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Fighting Game Headquarters |eSports| 4444 Life


Over the years it was really disheartening that so many people in general would shit on anything non-Capcom, be it Tekken or Guilty Gear. I don't like swinging it back around but those people should have listened to UltraDavid's words at the beginning of the year imploring people to PLAY OTHER GAMES and fucking give them a chance.


Over the years it was really disheartening that so many people in general would shit on anything non-Capcom, be it Tekken or Guilty Gear. I don't like swinging it back around but those people should have listened to UltraDavid's words at the beginning of the year imploring people to PLAY OTHER GAMES and fucking give them a chance.

Thats what happens when you put all your eggs in a single basket, and live in a bubble. Everyone else has been playing other games since ... the late 90's early and through the 00's but folks were claiming fighting games were dead because they live in that bubble. SF4 came out, and they proclaimed fighting games lived again, but folks had been playing them for a while, but SF4 was succesful they got to keep that narrative and ooh like at that a new marvel. But now Capcapom ain't looking so hot. Street fighter 5 is making people miserable, and MvCi isn't looking so hot. And the people who had been playing other games have options, and the new people to the community , also have options and don't have the school yard fuckery to restrict them from said options.

So now you got folks like Gootecks and Mike Ross looking miserable in EA because they have to play sfv. And then TastyJam being entertaining and having fun playing multiple different games.

Folks from a different time lived in a bubble, the bubble burst and they weren't prepared.

Options are a fantastic thing


I think it's kind of whack to try and promote your game by shitting on another one. I won't knock the hustle of offering up a game you like when people say they are disappointed in SFV or anything, but the whole "every other game is shit, come play the best fighting game ever" nonsense is obnoxious.

"There's only one good fighting game and it's the one I play" is something I've seen in the FGC for decades. I guess it kind of makes sense that if you like a game enough to play it for thousands of hours, shit like jump angles not being to your liking in another fighting game could be enough to turn you away.


Mrs. Harvey
I want nude kid goku in dbz. DB is so hilarious. I wonder why there is no launch anymore. She was as close to a mother as goku can have.


Gootecks invested so much into SFxT thinking it was going to be the next big thing. When it flopped he disappeared from the face of the earth and started contemplating on his future. When he returned he went ham on stream monsters, putting the blame on them.

Now he banked on SFV being the next big thing, it wasn't and now he has set his eyes on Twitch and the PogChamp emoticon.

And Mike Ross somehow gets entangled in the Gootecks mess.
Gootecks invested so much into SFxT thinking it was going to be the next big thing. When it flopped he disappeared from the face of the earth and started contemplating on his future. When he returned he went ham on stream monsters, putting the blame on them.

Now he banked on SFV being the next big thing, it wasn't and now he has set his eyes on Twitch and the PogChamp emoticon.

And Mike Ross somehow gets entangled in the Gootecks mess.

He makes a lot of bad bets for a supposed time traveler.


I want nude kid goku in dbz. DB is so hilarious. I wonder why there is no launch anymore. She was as close to a mother as goku can have.

Two reasons

1) DBZ made a lot of the dragonball characters irrelevant. Why does she need to be around when there are you know, super saiyans and aliens and world ending fights happening, who actually cares about launch besides. " I wonder what happened to launch"

2) Toriyama literally forgot she existed

He makes a lot of bad bets for a supposed time traveler.

Every single youtuber will tell you

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Diversify your content, so when shit gets miserable for you, or shit dies, you can split


I want nude kid goku in dbz. DB is so hilarious. I wonder why there is no launch anymore. She was as close to a mother as goku can have.

If they're going to do a character from the original Dragonball that's too weak to hang with all the aliens, they should add all those goofy side characters as special move assists for that character. Have Launch come out and spray machine gun fire or have Yajirobe sneak attack people.


I'm genuinely curious how much of the criticism is "I don't like Street Fighter V" vs. "I don't like Season 2." I'm not feigning obtuseness either because, in general, I don't think people really know if they'll like or dislike a fighting game in the long run as long as it's competently made. Unlike casual players, SFV was pretty well liked around launch mostly because it had several antidotes to issues people hated about SF4. Of course, after a year people begin to see some of these corrections as overcorrections that create new problems.

