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Fighting Games Weekly | April 28 - May 4 | The Desolation of Smug


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Dahbomb with the hint of bias in there - I don't know anyone who has ever called FChamp a "god" - but props for the huge write-up regardless, can't knock anyone who makes the effort to make a big write-up as someone who writes a lot myself.

Oh and about Street Fighter CPUs, they've never cared for charge times and startups with mash moves since SF2 from what I can remember and played. They won't cheat and do it in impossible timespans or walk forward and do one, but they never have to be charging to do it.

lmao why are both sentinel and wolverine a 4 and akuma and vjoe 3

Wolverine the character, and Sentinel the assist I guess. What I really find strange is Wesker being higher than Wolverine. Doom's even higher than both of those, but I guess that's also mostly because of his assist and how he works well with everyone.

I haven't finished reading this but there is already a lot of wrong stuff. First of all Nova has better buttons than Magneto free. Magneto's buttons are all pretty much completely inferior to Nova's in every way yet you say Mags has an advantage in normals? Mags has some of the worst buttons in all of the Top Tiers. His buttons lose to Zero, Nova, Vergil, and Wolverine.

Second you said Plasma Beam is fast and it's one of the slowest projectile assists in the game. Not only that you claim you can counter call Strange with it which is NOT possible at all. There is not enough time to call Doom after confirming a Strange call nor is there time to call Doom to punish strange. You can pre-emptively call Doom to stop Strange from coming out but you can not counter call. It will not work.

That's two huge analysis errors in the first few paragraphs. You don't know your shit as much as you think you do.


Alright guys I will make the tournament thread.

MM stuff will be 2nd post although someone at GAF will probably fuck it up.

I haven't finished reading this but there is already a lot of wrong stuff. First of all Nova has better buttons than Magneto free. Magneto's buttons are all pretty much completely inferior to Nova's in every way yet you say Mags has an advantage in normals? Mags has some of the worst buttons in all of the Top Tiers. His buttons lose to Zero, Nova, Vergil, and Wolverine.

Second you said Plasma Beam is fast and it's one of the slowest projectile assists in the game. Not only that you claim you can counter call Strange with it which is NOT possible at all. There is not enough time to call Doom after confirming a Strange call nor is there time to call Doom to punish strange. You can pre-emptively call Doom to stop Strange from coming out but you can not counter call. It will not work.
On the part about normals: I was clearly talking about close proximity normals. Magneto's cr.L is longer reaching than Nova's AND is chainable making it a superior normal at close proximity (both start up at 6 frame). In addition, Magneto's cr.L actually hits low. I stated that beyond this proximity Nova has the edge. Also Magneto has some excellent buttons, cr.M, st.H/j.M, cr.H, j.S are all great buttons. The only button of Nova that is better than Magneto's range of button is j.H... which I already stated in the paragraph.

On the point of Doom Plasma Beam, it's definitely faster than Dr Strange's which was the point I was making. In general though it's about average speed but in the match up it's the faster of the two. I should've worded the language of counter call properly... I didn't mean to say that you can react to Dr Strange's Bolts and then call Plasma Beam to counter. It was more like on start up punishment where you anticipate the call and counter it properly... its not a raw reaction.

The Flash



Alright guys I will make the tournament thread.

MM stuff will be 2nd post although someone at GAF will probably fuck it up.

He's a rough list of out-of-towners that are coming to NWM for each game, There might be some names missing though.

AE 2012
EG K-Brad
EG PR Balrog
EG Ricky Ortiz
EMP NuckleDu
EMP Santhrax
MMG|El Cubano Loco
RG|Filipino Champ
RPD MCZ Alex Smith

