SF Kosmo
Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Pacing in the first third of the game is great, if you ignore side quest (which have almost completely worthless rewards at that point).
But after that, the game really loses its momentum. Not just because of the filler nonsense between bosses/setpieces, but because the story gives up and turns into predictable and formulaic JRPG nonsense.
All the continent spanning drama and complex interplay of competing interests turns into a checklist of bad mans to kill one by one as the cast gradually winnows and the story is stripped down to shallow one dimensional humanity versus celestial evil bullshit.
The demo was a brilliant bit of marketing and pulled me in, but the game itself doesn't deliver on all that early promise.
But after that, the game really loses its momentum. Not just because of the filler nonsense between bosses/setpieces, but because the story gives up and turns into predictable and formulaic JRPG nonsense.
All the continent spanning drama and complex interplay of competing interests turns into a checklist of bad mans to kill one by one as the cast gradually winnows and the story is stripped down to shallow one dimensional humanity versus celestial evil bullshit.
The demo was a brilliant bit of marketing and pulled me in, but the game itself doesn't deliver on all that early promise.