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FIFA 11 |OT|


Does anybody want to play? I mean, I can't find a game at all.

360 gamertag : MMaRsu NL

send me a message :)


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
its funny, we're all PES die hards in my group apart from one guy and he's been singing FIFA virtues all year and slagging off PES. I'm in the middle and I convinced like 8 PES fans to get FIFA this year to break tradition and make a club and they're all really liking it and the FIFA fan is hating it :lol

But if that weird 2-3 second lag keeps up then club mode is gonna be dead to us. I prefer lag where you're teleporting everywhere cos then its just "broken" - when it seems ok but has the occassional freak out for half the game, it really bothers me. I was used to last years weird 'slow down, play simple and adjust your pace' thing but this is crazy. I actually thought AI was controlling my guy cos he was running around like normal but not doing what I was pressing. I only confirmed it was under my control when I stopped moving and he eventually stood still, then I pressed up and after a good 2 second he ran up a little then stopped. was happening to my friend at the same time. Please god let it be temporary cos this is gonna rock if it runs ok.


k0ji-wd said:
There's a thread already for the 360 league that's about to kick off.

Yeah but it doesn't seem that anybody has made anything for the PS3 folk yet apart from the googledocs sign up.

I don't mind attempting to make a thread and organising it for PS3, but I think it would probably be better if somone with a bit more experience did it.

leng jai

I'm getting frustrated at how hard they've made seemingly easy passes. I've lost count how many times theres been one defender about two metres from me between my team mate and I've passed it straight into him. Obviously I've aimed it but for whatever reason the game decides to make it go striaght into the defender. Is it just me or are your team mates dumber as well? Half the time I'm waiting for them to run into space but they either run in the oppposite side or towards me :S

On the plus side dribbling is massive improvement and crosses are actually feasible now. I think I've scored my headers in this past week than my entire time with 2010/WC. Strength seems to be a less important stat, Drogba definitely seems weaker. Lampard still seems to have a golden boot. Any shots off that guy are pretty much rockets.


leng jai said:
I'm getting frustrated at how hard they've made seemingly easy passes. I've lost count how many times theres been one defender about two metres from me between my team mate and I've passed it straight into him. Obviously I've aimed it but for whatever reason the game decides to make it go striaght into the defender. Is it just me or are your team mates dumber as well? Half the time I'm waiting for them to run into space but they either run in the oppposite side or towards me :S

On the plus side dribbling is massive improvement and crosses are actually feasible now. I think I've scored my headers in this past week than my entire time with 2010/WC. Strength seems to be a less important stat, Drogba definitely seems weaker. Lampard still seems to have a golden boot. Any shots off that guy are pretty much rockets.

Try manual passing, it opens a lot of new options if you can get the hang of it.


leng jai said:
Half the time I'm waiting for them to run into space but they either run in the oppposite side or towards me :S

You can force them to run by hitting LB or L1 (I think).

But yes, team mates are often dumb. In a 4-3-3 Ill take my center forward and move him out wide, just because I found some space, but the winger doesn't alter his run and is pretty much right next to me the whole time.

I haven't tried yet, but you can modify the teams tactics, specifically if players will move around or stay more organized. I supposed making it less organized will help with this.


I am Wayne Brady.
leng jai said:
I'm getting frustrated at how hard they've made seemingly easy passes. I've lost count how many times theres been one defender about two metres from me between my team mate and I've passed it straight into him. Obviously I've aimed it but for whatever reason the game decides to make it go striaght into the defender. Is it just me or are your team mates dumber as well? Half the time I'm waiting for them to run into space but they either run in the oppposite side or towards me :S

On the plus side dribbling is massive improvement and crosses are actually feasible now. I think I've scored my headers in this past week than my entire time with 2010/WC. Strength seems to be a less important stat, Drogba definitely seems weaker. Lampard still seems to have a golden boot. Any shots off that guy are pretty much rockets.

heh that reminds me of huddlestone. The guy has the boot. But he doesn't have the accuracy and i've scored enough goals with him to pretty much take any chance I get good or bad because i've had some bad ones go in.

but yeah, the friendly and support AI is just horrible. The force run button doesn't work very well. You never know who it's gonna call and when they do get running you can pretty much count on them running in some retarded direction unless it's on a counter or something. Manual helps a little bit I guess. But the opposing AI is on super crack so it's stressful and annoying trying to herd my sheep and combat cocaine jesus at the same time. It got to the point where i pretty much just try to make runs at people as much as possible and minimize passing. You can use the right stick properly (i guess) now. Flicking balls is pretty much the only high(ish) percentage way to beat somebody. Unless you know how to do moves from standing position. Even then you can flick from standing position and do damage too. So i just get the ball to someone up front and flick my way into space and see what happens. Because i built my squad with massive speed...things generally turn out well.
I understand theres "contact" in the sport but why does every game feel like a rugby or American rules football game.

