Ooooh patch on PS4 with some gameplay changes
The keepers are still idiots, i was actually considering snaping my disc in half earlier tonight, no joke. I'm done with the game, the fact thay FUT is basically the only online game mode doesn't help. I've tried playing regular club matchmaking and i can't find any oponents.Ooooh patch on PS4 with some gameplay changes
The overscan issue is still not fixed?
Its not overscan, its going off what you set the safe zone to be in the playstion display settings. You can make it smaller and the scoreboard players name etc go more into the centre.
Too many people respond with this 'fix' without understanding what the issue is here.
The screen size setting in the PS4 settings menu SHOULD be adjusted to the edges of your screen -- No more, No less. This setting is purely to compensate for TVs that employ overscan causing the PS4s UI (and therefore any game) to go outside the boundaries of your TV
The bug with FIFA 15 is that it is coded to display slightly larger than it should be when you have your screen size settings set correctly.
Reducing this setting (as per your fix) is essentially telling the console to run EVERYTHING at a smaller when you go into other games, the UI or screen size will not fill the screen (eg Driveclub and Pix the cat being recent examples). This means you have ot manually change it before you play FIFA and then change it back after you play FIFA just so other games look normal.
TL;DR It IS an overscan bug which is caused by FIFA 15 being programmed to be larger than it should be by about 5-10%.
It doesnt look overscanned though when you max out the display, theyve simply moved the ui to the extreme limits set in the display settings.
So I preordered the game on the Xbox One store back then and i'm supposed to get a free gold pack for UT every week for 10 weeks. However I didnt get one yet. How do I claim them or when do they start giving them out?
It doesnt look overscanned though when you max out the display, theyve simply moved the ui to the extreme limits set in the display settings.
The keepers are still idiots, i was actually considering snaping my disc in half earlier tonight, no joke. I'm done with the game, the fact thay FUT is basically the only online game mode doesn't help. I've tried playing regular club matchmaking and i can't find any oponents.
The game has many problems beyond the idiotic keepers, the biggest flaw is the defense, not only is it a pain to defend one on one but defenders are just fucking cones on their own. I've seen defenders stand in their place as the ball passes a a few feet away from them too many times. It's just terrible AI wise.
I'm done, this shit is going back to the store to trade in tomorrow and that's it for me and Fifa until they revamp the whole thing.
Fucking hate this game and yet i keep playing it expecting something to change, after 100+ online games, i give up.
So you played +30 hrs of a game that you don't like? Believable.
The over scan issue is EASY to fix people, and it doesn't affect other games when you default the screen zone. Why are people still bitching about it. This OT has gone to shit because of all the whining. Worst part, the game is actually good, but people don't want to take the time to learn the mechanics. Next year game's will be dumbed down and people will still complain.
I'm done with this OT.
So you played +30 hrs of a game that you don't like? Believable.
So you played +30 hrs of a game that you don't like? Believable.
The over scan issue is EASY to fix people, and it doesn't affect other games when you default the screen zone. Why are people still bitching about it. This OT has gone to shit because of all the whining. Worst part, the game is actually good, but people don't want to take the time to learn the mechanics. Next year game's will be dumbed down and people will still complain.
I'm done with this OT.
Same thing happened with my 4 star Dutch team, I even put Bronze guys on the bench and still got matched with an 82 overall five star side.It wouldn't be so bad if at least the matchmaking actually worked, i created a three star team to try to avoid all the super fast players and i got matched against a 5 star team full of gold players :/
It wouldn't be so bad if at least the matchmaking actually worked, i created a three star team to try to avoid all the super fast players and i got matched against a 5 star team full of gold players :/
There's no way it's even done by division, I refuse to believe Division 9/8 teams have 5 star 100 chem teams, with in-forms/TOTW players in the squad.
That's what I had before it started to bore me. Always grind through single player until I have a team I'm happy with and I'm sure a lot of people do the same/buy there way to it.
Only way to get a fair shake in multiplayer if you have a worse team is to hitup the online silver or bronze cup.
Ergh, people do this? Wankers.
There's no way it's even done by division, I refuse to believe Division 9/8 teams have 5 star 100 chem teams, with in-forms/TOTW players in the squad.
Is it totally random if ones goalkeeper will join at corners?
This is my story in every game, my defender get outrun/muscled by everyone and i can't run past anyone.Played a match where a guy had a 3 star team and low chemestry and his players were fucking crazy. His defender would out run Chicharito and his attacker would score from far and get past subotic and howedes like nothing. What. The. Fuck.
Im generally good at defending but it was kind of impossible to stop his 56 overall. This fucker was fast and strong. I managed to tie the game, but man did I fucking rage.This is my story in every game, my defender get outrun/muscled by everyone and i can't run past anyone.
Today is was my first day without playing the game after i got it, 150+ online games and i think i'm recovering now lol. I will sell the game next week or give it away but i want it far away from my PS4.
i reached FUT div 5 online and got crushed. I can't deal with the randomness. I think i'll stay offline tournies for a while.
Why the fuck can't we create custom formations yet?
No :'(Can't you just edit a formation?
I can't tell you how much progress I've lost by playing games in my career and then having the game freeze in between the end of the game and the career menu. Has anyone else been having this problem? (I'm playing on xbone)