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Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 3-10 | Rising to the Occasion


wait...what day is it again? Ah hell...

Little late and pretty mentally fatigued here. Had a lot of overtime for goin on 9 days straight with no days off yet so this week just keepin it light and fluffy till I can get a technical question for you.
That has to be a one piece fighting game for me probably in the style of French bread stuff. There's just so many different style of characters in the series that could provide new archetypes for characters. One of my dream games if ever made to that level of competitive play.
To be fair, there's very little anime out there that looks anywhere near as good as Fate/Zero does.
There are plenty of anime that look as good or even better. I was talking more about fighters and how ASW has yet to produce anything on the level of something like SFV, let alone SG or 3S.
There are plenty of anime that look as good or even better. I was talking more about fighters and how ASW has yet to produce anything on the level of something like SFV, let alone SG or 3S.

That's true. Its also why I mentioned French Bread, since while I've never played any of their games, from what I've seen Melty Blood and UNIEL have great looking animations.


This is a really subtle thing in a high level Vampire Savior match that I thought'd at share: At the 13m53s mark of this video, Mayo (the Rikuo/Aulbath/Fish player) manages to taunt his opponent's jump-in instead of anti-airing it because he established that his ground-to-air game was on point, and the Sasquatch player was content on just jump-blocking instead of risking getting counter-hit by an anti-air projectile combo.

We should all aspire to this in our fighting game of choice.


That has to be a one piece fighting game for me probably in the style of French bread stuff. There's just so many different style of characters in the series that could provide new archetypes for characters. One of my dream games if ever made to that level of competitive play.

Was expecting Ippo. A onepiece fighter seems more viable that the Avatar one tho.
I keep thinking Avatar will have way too many projectiles and suited more for a Naruto type arena fighter.


Was expecting Ippo. A onepiece fighter seems more viable that the Avatar one tho.
I keep thinking Avatar will have way too many projectiles and suited more for a Naruto type arena fighter.
I would want a higher budget fight night style of ippo game. I had a lot of fun with the one that came out in Japan, but was kind of barebones. One piece just has so many fun designs that it would be interesting how they transferred over to a fighting game.
I would want a higher budget fight night style of ippo game. I had a lot of fun with the one that came out in Japan, but was kind of barebones. One piece just has so many fun designs that it would be interesting how they transferred over to a fighting game.

Man a One Piece fighting game would be sick. So much cool stuff you could do with those characters.
That's true. Its also why I mentioned French Bread, since while I've never played any of their games, from what I've seen Melty Blood and UNIEL have great looking animations.
You got me there. I guess I just have a hard time imagining a Fate (or HxH) fighter being made in a style other than ASW's Xrd style. They really truly nailed the anime look in that game. They'll become the top tier if they can nail crosshatching ala oldschool Capcom art (or the Berserk manga's crosshatching) and smoother animation to boot.


I am getting a bit soured on the game after playing it a bit more.

I don't know who said it in the other thread but they were right in saying that this game much like MK is either played at full screen or right up close. The mid range neutral isn't really up to snuff and on top of that the anti-air game is really mediocre because of the lack of good anti air normals across the board. That and the game doesn't really have much of a counter poke game because of the way the hitboxes seem to be in the game. Also the walk speed is pretty slow.

S-Kill still needs to do a lot of fixes for the game.


Man a One Piece fighting game would be sick. So much cool stuff you could do with those characters.
Now that I think about it a team based marvel styled one piece fighter would really show the craziness of each character. So many dumb mix ups it would be godlike.
Damn you way out of reach. There is an event in London next month if you want to link up with the community there.

I get the same feeling when I go back to SC4. There's a bunch of technical mechanics in SC4 that I enjoyed using which were removed from SCV to simplify the game. I'm also reminded of the stuff that I don't want to ever go back to like Amy 50/50s, Ivy/Kilik/Voldo BS, slow movement, guard break moves that are negative on block, have the roster being trash, critical finish, etc.

I also miss the community from back then because now everybody just plays online except for the occasional tournament here and there.

I'd love a remake of the arcade version of SC3. Never going to happen though. I do love going back and watching SBO for it.


Wow, watching that just brings back so many memories, though a voldo mirror for the first match is an interesting start XD
SC4 is an odd one. I suspect there's a lot of elements to it that might've come simply from it being their first attempt to make an online soul calibur, hence the slowing down of certain things. Doesn't explain everything though but it probably didn't help either.