99% of all tackles are clean according to the AI ref. no matter if you get slide tackled from behind or just straight up pushed around. Ive seen my players fly 10+ feet at times.
Online basically means "pass that shit before you get rammed by 3 guys charging you"
And every pass is recieved is poorly it seems and up for grabs till your supposed pro can figure out how to settle it before he gets punted to the pitch.

I dont know maybe Im wrong but Ive never seen RL soccer players get leveled so much. Its like once they get the ball they become glass and defenders are clean tackle masters.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Pkm said:
I understand theres "contact" in the sport but why does every game feel like a rugby or American rules football game.

99% of all tackles are clean according to the AI ref. no matter if you get slide tackled from behind or just straight up pushed around. Ive seen my players fly 10+ feet at times.
Online basically means "pass that shit before you get rammed by 3 guys charging you"
And every pass is recieved is poorly it seems and up for grabs till your supposed pro can figure out how to settle it before he gets punted to the pitch.

I dont know maybe Im wrong but Ive never seen RL soccer players get leveled so much. Its like once they get the ball they become glass and defenders are clean tackle masters.

if you ever play football you will realise its astonishingly physical at times. the key is to give and go properly and know what you're going to do before you get the ball. if you want space and time you have to earn it and to do that you have to work the pitch.

watch barcelona play and see how they make the opposing team chase shadows. thats basically how you have to play FIFA.

that said my pro player is only like 73 and he's started to hold off defenders and make little bursts through on goal, and other guys like Hernandez who has a bit of pace can leave defenders for dust when the right pass is played to him


Pkm said:
I understand theres "contact" in the sport but why does every game feel like a rugby or American rules football game.

99% of all tackles are clean according to the AI ref. no matter if you get slide tackled from behind or just straight up pushed around. Ive seen my players fly 10+ feet at times.
Online basically means "pass that shit before you get rammed by 3 guys charging you"
And every pass is recieved is poorly it seems and up for grabs till your supposed pro can figure out how to settle it before he gets punted to the pitch.

I dont know maybe Im wrong but Ive never seen RL soccer players get leveled so much. Its like once they get the ball they become glass and defenders are clean tackle masters.
You're correct. High pressure and aggression is a trademark of the online section. A lot of human players keep holding the sprint + press button or the secondary press button for the entire match giving you limited time on the ball. Unfortunately, the stamina/fatigue bar has almost no effect on such decision. You can keep pressing and sprinting for the whole game and by the final whistle your guys are still fit and have energy.

They said they'll 'fix' it this year, but it's almost the same as previous FIFA's (looks like they don't wanna upset the kiddies out there).

One tactic that works effectively against these types of players from my personal experience is to use a short-passing custom tactic. This governs the positioning of your teammates for passing support. When it's set to short, more teammates will get closer to you once you have the ball and you'll find getting away from pressure easier by executing these quick passes (real life Barca are very good at this as kaizoku said). There are probably other methods out there that also work but I personally find this the best.

EDIT: here's a real life video that shows Barcelona with this tactic. Look how teammates are always positioned closer to the ball possesser:
kaizoku said:
if you ever play football you will realise its astonishingly physical at times. the key is to give and go properly and know what you're going to do before you get the ball. if you want space and time you have to earn it and to do that you have to work the pitch.

watch barcelona play and see how they make the opposing team chase shadows. thats basically how you have to play FIFA.

that said my pro player is only like 73 and he's started to hold off defenders and make little bursts through on goal, and other guys like Hernandez who has a bit of pace can leave defenders for dust when the right pass is played to him

I play exactly like Barca now. It's amazing how much space you can open up by moving the ball about in the opponents half for about 20 seconds. People just hold sprint to close you down. Move the ball on quickly, make sure your first touch takes it away from the defender and there should be holes opening up in front of you. Also, a large part of attacking play is about reading your opponents defense. People that charge you down holding A can only tackle in the direction they're running. Quick changes of direction (without holding sprint) work so well. In fact, 90% of my build up play I don't even touch sprint.


