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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT


get some go again
Genesis 6-button & Saturn >>>> anything Nintendo ever put out.

Only natural that they set the trend for modern fightpads.

(Although in all honesty, 4 shoulder buttons is probably more advantageous.)
i like 6 buttons because of the genesis and saturn as well.


4 Face/4 Shoulder is more advantageous for multiple inputs than 6 Face/2 Shoulder if you're not doing the claw style. Du uses it to great effect for example. If I could get the SFxT pad but PS3/4 style with 4 Face/4 Shoulder,I'd probably use that variant, lol

Mr. X

Why is there a debate? Players first, all the time. Who gives a shit if "Put_my_face_in_thick_thighs" doesn't like seeing the same character over and over?

Shouldnt even be a debate. Its not an invitational where you paid people to attend and put on a show, its people on their own dime traveling and competing.


Why is there a debate? Players first, all the time. Who gives a shit if "Put_my_face_in_thick_thighs" doesn't like seeing the same character over and over?
You know not every viewer is like that. Viewers are also the people in the crowd. Top 8 is played at a live crowd at every major event for instance.


the best thing for 'people still at the tournament who aren't competing' is to have lots of casuals setups imo

it sucks when the packup time starts and there's nothing left but to watch like top 5 of street fighter with nobody i can cheer for left but it's better than having a full day of that

CEO and UFGT both attempt to tackle this in ways that are cool
What's that? Google showed me...something unexpected.



First time playing HNK I picked jagi. And kinda learned him.

He's so bad ;__;

I like to think they deliberately made him so (they did).

But he is fun, in a IGAF lol trolling pick Dan sort of way.

Genesis 6-button & Saturn >>>> anything Nintendo ever put out.

Only natural that they set the trend for modern fightpads.

(Although in all honesty, 4 shoulder buttons is probably more advantageous.)

I loved the 4 shoulder button setup, for the PS2 pad.

I'd map Jab to R1 and Short to R2.

Ain't nobody got time for pressing buttons with their directions hand.

The PS3 triggers ruined this.

And the PS4 continues the tradition. :/
USF4 tech!


My video showing this off. Is it known?

801 damage, Rufus vs Hugo, 4 EX bars and ultra w/ Hugo in the corner.



Also gonna throw this out there because this is confusing me.

At Hypespotting a lot of the matches were played on 1680x1050 Samsung monitors via VGA. The 360s were configured to send 720p signals via VGA to the monitors.

So the Xbox isn't upscaling the video feed - that's cool, that lowers lag a bit.

Unfortunately, the screens displayed the game in the wrong aspect ratio, as they were 16:10 screens displaying 16:9 feeds.

After the tournament I set one of the 360s to output at the monitor's native resolution, fixing the aspect ratio. I'm not perfect with recognising lag - and I asked Ryan Hart earlier on and he said the monitors were fine and I trust his opinion - so this is academic:

My understanding of how an LCD monitor or screen works is this:

1. Source fires video feed down to monitor.
2. Monitor looks at the feed and deduces its resolution.
3. Monitor makes a decision:
3a - the resolution is the same as the monitor's native resolution: throw the feed directly up, filling each pixel with the corresponding pixel from the feed.
3b - the resolution is lower than the monitor's native resolution: give the feed to the monitor's scaler, wait for the scaler to blow the feed up to fill the monitor's pixels, take the upscaled feed and fill the monitor's pixels.

Hence, my belief before today was that by feeding a non-native signal to an LCD monitor you caused the monitor to scale the image using its internal scaler, which may or may not induce input lag. So my logic was always to match the 360's resolution to the native resolution of the monitor to keep input lag to a minimum, because the specialized 360 scaler is likely to be lower latency than the scaler in the screen, which might not really care about latency.

I actually got into a nasty argument with a TO at RFD about this.

After a chat with Darkhadou and VS|Affro on Twitter, they both reckon I'm wrong.

Am I? If so, why?

