I like this.Have Blanka trip after 3 short hops in a row..
I just saw someone on another (non-gaming) forum mention watching a stream of "this jwong guy who's really good at Mortal Kombat"
Wonder if Justin will stick with MKX for that sweet twitch money
He would be stupid not to, MK and Marvel is two things we won't ever be dominated by Japan in!
Google translate tells me 1.05 will have bug fixes for characters.
I'm guessing a few of those armor-cancel/parry into ultra/throw shenanigans for a few characters like Rufus and Elena will be removed.
If Sagat players are lucky they'll fix his Ultra 1 but I doubt it.
If we're all lucky they'll nerf E. Ryu.
Capcom's idea of Sagat buffs is more damage on his YOLO plan which does enough damage and momentum change to do its job already, and nerfing his fireballs.
with those points ... that was unintentional.This looks about right to be perfectly honest. Good on the E. Ryu for timing that right.
I think Tizoc wants the original 12, right? No Hawk, DJ, cammy or Fei.
It's looking like Honda is our man though.
That boxer image is making me feel some type of way.
so the success of MKX is clearly telling us that SF needs to step up its story game
so the success of MKX is clearly telling us that SF needs to step up its story game
was shadowloo disbanded in SF3?
Far as I can recall, it was supposed to disband after SF2 when Boxer took over.
SF4 happened with Dictator bringing it back, during the events of SF3 it mayhave disbanded prior or gone into hiding.
Unless Gill and Urien's organization took control of it or something.
If SF5 is suppose to be before SF3 and Charlie was brought back by the illuminati, I'm wondering if SF5 is going to have Illuminati and Shadowloo fighting for power...
would be an interesting storyline if done right.
so the success of MKX is clearly telling us that SF needs to step up its story game
SvC Chaos was truly shit
Had some seriously stylish combos, though.
Lol these champions league games
Louffy should play for PSG
Capcom can't be arsed to remember the size of T. Hawk's chest, I doubt they'd care for continuity ;D
NRS to delete Ermac's character slot to balance confirmed.
Nona <3
I see. I'm not familiar with the artist but the works posted here look distinctive.
nice esports desk triforce!
Nona <3