i officially LOVE this game now.

got barca in the office pool, and yeh ...just love the TON of extra incidental animation , and the extra incentive to be a better skill player rather than just ping ponging it down field ... fun as that is.

and while the pace is slower..that is deceiving , because if you master the passing game, .. as fifa plays the last several seasons will know .. game can be as fast as you can make it.
Think Im just gonna give up online play. Everyone seems to beat me down everytime :(

I try to play the passing game but seem to be swarmed by 2 or 3 guys every second. Then while Im defending its like my guys give the attacker a 10 foot buffer space. They do quick turns on a dime, I make turns sharp turns and end up stumbling or getting tripped to the dirt.
Seriously, playing me is problably like playing the AI on rookie. Hell even my single player games are me fighting tooth and nail to move the ball with out losing it while the AI just pokes a foot in to knock it away or tossing me around, all the while Im constantly fighting to get it back before it gets to the 18. I wish I could pressure people like they do me or consistantly find open lanes and show a ton of control. Im not using turbo that much, only for quick breaks or get to a position, but man youd think I was sprinting directly into people.
I actually got slide tackled from front AND back, my guys was like a flailing rag doll. Also, if I make a move and push the ball away from me yet get smacked to the ground isnt that a foul after about 10 times? Its like the AI is cool with dudes leg sweeping you or pushing you from behind while the ball rolls slowly away. I was weary of using the slide tackle in 2010, always timing it just right, but now I can almost guarantee my defender will almost always be ruled clean from any angle or speed.


Hail to the KING baby
you should just play with gaffers instead, get your feet wet that way. and if you really need moar fifa fill in the rest with quickplay.
JWong said:
The best part of this game is the user controlled celebrations.

Best feature ever.

I have to admit its the funniest thing I've seen in a long time when 8 people suddenly start bursting out into totally random elaborate celebrations.


I still have yet to find a video where both players are good and playing in a realistic manner.


Funny how no one choses to play centerback at Team Play matches.

I find it's my favourite position to play, although a bit hard at times, when your team refuses to defend... I did get 2 Motm awards in a row, including one game where I scored a header from a FK. Good times! :D
So, I've decided to begin working on all manual controls. I figured with time, this will allow me to do some pretty sweet, and realistic things with the ball, and I've wanted to do it for awhile, it seems more fun that way.

My question is, does anyone already do this? What is the learning curve equated to about?


SmokingBarrelX said:
So, I've decided to begin working on all manual controls. I figured with time, this will allow me to do some pretty sweet, and realistic things with the ball, and I've wanted to do it for awhile, it seems more fun that way.

My question is, does anyone already do this? What is the learning curve equated to about?

I tried going full manual, but I found that it is just way too hard during online play. I've bumped several back to semi which has helped speed up my passes and whatnot. Through balls on manual are very very useful though, because the AI always places them wrong. Same with long passes. During our club matches, I've played some very sweet long balls out to the wings or into space behind the defense that have only been possible because I'm playing on manual.
Magicked said:
I tried going full manual, but I found that it is just way too hard during online play. I've bumped several back to semi which has helped speed up my passes and whatnot. Through balls on manual are very very useful though, because the AI always places them wrong. Same with long passes. During our club matches, I've played some very sweet long balls out to the wings or into space behind the defense that have only been possible because I'm playing on manual.

Yea, I'm going to tone down the difficulty, and start working on it offline. Maybe once I get the hang of it and get the difficulty up to maybe World Class I will try in online. I just have to get all my work done for class so I can pop on.


Yeah - it's nearly impossible to do it. Can't count the number of times in the match last night that I tried to push up a little, only to have the AI CB give the guy space which gave up an easy through ball.

Just a little frustrating. With 2 or more people on the back line, I think it'd be markedly improved.

Is it just me, or is World Class AI easier to play against than Professional? Seems like they use more 'real world' logic.

As far as passing controls, I'm set to manual for everything. I have shooting on Semi, but I think I'm going to work on setting that to manual too.


SmokingBarrelX said:
So, I've decided to begin working on all manual controls. I figured with time, this will allow me to do some pretty sweet, and realistic things with the ball, and I've wanted to do it for awhile, it seems more fun that way.

My question is, does anyone already do this? What is the learning curve equated to about?

Tbh I'm thinking of ditching manual controls, I just suck too much and don't see any improvements.

