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FF16 is the worst paced game I’ve played in a very long time

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Which is better 15 or 16 ?
I've only played 15 and i could not believe how short it was 25 hours then done.
16 has a much clearer story that was well thought out from the start, and the actual combat is better, but over all…its way less interesting than xv despite being objectively better in many ways. Xv is this wild Frankenstein of a game that takes huge swings and often misses, xvi on the other hand feels like they made the safest game they possibly could after xv’s development hell and ballooned budget
Yeah the pacing is absolutley dreadful. The parts between main story sections are so painfully dull, the side quest quality content they force you to do as part of the main game. IM not saying ffxv or 7 remake are perfect games, and god xv had so many issues, but you know…I enjoyed my time with those games more than xvi. Because for every bahamut level boss fight there is nearly an hour of talking to wooden looking npc’s and picking up sand.
Michael Jordan Lol GIF
I cant get over how you dont unlock new moves even after NG+ why mind you this game has ryok from DMC5, KH tokyo team and a bit of platnum help with this game. KH3,Bayo3 and dmc5 have unlock able moves past the 1st playthough they want you to play this game multiple times but you unlock everything in one go...............
Anyways other issues levels and RPG mechanics are worthless this game has an economy that has nothing worth while you can buy strangest decisions ever especially for a rpg unless you play with a cheat engine. The fact that this game is ps5 only and you cant re enter buildings and towns have barely any vertically or length is crazy i think the desert town is the biggest town you vist in the game that blows my mind the most this game isnt open but semi and your saying towns in this game are this small how does AC which are yearly games have bigger cities and town then FF16.
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Pacing huh.. how does one feel about pacing in Persona 4 and Persona 5? There are literally days, weeks where nothing happen and nearly all memento side quest are fletch quest. Don;t get me wrong i like persona, but that is what i call pacing issue
P2,P3,P3 FES,P4, P4 golden, P5, P5R ect all have secrets, Easter eggs, different dialogue ect depending on the day or week, also in P5 you should be going out in that game every day in some way because on certain days the city changes october 31st and golden week especially. meemntos has way better side stories and bosses then FF16 not even close also you can use memeotes for money, exp and rare items especially and thats before we talk about all the stuff they added was rewards in R.
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FF16 was a spectacle when it tried and renewed my faith that the series still has juice, but I won't lie I was glad when it was over.

SE needs to redefine what the sidequest means for the series. I had little motivation to engage in anything off the main path and that's unfortunate because the world was huge and the vistas were beautiful.
They were just empty, no weapons, hardly any Gil, just black blood.

I ended the game feeling like what was it all for?
P2,P3,P3 FES,P4, P4 golden, P5, P5R ect all have secrets, Easter eggs, different dialogue ect depending on the day or week, also in P5 you should be going out in that game every day in some way because on certain days the city changes october 31st and golden week especially. meemntos has way better side stories and bosses then FF16 not even close also you can use memeotes for money, exp and rare items expecailly and thast before we talk about all the stuff they added was rewards in R.
In your opinion, it is better, but it is still fetch quest of the worst kind in some of the people opinion. Do reward really matter? I do not believe so as i do side quest for story. Reward is secondary.
Its FFXV for me personally. I had way more attachment to the 4 guys compared to Clive and company. Never really hated XV to be honest, I thought it was a good game. And I only ever played vanilla XV.
Now why would any sane human being like 4 dude in a car. It is such a turn off for me i cannot contine pass 1 hour mark at launch. I had to torture myself to finish it years later as to not to waste money


Neo Member
It took me multiple tries to get into FF14. A Realm Reborn is just an awful slog of busywork and wasting time going though the most low-effort quest design I've seen in a modern game (outside of some Free to Play MMOs).

Final Fantasy 16 has a lot of the same busywork with QTEs sprinkled into the combat with spongey enemies and hallways with scripted platforming events. What makes it worse is that you are playing through these MMO-style fetch quests in a single player game.
Now why would any sane human being like 4 dude in a car. It is such a turn off for me i cannot contine pass 1 hour mark at launch. I had to torture myself to finish it years later as to not to waste money
that's '4 children of privilege in a luxury vehicle'. had it been '4 deadbeats in a clunker', i actually might've gotten into it...


Wow, this is almost word-for-word what I’ve been thinking the last few weeks. I don’t know if I have it in me to finish it at this point. I’m around 30 hours in and honestly just bored at this point. Absolutely no strategy to any of the random encounters, just mash, mash, mash. Also, I really don’t like having to kill herds of chocobos…just doesn’t feel right. I mean, are they chocobos from an evil petting zoo? I believe they spent 80% of their time and budget on the Eikon battles and had to scramble to fill in the periods in-between and sprinkled in just enough of the FF lexicon to call it a FF game.


Not been able to judge yet…I’m sure it’s great and I’ll have a lot of fun with it, but it’s not instantly gripped me yet and it released at same time as rogue legacy 2 which I’ve been bingeing instead 🤷‍♂️
Tbh I think you're kinda saying the quiet part out loud. You're more engaged with a title meant to played endlessly with a great loop vs something meant to be "experienced"


I'm near ending section, and I could see myself writing a similar topic like this.