Help me Obi GAF Kenobi.


For a controller, why not do what the Hori X360 pads did and have both six face bottons and four shoulder buttons? LB and RB were both bumpers and a fifth/sixth button on the face.

The fuck. Guess this is what you get for not making it clear from the start that viewers ain't shit and not teaching them that they should be glad they even get to see anything in the first place.
Well, in every other big competitive game, the viewers mean way more than the players do. Unless you're one of the lucky few players with their own dedicated following, players on e-sports teams are eminently replaceable, especially in the bigger games. Top players are a dime a dozen.

The real issue is that fighting game events want to service players and viewers well, but don't have the resources to do either at this point. That's really the fundamental issue, and there's no real bogeyman in the room here -- everyone involved is understaffed, under-resourced and underpaid.


Attendees are what makes an event, not the stream monsters.

As for MKX, just picked it up. GMG offer was good enough ($63.09 with coupon), expires today though (they'll prob have a 20% off coupon like they do every weekend though)

No idea who I'd want to play, so I'd prob go with a new char to the series.
If you want to play games right now, X1.
If you want to play SFV and SecretPS4Game, PS4. Considering how much you play SF...

Then imma need a new stick for the PS4 n shit.. unless I can get it modded.

Thinking of selling my old TE stick thats dual modded then getting the USF4 stick


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
the best thing for 'people still at the tournament who aren't competing' is to have lots of casuals setups imo

it sucks when the packup time starts and there's nothing left but to watch like top 5 of street fighter with nobody i can cheer for left but it's better than having a full day of that

This is why someone in your group gets a room for Sunday night and you split the cost, even if few if any of you are actually staying on Sunday.

It's also one of your best opportunities to get games in with top out-of-towners in various games, because those guys probably are staying Sunday night.


FGC Waterboy
Will probably getting a next gen console at the end of this month (Wii U doesn't count sorry)


If you only care about FGs?

SFV vs KI (assuming you aren't willing to get SFV on PC) is what it comes down to. (BBCP is on X1, but random Japanese FGs might be only on PS4)

Other stuff?

I prefer my X1 over my PS4. I disc'd my PS4 because I don't use it much compared to my X1 - but I use stuff like Sling (X1 only) for TV. Also, fun stuff coming with Windows 10.


tagged by Blackace
play what games now? anybody that is into fighting games has to get the ps4.
I find the exclusive lineup much stronger right now on X1. Depends on what you care about, really. For fighting games, yeah, PS4 is your only choice.


Via Wario

Isn't this basically what the $100 Limited Edition being sold at Gamestop is? Also, I've taken a break from Ultra for school and Smash 4 and since competitive Smash 4 is just matches against Diddy Kong I took the time to play Ultra against some people at the campus student center. I think being away from it has awakened my love for Street Fighter again and I've been jonesing to play. My question to you guys is with my mains being Balrog and Cammy, should go with Cammy over Rog in Ultra? Rog is durable, but it seems he loses to a lot whereas Cammy has more options especially if your footsies game is solid. I can play both well, but Balrog is my main from 09. Any help?


I find the exclusive lineup much stronger right now on X1. Depends on what you care about, really. For fighting games, yeah, PS4 is your only choice.

You do? Cause I'm getting an Xbox One for free shortly and can't think of a single exclusive I'd like to play on it.
Can you fill me in?

Nyoro SF

I mean, if you want to play SFV you don't really have an option.
And BBCPEX is assuredly going to have a much more massive playerbase on PS3 and 4, plus there is precedent for anime fighters being PS only. I don't see that changing with the Xbox One being nonexistent in Japan.

Since SFV will be steering the ship for fighters, so to speak, you're going to see an overwhelming number of users on PS4 both local and online. Pretty much no contest if you're looking at where to invest even for multiplatform fighting games.

For the record, I'm going to play on PC... but if I had to get a console later down the line it's blindingly obvious which one I'd have to go with.
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