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Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 3-10 | Rising to the Occasion

Damn, people are hella angry about Vega huh.

"I'm done with this game."

Didn't realize shit was that serious lol

Yea I saw that. People are so melodramatic lol.

"omg a character I don't care for is in this game, guess I'm never gonna play it, fuck capcom nooo"
Reading fighting game related threads that aren't this one or in the community section is a waste of time and emotion. I don't know why I still click on them.
Damn, people are hella angry about Vega huh.

"I'm done with this game."

Didn't realize shit was that serious lol
Birdie and Nash made me think Capcom was about to toss everything at us including the kitchen sink. Apparently all they had were a bunch of SF2 carts.

Good for people who are big fans of SF2, I guess. The good thing is that Capcom seems to be in love with blondes. Maybe it's not futile to hope for Cody and Abel?
Sagat in the initial 16 would be lame. I'm fine with Sim and Vega because they're really unique.

Bring in characters not in SF4 or bring in the SF4 characters that are unique and can be changed to be interesting.


Sagat in the initial 16 would be lame. I'm fine with Sim and Vega because they're really unique.

Bring in characters not in SF4 or bring in the SF4 characters that are unique and can be changed to be interesting.

Sagat is already interesting tho =(

In truth I wouldn't mind if we saw no more SF2 chars lol

Bring in the rest of the roster
They seem to be willing to completely redesign how the character works, which makes me interested. Every iteration of post-ST Claw felt like "we can't change his movelist but we are afraid of actually making him good".

Giving back his ridiculous stuff from ST would be fun, maybe, just for the salt


I just woke up to this news. It's kind of lame actually. Vega and Bison were my favorite characters from SF2, Vega especially because design-wise he was a hybrid of a matador, a ninja, and he had a Jason-style mask. You could argue that his claw was inspired by either the Predator or Wolverine. His gameplay remains fairly unique, there's not many clone characters out there in the world that play almost exactly like Vega or Bison (The most you get are characters who rip off Bison's Psycho Crusher or Vega's Wall Dive).

But there's just too many SF2 characters now. Everyone wants the 3rd Strike and Alpha characters in there. People want to see Alex, Urien, Mika, and Karin. And maybe a couple of more obscure characters like Q, Necro, Eagle, and Maki. There's just no hype behind another SF2 character who has been in plenty of games coming back, even if his gameplay has been changed up a bit.


tagged by Blackace
Thanks for the wishes, everyone :)

you may now continue fighting over GB/not GB/community

In surprised they revealed Vega with just a trailer. Why not at a trade show? They were just at China Joy.

Edit: Aldo, if we are getting Vegaz we pretty much confirmed Balrog and Sagat for the initial cast.
The trade show is Gamescom, and the new character is playable in the build there too. People thought SFV wouldn't be there because there's no dedicated Capcom booth, but it's at the Sony booth.

Definitely an interesting take on Vega.

- Loss of claw is permanent
- 2 stances
- Command Throw
-New dodge move has a follow up
-Projectile (also air version, they show in the video him canceling a wall dive into V-Trigger, thats huge against projectile characters)

The range on his claw doesn't look that great though.

Nice, means more footage soon.
Maybe Necalli is in that build too?

Agree though, Vega is looking super interesting. Seems to me like he has a backdash as his V-Reversal, hopefully it's really safe and allows light punishes.


I asked Combofiend at Evo when Deejay was coming and he said he's definitely coming back because of how popular he was.

I don't think he was being sarcastic with me

Does this count as one of the leaked rosters then

They seem to be willing to completely redesign how the character works, which makes me interested. Every iteration of post-ST Claw felt like "we can't change his movelist but we are afraid of actually making him good".

Giving back his ridiculous stuff from ST would be fun, maybe, just for the salt

I don't think he has a Izuna drop from wall dive though, so that'll be different


Their approach so far makes sense. They reveal a few mandatory classics who look and play familiarly (Ryu and Chun) to hammer home the point that this is the next step in the SF lineage. It also helps show the graphical progression from 4 to 5 since it uses characters present in both, and it allows them to highlight the main new system mechanics without the discussion being muddled and mixed with new character reveal discussion as well.

They throw a curve ball with weirdo zombie Nash to keep things fresh. They bring back dic to (further) demonstrate the extent that classic characters can be reworked visually and playstyle-wise will still remaining iconic.

They simultaneously reveal Cammy and Birdie for a combination of somewhat expected and 'what the fuck where did that come from.' They bring back Ken, and similar to dic, he has been substantially retooled, which is even more important for him due to people being wary of another shoto-clone-pocalpyse.

They finally reveal a legit newcomer with Necali, and then they relatively quickly show off claw- an old familiar face.

I expect the next character reveal to be a newcomer or a surprising return character.

or maybe they're drawing names from hats


Hey thx for all your hard work on these threads Enzo and GL in grad school :)

Back to FG news, Vega is snooze-tastic but at least props for changing him up a bit.

Every single one. It puts everyone back to scale 0, without a fucking clue about the roster

Did it? I thought every list people were circling had 15 people with 1 unknown slot?


I wonder if Claw will still charge motions or if they'll make him a circular motions in exchange for the stubbier buttons, lol


Did it? I thought every list people were circling had 15 people with 1 unknown slot?

Pretty sure the unknown slot was "the boss", so yeah, no lists, no items, no 360 inputs, waterfall stage only

I wonder if Claw will still charge motions or if they'll make him a circular motions in exchange for the stubbier buttons, lol

Nah, if Chun and Bison kept their charge motions Vega will as well


Who will now listen to Ken Bogard?

My shotgun is ready.


Pretty sure the unknown slot was "the boss", so yeah, no lists, no items, no 360 inputs, waterfall stage only

Nah, if Chun and Bison kept their charge motions Vega will as well

But a command grab that's a charge motion? That would be super ass.


Hanzo in Yata has a command grab that is a flashkick input. It def hits people. She has commands built with this in mind though.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
It'd be weird if there was a currency named "fight money" and Boxer wasn't in the game.

Wasn't expecting Claw but cool, looking forward to getting my ass kicked by AZ Greg for another 8 years.

Nyoro SF

I was watching more Nitroplus Blasters because I am morbidly fascinated by these niche anime fighters. However this game at high level is pretty hilarious. If you have your burst on hand there's a similar to P4AU "One More Burst" method you can use to guarantee kills.

Most matches that I viewed from a-cho went along the lines of "I landed one confirm (this even works off throws) and did a 70% combo with two assists and a burst and you are dead". It happened so often I couldn't help but say that it's a severe balance issue... almost no assists are called in neutral because the assist recharge time is crazy long so it's better to have an assist that can get a guaranteed kill.

What adds to the humor is that the game has around 20 assists but people only use about 4 of them. Some chick with a giant axe that slams you is the best combo extender in the game, there's another one that does Angled Proton Cannon, and another that does Weasel Shot. However the differences don't matter because they're only used for combo extension. In comparison DBFC has way better assist balance though that's not saying much.

So yeah... the game's getting a western release on PS3, but I would be prepared to pick top tiers. Some characters look terrible in a "I don't have a single functional, stable gameplan" way.


Chun has had motions while being a charge character (hienshu or hazanshu...whatever it's called). Being a charge character doesn't mean zero motions at all.
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