I loved the demo and still think the game has one of the greatest starts in recent years but... Eventually falls off when you start to get past that point and you start to see that besides the epic CGI, boss battles and some narrative moments, everything else is flat as fuck.

Like I said on the games OT, if this game had the depth, mechanics and party charisma of Tales of Arise, it would be much better.

Hell, I'm bold enough to even say that what FFXVI tried to achieve, Tales of Arise already did and did it way better.
I played tales of arise last year. It was my first tales game and one of my favorite jrpg’s I played in years. The cast and their chemistry is just so good! Imagine if the characters in ffxvi had even a fraction of that
I would argue most of the main quests (90%) are fine. Yes Mid's ordeal is a slog and makes me question what the hell the devs were thinking. I do agree the game's side quests outside of the end game are lacking.

I plan on writing a review of my own in the OT thread, once I finish it, all I have left is 3 Chronolith trials and the final mission. Once that is done I'll have all trophies complete except two that are meant for New Game +.
Do yourself a favor and wait until after FF mode. It gets really good as far as difficulty and challenge goes…assuming you don’t use cheat rings like most of these simps.


Gold Member
I enjoy change, but the game made me miss the PS1 era of Squaresoft RPGs. I have an urge to play XII after I’m done with FFV. I paid off Star Ocean 2 on Steam. That’s about where I’m at. They can’t beat classic Square. It’s a bit of a tease. I almost bet I’ll enjoy Part II of the VII Remake because of XVI.

If anything. I like XVI because it brought back my enjoyment of classic RPG’s. 🥂to Konami for making the Suikoden Collection. That’ll make it ever better.

I just don’t feel like replaying XVI. They kept the same pattern room for each dungeon and the side quests felt so boring. It has scale to it, but I’ve never felt so underwhelmed after beating it. I started FF mode, but I’ve got games I want to replay and AC is coming. I’ve filed XVI away for now. I don’t know if I’d purchase another FF if it’s like this. The franchise has sorta aged like 💩
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Now why would any sane human being like 4 dude in a car. It is such a turn off for me i cannot contine pass 1 hour mark at launch. I had to torture myself to finish it years later as to not to waste money
It was okay for me. By the end of the game, I thought the 4 characters went through a lot to justify their journey together, that the ending had a strong effect on me. It wasn't a perfect journey though, but I hear the DLC's/Royal version rectified a lot of it with more story content.
the hate for this game is sad its my goy so far oh well.
and no i have not played tok yet.
I hate to sound like I'm hating on it because under the rather thick layer of filler it is a pretty fun game with a good engaging story. I don't regret playing it and still recommend it but I personally enjoy games that have higher re-playability. Like I could play bloodborne 3 times through in a month because there is no portion of that game that disrespects my time, unlike ff16 or a game like Ghost of Tsushima which is great but has hours of un-skippable dialogue! I do not want to collect sand in a game, ever.


Tears of Nintendo
I thought I loved this game when I started it but the more I play it the less I like it

Combat is great and the bosses are amazing, but everything else is terrible. The fact that 80% of the game is MMO side quest caliber fetch questing would be bad enough but I’d be able to put up with it if it at least continued to do what the game is supposed to be good at, which is the storytelling stuff. But holy shit, the production quality of these quests is so bad. Like I just did these quests back to back

I had to hunt down a bunch of stuff for Mid so she could build her airship, which was already really annoying, but then I had to help Goetz find his lost pass

And these quests are so bad! They don’t even have proper cutscenes or VA, it’s just canned animations!

The actual quest design is bad too. It’s always “talk to this person, go to this place, talk to this person, go to this place, combat encounter”. There’s no variation. It’s all very fetch questy and when the story side of things becomes bad, then there’s nothing left to make up for it since the quests themselves are so bad

Like, I get the concept of having down time in a story, I don’t mind it if it’s done well. I love persona 5 and red dead redemption 2, both of those games are pretty much just down time. But you have to do it well and FF16 doesn’t. And it just comes off as a badly paced mess that I am losing interest in playing as more time goes on. People criticized Ragnarok’s slow sections and I get that, I agree with the criticism but at least they were well produced to help convey the character moments they wanted to show (the character moments sucked, but that’s a problem of concept not execution). Here it’s literally a mid budget ps2 era game with how some of these MAIN STORY QUESTS are.

What a disappointment this game is
Side quest are far from being the worst parts if this game, but surely they are one of them. The only positive thing here is that you can skip 99% of them, but you'll be literally forced to do the rest when you arive at the shitty hub after the main story quest and you can't skip them to go straight to the next main story quest.

Tales of Arise explores + - the same things story vise (slavery and stuff) and it's a much better game than FFXVI when it comes to combat and gameplay as well.
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im almost 97% done 48hrs in, haven't gone to last dungeon, i feel ff16 is developed by 2 teams within BU3.

the first 25% and last 25% is good, done by the seniors. the middle game is rough and feels less experiencedly handled.