Manual Shooting is the hardest, 8 out of 10 times my shots go to the cornerflag instead of to the goal...
I'm just in the camp that thinks it will be much more rewarding to be able to play on manual. Obviously we will see how it goes, and maybe I will decide to ditch as well.


SmokingBarrelX said:
I'm just in the camp that thinks it will be much more rewarding to be able to play on manual. Obviously we will see how it goes, and maybe I will decide to ditch as well.

I agree. I'm slowly working myself up to full manual. It takes a lot of concentration though (especially when shooting).


Pkm said:
Think Im just gonna give up online play. Everyone seems to beat me down everytime :(

I try to play the passing game but seem to be swarmed by 2 or 3 guys every second.
Maybe you're trapping the ball into the wrong direction? Right before your teammate receives the pass, be sure to hold the left stick to the open space that's away from your opponent. Your player will trap the ball correctly and then you can immediately pass the ball to another teammate. Trapping the ball with the left stick may look unimportant but when given attention it can add a lot to your possession. Here's a quick drawing with Paint that illustrates this (blue line = passes, dotted black = direction of trap):


Also, it's very normal if you're new to the game and keep losing matches. It takes time with this game to learn how to attack or defend. There's actually no limit to how much you can improve or take your skills to, and that's why it has a long lasting appeal. Patience and determination needed.

Nyx said:
Seems EA is going to turn Pro Passing Assistance off in ranked online games.

awesome!:D :D


whats the best camera angle for pro?

and they dont follow the player in tele when you click both sticks like in worldcup, is there anyway to do that in 11?
Lunchbox said:
whats the best camera angle for pro?

and they dont follow the player in tele when you click both sticks like in worldcup, is there anyway to do that in 11?

I think you can press the back or select button to switch between following the ball and following the player in tele camera.
agaru said:
Maybe you're trapping the ball into the wrong direction? Right before your teammate receives the pass, be sure to hold the left stick to the open space that's away from your opponent. Your player will trap the ball correctly and then you can immediately pass the ball to another teammate. Trapping the ball with the left stick may look unimportant but when given attention it can add a lot to your possession. Here's a quick drawing with Paint that illustrates this (blue line = passes, dotted black = direction of trap):

QUOTE]Good diagram.  I've been trying to more carefully plan a few moves ahead, too.  Flicking the right stick can also be used to give yourself even more space in a particular direction when you receive the ball.

I'm trying to recreate Jaap Stam in the Creation Centre but it refuses to save the my created player due to 'profanity'!

Can someone explain what in God's name I'm missing here? Is either 'Jaap' or 'Stam' a swear word in some language?
LabouredSubterfuge said:

I'm trying to recreate Jaap Stam in the Creation Centre but it refuses to save the my created player due to 'profanity'!

Can someone explain what in God's name I'm missing here? Is either 'Jaap' or 'Stam' a swear word in some language?

"Jaap" might be on their list as a derogatory term for Japanese??

P.S. I am going to hop on for a bit if anyone fancies a game.

Awesome Animals
SmokingBarrelX said:
"Jaap" might be on their list as a derogatory term for Japanese??

P.S. I am going to hop on for a bit if anyone fancies a game.

Awesome Animals

Nope. I just renamed him 'Jap Stam' and it says that's perfectly fine. Ridiculous.


LabouredSubterfuge said:

I'm trying to recreate Jaap Stam in the Creation Centre but it refuses to save the my created player due to 'profanity'!

Can someone explain what in God's name I'm missing here? Is either 'Jaap' or 'Stam' a swear word in some language?
He was too good to copy man, too good.
In other news, played a bit with manual controls, and I love them. It is definitely more challenging, but a lot more satisfying and fun. It is like a different game.

I just played with my Old Timers League team against some other random Turkish Super League team, and it took me awhile to get the hang of it. Crossing is tough, and I am still having a lot of trouble, and shooting is very sensitive. I barely missed the net numerous times, and I hit the woodwork many other times.

Here is one of said misses: http://www.ea.com/soccer/videos/ugc/40378852

I started getting the hang for shooting around there. I was still having trouble, and then this happened:

Gooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll!!! That was my first manual goal, followed by:
Which was a completely unintentional goal, but hey, I'll take it. And in my last game, I started streaking down the field with my winger, cut in, took the shot and...
Buried...I'm stepping up my game now kids. Look out (That was all on semi-pro, so I'm still a bit away from anything legitimate). In either case, manual is a lot of fun, especially if you have been playing FIFA for awhile, like I have. You got my full endorsement.
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