Fighting Games Weekly | 4/20-26 | Beowulf Wrasslin', Mewtwo Smashin', Netkode Krashin


Really, all this blanka hate?
What year is this?

He's one of the more unique characters in this shoto-fest of a game.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160956292]if blanka was fun there'd be a dozen blankas instead of a dozen ryus[/QUOTE]

Blanka is fun, I just find him difficult to play well so I don't :T

So I just randomly pick Ryu sometimes and kill people.


Blanka is annoying in sfiv because his animations are just awful, and generally laggy looking. Plus rainbow ball crosses up randomly is always a blast. If there's one character I hate to play against online its him simply because the ancient st gimmicks work so well when there is latency involved.


Blanka was the worst thing about CvS2. I'm fine with his SFIV version, he's ugly, but so is most of the cast.
Not implying this is how you feel, but there are definitely people who hold that view. It's one of the many reasons I stopped reading anything on EH.

Edit: KidA, I also agree with your gif that SF fans\players are the spoiled, fat rich kids of the FGC. :3

I'll pay Emil for trailing you and voicing his opinions nonstop :3


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160949752]Painwheel is basically a demon, but yeah your creature thing is what I meant. As for SF4, if you're really interested in the game try some characters you think are boring. I basically played the game off and on as a joke for 5 years, but recently I found out I really like ken and have been taking the game more seriously. I would never have thought ken was my character.[/QUOTE]

SF4 Ken to me was a lot less interesting than his other forms. ST and A2 Ken were the most fun to me. Funky kick into knee bash gimmicks are a lot more run than kara-throw all day. (kara-throw is something I truly despise in fighters, if you want a guy to have more throw range, give it to them legit)

I miss ST Ryu rush punch. Yeah I think it was a 1f link to do the cool stuff with it, but it was such a cool move.


Since it's Tuesday, what are the odds that a SFV Bison reveal trailer being released online today, ahead of the NicoNico Chou Kaigi event this weekend........? and ken are tough :C


Blanka is FUN to play.

but the reason i stopped using him is because of all the salt he would cause. also, because, hoenstly speaking, he's really easy to win with given the effort required to use him.

i have shit execution and could still give the top ranks trouble with him .


If you got super with Oni you can airdash to bait DPs and punish with Demon while airborne....that is probably the coolest thing in SF4 for me.

Also a couple good players told me that fireballs are actually really good in SF4, its just that they are only really good against players that actually try to play footsies.

After a while you can recognize types of players and distinguish players that only concentrate on punishing fireballs or predicting with jump ins. Nowadays a lot online I'll just sit there with Sagat and throw out a couple jabs or something and I can usually bait a couple jumps before I even throw one fireball just because people have this kind of mental clock where they just expect you to chuck one.


God's Beard!";160952587][URL=" said:
Even Jojo's casuals looks more fun than top play from any fighter in the past decade and a half.[/URL]

God I love this game.

Thank you for reminding me that I won't ever play this game again on PSN or Live, thanks to the fine lads at Capcom.


Is Izayoi good these days? I remember her being on the bottom when she came out.

Apparently she's been decent since the 1.1 patch (late May 2014) - a sleeper top 5 character by the valuation of some players. Wherever she is now, it sounds like she's even stronger in 2.0 / Extend, though it seems like she's still generally slept on.


If you got super with Oni you can airdash to bait DPs and punish with Demon while airborne....that is probably the coolest thing in SF4 for me.

Also a couple good players told me that fireballs are actually really good in SF4, its just that they are only really good against players that actually try to play footsies.

After a while you can recognize types of players and distinguish players that only concentrate on punishing fireballs or predicting with jump ins. Nowadays a lot online I'll just sit there with Sagat and throw out a couple jabs or something and I can usually bait a couple jumps before I even throw one fireball just because people have this kind of mental clock where they just expect you to chuck one.

Yeah, I feel like Oni's biggest weakness outside his Oki game is his inclination to get jumped in on while playing footsies. Jumping against Oni is powerful. f.HP, Fireball and f.k get him squatted on if he's not conditioning his opponent right and it can cause him to lose the match due to low life and stun. I feel like Sanford loses a ton of matches with Oni this way.