The MMO-style design of recent RPGs has been really unfortunate. Saw a good video on this recently:

The map markers, (!) quest markers, and crafting materials that have invaded the entire genre have really destroyed a lot of the basic fun of RPGs, which to me was strongest in the SNES era, especially with FFV, FFVI, and Chrono Trigger, but stayed strong through the PS2 era. Even by just removing all quest markers, you immediately make the game better, since the player actually feels some engagement in finding and completing quests, rather than the whole thing feeling like going down a checklist.

This is all really clear in FFXVI, which at its core is a really solid action game with amazing sound and visuals— but it's been unnaturally grafted with a neo-RPG that brings the whole thing down. The devs feel a need to provide "content", and the only way they know how to do it is with these awful MMO-style checklist-fests.

Thing is it should never have been a numbered mainline Ff game in the first place. It would have been fine as 15-20 hour character action spinoff, Cloud May Cry or FF - The Titants Crisis or whatever other nonsense name they came up with.

Once they put the game up as a numbered FF title, that has certain expectations developed over decades and many games. SE has nobody to blame but themselves here.
In your opinion, it is better, but it is still fetch quest of the worst kind in some of the people opinion. Do reward really matter? I do not believe so as i do side quest for story. Reward is secondary.
fetch quest with rewards options and world building are better overall especially since all the request are problems that have visual changes NPCs you run across always talk about these issues that have you to tackle in mementos. The old drunken guy that causes problems is one of the smaller ones after you clear the bar owners request all the npcs in that area have different dialogue and talk about the positive changes. Even the yakuza games do that and they've been doing that since the ps2s games FF16 doesnt do this at all in fact it does it the same way FF14 does where you can do stuff for people and you will get no changes in anything that happens visually or from NPCs unless its a main quest line.


Yep, the section with Mid quests killed the game for me.
I still finished the game, but I honestly lost any care for the characters and events around them and just pushed through to get to bossfights.


This is the 2nd worst FF game i have ever played behind it only FF13 !

Pacing is bad, no exploration, no actual weight to the world, the concept of the world is great but the way it has been told through the game was such a wasted opportunity!

You think it is an FF game based on game of thrones but in reality, it just took the inspiration from the intro of game of thrones with the map !

You dont visit the countries, you dont see their politics their social system the way the dominant is dealt with, all the good things the demo did the game undo it !!

Gameplay is limited and for god sake who authorized the no elemental effect !!!
The disappointment on my soul when i cast fire against the fire bomb and it damage it was so devastating !!

I wouldn’t recommend it with full price and dare I say the dev team lied to me at least during the marketing campaigns they did, for the first time I think i was wrong not to listen to the reviewers, oooh wait it got 88 or 87% in metacritic !!!

I wouldn’t give it even a 7/10 ! It is a bad game not just a bad paced game !


xenoblade is the new final fantasy. if you want great stories and innovative jrp combat, there are 3+ fantastic games on switch you can enjoy right now.

final fantasy is a tired IP, the devs dont know what to do except imitate the west or bank on horny nostolgia.

16 is getting worse long-term reception than I expected, this was supposed to be a huge hit / goty.


as i said in another thread:
The game should have been whole story and action with set pieces and NOTHING ELSE!
I'm finding it hard to continue the game on chapter "Holding On".

The game has such a strong first 2 hours, too. Sigh.
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Moderated wildly
Can't wait to just get it over with so I can trade it in. I paid 12 pounds for it in the UK on staff discount and I still think I'd rather have just paid that to watch a cg movie version of it at the cinema that was like 2 hours long and just played the fights out as a movie.

It goes to shit after the titan fight....like pointless shite.
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I think they were confused between making it a pure action game or RPG and tried to combine both. They lifted the combat mechanics from DMC5 and put in the usual FF stuff.

They should have had trials instead for each Eikon and for legendary weapons. Give the players great highs during the main story and pique their curiosity during the downtime. Good meaningful sidequests for allies and a mini-leveling up system for Torgal. Once the bond is deep, kill Torgal mid-way during the story so players are in shock and there is enough motivation to fuck Ultima or Odin up.



This is why i stopped playing games that are not totally new..once you played a few of a particular genre you are 75% there on all


Then why did it get such good reviews? Sounds like a 7/10 game.

it's a solid 8/10. 7/10 if you are from uk and can't stand the poser englishy english.

i think if yoshi-p got matsuno to do the scenarios narrative and have alexender smith do the english script, game will be 9.2/10, ff16 feels like ff12-junior.

i will also rearrange when the quests are made available during the middle half of the game. a lot of these quests ended up like shenmue to the player, disconnect between the in game plot urgency and me looking for sailors and playing arcade games.

wished they didn't overdo the grandness, about how much shit is happening, but you are shown 5-6 npc per cutscenes, another disconnect between in-game narrative and in-game visuals. engine limitations? creativity limitations?


Can't wait to just get it over with so I can trade it in. I paid 12 pounds for it in the UK on staff discount and I still think I'd rather have just paid that to watch a cg movie version of it at the cinema that was like 2 hours long and just played the fights out as a movie.

It goes to shit after the titan fight....like pointless shite.

the last 20% is pretty good and you should press on! i have not play the final dungeon granted.

i check the achievement/trophies, does one of it (the chronicler) says less than 2% completed the game? oh dear....
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