TBQH, I think Marvel is in the growing pains right now. I always expressed pre-release the consequences of if they made zoning too strong, and how much I feared it, but honestly it's not so much as MorriDoom is too good as it is people aren't putting the work in to develop counters as to just trying theoretical ones and then switching back to their main teams later. No one is thinking long term and they just switch back to their main teams again in hopes of winning something in the short term now, giving Chris G a free win.
I think the player skill is there, but whereas we had a bit of a hunger spike earlier after Sanford's comments, it's died down a bit. Who's hungry to take down Chris G right now out of the best? FChamp, Flocker and Moons and that's all I can think of. Justin Wong is on autopilot, Yipes doesn't care, and RayRay and everyone else is in a character crisis. People are doing better vs. Chris G right now more than ever. Tune back a few months and the dominance was considerably more free. This is because people are springing up that are giving him something different from the same team configurations he knows how to fight in and out.
We've seen people fight MorriDoom and succeed. Look at the matches today vs. Chris G where Morrigan got handled and Doom and Vergil put in most of the work. Not only that, people are universally getting better at avoiding missiles. Missiles are terrible, yes, but people have been stepping their movement game up to not be as brain dead as low level Marvel is and getting around what they were only complaining about months ago and just eating them because they didn't know what else to do. People just can't fight Chris G. He's on point and isn't falling for folks simple tricks. Until someone both steps up their mental game, develops their theoretical counters or counter strategies, and doesn't take the L because of a pot split, Chris G is sitting pretty.
I don't know if I'd call the metagame right now healthy, but I'm seeing improvement everywhere and underdogs putting in work, and I can still tune into a stream and see some godlike player with potential not playing Doom blowing it up with Arthur, Iron Man, Firebrand, etc. and get hype over it. If these so called mid tier characters had become obsolete, I'd say there's reason to worry for where Marvel is going. But as it stands, because these characters are still viable in appropriate team compositions, I'm not really sitting here thinking Marvel is dying, but I can understand people's frustrations.
Threi is fapping to this thread right now btw.