast majority are players too, so everyone is "somebody" here. While I'm sure the same happens at any other major gaming event where people are sharing spaces with people they only know from a third person perspective and not actual years of experience.

Anyway. Sucks to hear about this happening to her. They tried to do the right thing and invite a person who was easily not able to be alone at the moment to use their room but instead it turned into a nightmare for one of the genourus people involved. Hopefully she can recover from this and the person who did it gets the just deserts he wrought, drunkenness involved or not, there is no excuse.

Always sucks to be in these situations, seriously hope she dosn't have a lasting trauma from it.

Dee Dee

Also: Hyuga molesting a girl in a year where one of the presidential candidates for POTUS runs his campaign on the idea that Mexico only sends rapists to the US is incredibly tone deaf.

lol, I mean, I get what you are trying to say, but the implication here is, is that there would have been "a better time to molest someone than this year" which is kinda ridiculous.


Eh, it depends. A lot of people that I know understand that certain types of liquors make them behave differently. I know a lot a lot of women who stay away from brown liquors because "it makes them more violent."

yeah, that's 100% a mental thing. I also don't see how that has to do with this
if a person is a bad person when they're drunk it doesn't matter what they drank


I agree. I dont get it one bit. Even when i am with any SO and even if i was drunk i am aware of my surroundings - One full body person next to me and the fact he was doing something would of alerted me. Again, That's me.. I guess he's a deep sleeper.
1) Alcohol affects different people in completely different ways and 2) there are definitely people who sleep so deeply that noises and physical contact don't wake them up.

That's all there is to it. It's not peculiar, it's actually a pretty normal thing.


I'm not implying a sense of righteousness, but rather a sense of defense. It's not "throw him down on the ground and stomp on him repeatedly", but physically removing him from your SO after she vocally expressed for him to stop (repeatedly). There is a line between protecting someone before it's called "assault."

I understand what you're saying, and can relate. This was thankfully one of those situations where the people confronted with what was going on didn't need to deal with it through a scuffle, and the scumbag will still get his consequences.
Have you ever tried to get a drunk friend to their room and they're just not cooperating?

Did you just talk to them and nudge them or actually help them up to get there?


yeah, that's 100% a mental thing. I also don't see how that has to do with this
if a person is a bad person when they're drunk it doesn't matter what they drank

My point is that most of the time, knowing how to hold your liquor includes knowing when not to drink.


I understand what you're saying, and can relate. This was thankfully one of those situations where the people confronted with what was going on didn't need to deal with it, and the scumbag will still get his consequences.

Yeah absolutely.

Also: Hyuga molesting a girl in a year where one of the presidential candidates for POTUS runs his campaign on the idea that Mexico only sends rapists to the US is incredibly tone deaf.



1) Alcohol affects different people in completely different ways and 2) there are definitely people who sleep so deeply that noises and physical contact don't wake them up.

That's all there is to it. It's not peculiar, it's actually a pretty normal thing.
totally reasonable. he probably was super drunk or in a deep sleep, but there's no context... maybe peculiar was the wrong word.
My point is that most of the time, knowing how to hold your liquor includes knowing when not to drink.

When, and *what*. My wife will only drink clear liquor, for example. She doesn't do rum, and definitely doesn't do tequila.

And I usually stop at two or three drinks regardless of what it is unless I *want* to look like a fool.


By the way, considering he way paying for his trips to America to come and play smash, I'd assume he has a decent paying job. How fucking old is this guy? Grow the fuck up.

I don't mean this in a grow up and don't molest women, I mean it in a stop getting black out drunk like a teenager so others have to take care of you.

I'm glad the community is giving this a serious look, especially after the ass grab that happened a few months ago. This cannot be tolerated as it needs to be a safe space and family inclusive. While it didn't actually happen at the event, it's linked to it and players carry reputation. Organized sports usually look the other way for players in their clubs because there's money at stake, so I'm glad they're cracking down on this hard.

Being drunk is no excuse for molesting anybody, especially in that environment where there's absolutely no chance misinterpretations. If it had happened at the party, just once and coming on to her and not molesting, only then it would be a reprehensible thing but could be put past them if the victim and all parties agree to it by straightening things out.

People in the public spotlight have a responsibility to be taken as a good example, so you can be looked up to as a person and not dissociating it with your talent. This is a big blow to Mexico's smash community, international smash community and the general smash and fighting game communities as a whole.

Oh and he also closed the doors on himself by presenting such a shit public apology and I suspect a just as shit private one.


I know alcohol is not an excuse but if a drunk girl decided to grind on me while sleeping, and i decided to go for it, I may end up being one who ends up getting arrested if she made a complaint later and the excuse of the girl would be that she was too drunk to be consenting and it would probably stick.

So if for example she did something with him, would she be the one taking advantage of him in this case if he decided to complain? Just a thought experiment.

Still, i dont understand why they didnt kick him out the first time. He is already embarrassing himself, he should have been taken away to at least give the girl some safety.



My point is that most of the time, knowing how to hold your liquor includes knowing when not to drink.

Absolutely. It's uncommon, but I've known a few people who do/did legitimately act differently under the influence of alcohol. It wasn't even a case of "too much to drink," almost any amount could cause it. They simply behaved differently. And yes, it was often for the worst. Those people also learned very quickly to never drink.

They (thankfully) recognized that outside of their own rationalizations, their situation is no excuse for the harm they inflict on others.


Both are necessary. As long as there are still people who do such things, one should be cautious. Just like how I wear a reflective vest and a helmet when I'm cycling, or if someone knocks on the door after 10pm I put the chain on before opening the door.

Getting assaulted/robbed/run over isn't the victims fault, but everyone should be aware these things can happen, and it's best to do what you can to avoid placing yourself in a situation where it makes it easier.

Naturally, but remember that one does preclude the other. This isn't like riding your bike, when accidents can just happen.

If the first rule "molestation is not ok" is reinforced and propagated enough then it will preclude "be careful when around men you dont know" as people will change their behaviour, and it won't be necessary.

That's the whole point of organised society. Lower the risk of problematic or bad things happening to nil through normalisation and reinforcement.

Of course we should tell people to be safe, but in cases where it's a person-to-person crime like DUI or sexual assaut then society can actively prevent that - it's not an accident. The onus should be on preventing the culprit from ever thinking of it.
You would. By the letter of the law, you would be expected to understand that you would be taking advantage of someone not in a right state of mind, similar to if you decided to "go for it" with a person suffering from a particularly nasty head wound.

But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?


Where do you live? That would definitely be uncommon and suprising where I live in Canada.

I'm confused at what you are confused by.

I'm referring to these types of events in particular. Given the level of sexual assault that happens at other events, like concerts and various conventions, I would expect the same type of behavior carries over to events like EVO as well. This isn't the first time we've heard about shit like this in relation to gaming related events either. It's easy to guess that there is more that happens that goes unreported.
People talk about stuff like "rape culture" because so many people's first impulse is not to rally around the victim but to find excuses for the abusers behavior and attempt to shield them from consequences.

Feels like it's gotten better in the FGC as a whole though, even as someone who just watched streams and played online I felt embarrassed to be even tangentially a part of it all during the Cross Assault kerfuffle.

Dee Dee

But if you decided to not go for it and you end up getting molested instead, is the same person now deemed in the right state of mind?

So what i am saying is, if drunk,as an attacker
you are deemed in a right state of mind, but as a victim you can be deemed not in the right state of mind. Or did i not understand it correctly?

Look, man, I bolded two words for you that might be key in your dumb thought experiment that leads nowhere.
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