I feel that people were most positive about V at first because it was new and still wasn't fine tuned so they cut it some slack, especially since Capcom said they were going to wait before making any major changes. But when S2 came and Capcom seems to have rather than fix the flaws in the game actually made them worse people got frustrated with them.


Launch dah og super saiyan



Gootecks invested so much into SFxT thinking it was going to be the next big thing. When it flopped he disappeared from the face of the earth and started contemplating on his future. When he returned he went ham on stream monsters, putting the blame on them.

Now he banked on SFV being the next big thing, it wasn't and now he has set his eyes on Twitch and the PogChamp emoticon.

And Mike Ross somehow gets entangled in the Gootecks mess.

I'll never forget Meik Russ and Pootecks calling SFxT the best fighter ever.
I'm happy to hear my weeklies aren't the only ones dropping SF5. It maintained itself until Akuma I think and then it started to die little by little. Old players thought S2 stupid because of the DP changes, new players were not convinced by new characters and everyone was waiting for more than just a patchnote. And I think just after Injustice 2 came out, nobody thought about putting the game on and it was over. Tekken 7 arrived and we had people playing like nuts every week during june (4 to 6 stations only for Tekken, never happened during SF5).

We are voting for the games next year and SF5 has less votes than Third Strike, USF4 and Super Turbo just to compare with other episodes.


I'll never forget Meik Russ and Pootecks calling SFxT the best fighter ever.
Need to up their shill game, take one from Velociraptor:

"SFXT is easily the best fighting game ever made. Not only is it the best fighting game ever made by a colossal margin but it's also the best GAME of all time. I am not talking just video games here but sports in general like chess basketball, football etc. In fact, it's just the best THING ever, better than sliced bread, antibiotics, USA, blow jobs and Jesus Christ. Hell, it's better than God."

Need to take a queue from those 90s gaming magazine.
I think it's kind of whack to try and promote your game by shitting on another one. I won't knock the hustle of offering up a game you like when people say they are disappointed in SFV or anything, but the whole "every other game is shit, come play the best fighting game ever" nonsense is obnoxious.

what about project justice though


Mrs. Harvey
Also Cash Detroid. This is how things went for me.

Hated SFIV at first but it kept getting better. Liked SFXT, then hated it, then liked it again, final version is great. SFV, liked i at firstt, I wouldn't say I dislike it now but it's not entertaining for me to play. It's one of those games where I would play if I had nothing else to do but problem is there are tons in the market. It has a lot of life left so things could improve.

There are a lot of people who aren't on the list who also dislike the current SFV. I know they don't have the resources to fully work on everything but they should stop worrying about crap like costumes and make the game more fun in whatever way.

I would say a huge chunk of the OG SF regs do not like the game and they were part of the reason why I spent so much time with SFIV.

Kid Goku is the most adorable anime character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z6yGbkaxkY

I'm not feeling super. Goku and Vegeta are supposed to be the last of their kind but then all of a sudden all these new characters show up.
If I ever figure out what exactly Mike did at Twitch it might shed some light, but, yeah, Capcom Pro Talk was just flat out good for the game, I don't understand why it just vanished. Afterwards, Mike and Floe were so hush-hush about the circumstances of the show's discontinuing you would think they were working for the CIA. Whole thing was very weird.


tagged by Blackace
DC is really popular, news at eleven. I doubt meaty single-player content would've made SFV the best selling anything.
Also high budget games have great presentation, news at 11.

Not to take away from NRS, because Injustice 2 is basically one of the most attractive well-rounded products in the genre, but also to take away from NRS.

Neither does good animation



Also high budget games have great presentation, news at 11.

Not to take away from NRS, because Injustice 2 is basically one of the most attractive well-rounded products in the genre

Indeed. When you have Daddy WBucks fronting you all sorts of resources wonderful things happen. Those AAA-tier production values are never going to happen for Capcom. I figure IJ2's budget at least doubles that of SFV. Then there's all the cross-promotion made possible thanks to WB's vast media reach.

but also to take away from NRS.