Google translate tells me 1.05 will have bug fixes for characters.

I'm guessing a few of those armor-cancel/parry into ultra/throw shenanigans for a few characters like Rufus and Elena will be removed.

If Sagat players are lucky they'll fix his Ultra 1 but I doubt it.

If we're all lucky they'll nerf E. Ryu.
Google translate tells me 1.05 will have bug fixes for characters.

I'm guessing a few of those armor-cancel/parry into ultra/throw shenanigans for a few characters like Rufus and Elena will be removed.

If Sagat players are lucky they'll fix his Ultra 1 but I doubt it.

If we're all lucky they'll nerf E. Ryu.

my fingers aren't fast enough to armour cancel with Elena unless I map the buttons different

hopefully they keep her intact. Maybe even.. maybe even nerf DJ just once this patch
I hope they fix people falling out of Ken/Akuma's hp shoryukens after the first hit.

SF4 Ken to me was a lot less interesting than his other forms. ST and A2 Ken were the most fun to me. Funky kick into knee bash gimmicks are a lot more run than kara-throw all day. (kara-throw is something I truly despise in fighters, if you want a guy to have more throw range, give it to them legit)

I miss ST Ryu rush punch. Yeah I think it was a 1f link to do the cool stuff with it, but it was such a cool move.
3s Ken was the best because of that godlike backdash.


Alright, kiddies let's see how well you know your fighting games

The color of the text is NOT a hint :p
Also excuse the English
Pretty sure some of you will get it right first time though XP


PS4 definitely screwed up for offline events. They NEED to have some option to desync controllers.

Wasn't there a twitter account where people can propose things they want included in the next Firmware updates for the PS4?


Alright, kiddies let's see how well you know your fighting games

To be frank, in first sf2 they all looked bad. Character portraits were awfull for all.
Things improved later on.

I'd say Chun-li because Capcom fluctuated between various customes and playstyles, making her the most confusing character.

Is your question referring to which character of the original 12 has appeared as a playable character in the least amount of games afterwards?

I would say Guile maybe
I just saw someone on another (non-gaming) forum mention watching a stream of "this jwong guy who's really good at Mortal Kombat"

Wonder if Justin will stick with MKX for that sweet twitch money


God's Beard!";160952587][URL=" said:
Even Jojo's casuals looks more fun than top play from any fighter in the past decade and a half.[/URL]

God I love this game.

Me: "LOL why would I want to play this game LOL"
*Actually watches the Jojo anime*
Me: "Wasn't there a Jojo fighting game remaster recently?"
*Goes on to PSN only to learn the game was taken down*
Me: "WELP! I guess somebody doesn't want my money"

I don't get licensing agreements like this. Who wins if games become unpurchasable after a certain period of time? It certainly isn't consumer and it certainly isn't publishers.
It's Honda or Boxer

I originally said Guile, but you may be right. Guile is in MvC2 and all the iterations of the EX series without Honda or Boxer. That's 6 games technically

Honda and boxer are in alpha 2 gold and arcade alpha 3 without Guile.

Any else?

I didn't realize you had to have a PS4 controller for each PS3 stick you want to use on the PS4 version of MKX.

Apparently it causing a lot of syncing issues on a stream? Or Arturo's stream?

If the PC version wasn't a shit port I'd say that they should just move to that and save themselves any problems about controllers. But the PC version is a shit port so yeah.

Alright, kiddies let's see how well you know your fighting games

The color of the text is NOT a hint :p
Also excuse the English
Pretty sure some of you will get it right first time though XP

Of the top of my head I want to say either Honda or Boxer.


Shouldn't it be 13 characters since Q was in the background?

I'm gonna say Honda since he appears in the background in a lot of Capcom games.


I had to read that question 6 times before I understood what it was asking.

Least playable appearance = Chun-Li in Marvel 2 or 3.
Fewest playable appearances = E. Honda?
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