EG K-Brad
EG PR Balrog
RG|Filipino Champ

KCO|Mr. Cruz

Bronson Tran
Paul Z - CA

2GB Combo


on that note: fun fact: plasma beam actually has more startup time than bolts assistwise, by like 3 or 4 frames (it's pretty miniscule)- it's just that bolts in it's total framewise data is out like literally twice as long haha. bolts is actually really fast on startup! it's just the recovery and active frames are for-ev-errrrr

but reaction TK distruptor + plasma beam call in response to bolts + nova is kind of a thing. it's less susceptible to airdash H prediction punishes because it'll snipe airdash H but it's also kind of a massive risk assuming he jumps the beam and just blows a bar to human rocket birthday mags and doom while mags is still doing his slow float to the ground off the TK

as for mags vs. nova buttons, it's one of those weird arguments where movement plays into it more than the quality of the buttons themselves since mags has the ability to utilize his buttons 'differently' though id say that mags j.l/m and overall grounded normals are better than nova's by a slight margin. but it's not like those buttons matter that much for nova since the way he does stuff more is more or less fulfilled by j.l and j.h. only big weakness in his normalset is cr.l being kinda wack

edit: what i'm curious about usage wise is forcefield being used to kill nova off obvious j.h shit. because like, a big part of nova/strange is that he goes in with bolts and then youre guessing and shit off the weird acceleration but forcefield is active really long and starts up in like 3-12? frames (depending on strength) and autocorrects it's attacks and if it activates it's roughly as safe as dr strange's counter super activation given that he's in full invul until he's already recovered

it's also a great way to blow up strider-based teams because one forcefield shockwave + an actual shockwave kills strider from 99% health
Alright guys I will make the tournament thread.

MM stuff will be 2nd post although someone at GAF will probably fuck it up.

On the part about normals: I was clearly talking about close proximity normals. Magneto's cr.L is longer reaching than Nova's AND is chainable making it a superior normal at close proximity (both start up at 6 frame). In addition, Magneto's cr.L actually hits low. I stated that beyond this proximity Nova has the edge. Also Magneto has some excellent buttons, cr.M, st.H/j.M, cr.H, j.S are all great buttons. The only button of Nova that is better than Magneto's range of button is j.H... which I already stated in the paragraph.

On the point of Doom Plasma Beam, it's definitely faster than Dr Strange's which was the point I was making. In general though it's about average speed (slower than EMD, faster than Task arrows for example) but in the match up it's the faster of the two. I should've worded the language of counter call properly... I didn't mean to say that you can react to Dr Strange's Bolts and then call Plasma Beam to counter. It was more like on start up punishment where you anticipate the call and counter it properly... its not a raw reaction.

Wrong, all of Mag's Tri-Dash options can be beat by Nova's s. L mash or c. M, while vice versa is not true, Mags can not stop Nova's air dash L and H with his buttons. Also Magneto's c. L being chain-able and lows is irrelevant because he has not get in past Nova's neutral buttons to use them which he loses. If you are implying that once Nova is locked down by an assist that Mags buttons are better is silly because at that point no character has the ability to use buttons they are locked down.

Also c. M is huge for Nova allows him to set up push block traps and trip guard Magneto from half screen. Mags has to run from Nova in the neutral because of this. Only way Magneto can challenge Nova is if he has him locked down with an assist. Nova has better neutral buttons and that's when the buttons matter.

And as someone said earlier Strange Bolts is just as fast if not faster than Doom's beam. Please get your terminology right too. Counter calling is literally calling an assist after another one to counter it. In Marvel 2 it was common to cal Cyclops to punish Commando during recovery and so on. It's rarely seen in Marvel 3 due to assist having way faster recovery after they've finished their attacks.


I will change the terminology on counter call assist and clarify what I mean by speed but the part about Magneto having better close proximity normals will stay. Chainable normals does matter especially in a close situation as does slightly longer range especially after tech situations. You aren't going to see Nova's press cr.L after tech throw but Magnetos will do it. I also never stated that Magneto has better normals in the neutral (in fact I have said many times that Nova's j.H is hard to deal with it).

Edit: Made the changes and specified further that I was talking about cr.L vs cr.L.


Slayer of Combofiends


So you were wondering what the ratio numbers were for our Marvel tournament Dahbomb?

The guy running it posted up the list. I think he said it was Japanese made.


The max per team is 10 points
Ah interesting, thanks for this I almost missed this.

Making the thread now, will probably take a couple of hours.

Edit: If Justin comes here he wins this free. His team is exactly 10 points! They kinda fucked up making Wolverine 4 points instead of 5.
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