But there's also no accounting of inherent talent! But people like their big, expensive AAA experiences. And that's Injustice 2, more than just another fighter.
Khaledentar and BrutalAce's mods became free after a month last time i checked (which was a long time ago).

If we get more mods out of it and if they're released for free eventually then i don't mind.

BrutalAce's top patreon tier ($20+ a month) gave you access to "exclusive nude mods for patrons only". It sounds like more than just timed exclusivity. But to be honest, timed exclusivity is probably already threading on thin(ner) ice when we are talking about worked derived from/based on copyrighted material.


tagged by Blackace
At their height, I'm not sure I would have called Capcom AAA. They're definitely not consistently hanging with EA, Activision, Take Two, etc. Maybe with like RE6 or very few titles they've done, but they were in that weird space between AAA and AA. They just don't consistently do it. Every few years Resident Evil will do it, but mainline titles have been underperforming.

It's hard because Capcom could hang in the pre-HD era probably, but after that and all the subsequent changes to the industry, they've lagged behind, and consumer expectations have pulled away more and more in recent years. And when they do decide to invest or reinvest in their IPs, it's definitely not their fighting games (probably for good reason, but still sucks when everyone had high hopes of SFV being that breakthrough fighting game that'd put Capcom back on track).


At their height, I'm not sure I would have called Capcom AAA. They're definitely not consistently hanging with EA, Activision, Take Two, etc. Maybe with like RE6 or very few titles they've done, but they were in that weird space between AAA and AA. They just don't consistently do it. Every few years Resident Evil will do it, but mainline titles have been underperforming.

It's hard because Capcom could hang in the pre-HD era probably, but after that and all the subsequent changes to the industry, they've lagged behind, and consumer expectations have pulled away more and more in recent years. And when they do decide to invest or reinvest in their IPs, it's definitely not their fighting games (probably for good reason, but still sucks when everyone had high hopes of SFV being that breakthrough fighting game that'd put Capcom back on track).

SF V tried to capture the magic that SF IV did but it's hard to do that when expectations and exposure are so different in this era of gaming. SF IV also brought the SF series to 2.5D in a way that the mainstream could latch onto. SF V alienated both fans and casuals for Capcom being too careful in terms of trying to cater to everyone, which typically just doesn't work. Know your audience and cater to them, and then the casuals will come, it typically doesn't work the other way around.

I think MVCI will do well and make people feel the Capcom magic despite the negative aura surrounding the game. But yes overall Capcom has really not been a triple-A publisher/developer for a while now, but to me they never were triple-A to begin with, at least as we know triple-A now. Sure in the 8, 16 and 32 bit era days they were a major player but towards the PS2 era I always considered them to be a bit of an underdog company.
Neither does good animation

It really doesn't.

You intended this to be some sick burn, but the evidence proves that GAF is in a bubble, being the only place I've ever seen that praises or criticizes animations in games to the extent it does.

The obvious exception being things like ME:A, which IJ2 beats out by enough to avoid the criticisms mainstream outlets gave that, showing that it's most effective for success to reach the "good enough" threshold in any given specific area and provide a breadth of content as an overall package (see also GAF Skyrim backlash vs the game's continued high regard among the larger gaming population).


tagged by Blackace
It really doesn't.

You intended this to be some sick burn, but the evidence proves that GAF is in a bubble, being the only place I've ever seen that praises or criticizes animations in games to the extent it does.

The obvious exception being things like ME:A, which IJ2 beats out by enough to avoid the criticisms mainstream outlets gave that, showing that it's most effective for success to reach the "good enough" threshold in any given specific area and provide a breadth of content as an overall package (see also GAF Skyrim backlash vs the game's continued high regard among the larger gaming population).
All my casual friends know NRS games are janky as fuck and buy their games continually for other reasons. It's not something that takes insight or understanding about the genre, or a video to explain why it looks awkward. It just does.

RE: the sick burn, all great jokes have a little bit of truth in them. That one had a lot.
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