Also, real life groups are essential for me to play fighting games. While I do like online for a lot of things, fighting games aren't one of them XD Without my SC friends I don't think i would've played the series all the way from 1 to 5 :3


On PS4, anyone experience supposed green bars have tons of lag?

It happens like 1/4 green bar matches and it drives me up the wall. At least with yellow bar matches, I know there is some lag coming.
From ChrisG's stream chat.

Crow's Super said:

I thought it was funny.

It took me a while to realize that a bunch of the different characters speak different languages. I'm usually pretty good about recognizing that but for some reason I thought most of them were speaking gibberish.

I think I heard they're gonna add portraits of the pilots so people can relate to the characters better.

That would help to clear up misconceptions.


Oh and on the license fighting game question....


1v1 similar to Killer Instinct (minus the combo breaker/counter breaker stuff) but with more gore/violence. Most characters will be using swords so it would be more similar to a Soul Calibur game but in 2D.

Roster includes Gutts (with Berserk armor of course), Griffith, Femto, Casca, Zodd, Skull Knight, the members of the New Band of Hawk plus members of the old Band of the Hawk, the 4 God hands and some of the crazy side characters/creatures etc.

Then we can finally recreate this battle scene with the same nice background:



It's a bit unfair because the heal doesn't require her to actually hit someone with it to get the benefit. She can also re-use it multiple times using Focus Attack unlike most other Ultras (because you can't throw out most ultra full screen to get their benefit... you will get punished way, way harder).

Reminds me of Qs or Hugos taunt, which gave him more defense, stacks and it didn't even cost resources.

I can see it being unfair to some people, in Elenas case, though. Not because of the move itself, but more because of the character, i.e. good poke with cr.lp, potent high/low mixup and good damage when using resources. With healing her health can push past all characters, even grapplers.

So again. Nobody doing an SFV features wishlist/discussion thread?
I don't know who said it in the other thread but they were right in saying that this game much like MK is either played at full screen or right up close.
It was Tekno in the rising thunder thread.

Edit: Also the Dog piloting the Russian robot is another obvious reference to their early space program. Maybe there should have been an American robot piloted by a monkey.


On PS4, anyone experience supposed green bars have tons of lag?

It happens like 1/4 green bar matches and it drives me up the wall. At least with yellow bar matches, I know there is some lag coming.
I did once, but all the others were actually good. I have more of a problem when the bars flash til theres nothing there and when you join their real connection shows up.


Oh and on the license fighting game question....


1v1 similar to Killer Instinct (minus the combo breaker/counter breaker stuff) but with more gore/violence.


No offense to KI.

It was Tekno in the rising thunder thread.

Edit: Also the Dog piloting the Russian robot is another obvious reference to their early space program. Maybe there should have been an American robot piloted by a monkey.

Maybe it's a female monkey piloting the Dauntless?



No offense to KI.
If I had said Darkstalkers then would that have been more palatable for you?

Though no 6 attack button configuration.. would prefer it be just 4 buttons with a special ability button and a throw button.
Different game with different mechanics. Vergil's Spiral Swords are more comparable to Rose's Ultra. By itself the Swords do minimal chip and even then he can be hit out of it or punished on activation (some characters can go through Swords like Cap while other characters like Dormammu can punish it full screen). So it's not 100% unavoidable damage differential on activation like Elena's Ultra. Even then, I have stated numerous times that Spiral Sword is an insanely over powered hyper for 1 bar and even suggested that it be nerfed in the giant patch list. So comparing one over powered Ultra to an over powered hyper in another game doesn't really do the comparison any favors.

If we are going to start talking about hypers/ultras doing chip damage that is hard to avoid then you might as well bring up Dhalsim/Dorm/Decapre giant fireballs. At their absolute worse, you take some chip from them. That's a big difference from Elena's unavoidable heal which is in no way comparable to chip damage.

I think you're exaggerating. Elenas usually heal after scoring knockdown and don't even get the full duration of it. That match with Gamerbee, the way he utilized it gave him much more life, but that is just that particular matchup. It is like saying Guile's sonic boom is broken because of the makoto matchup.
So many rage quitters on ChrisG's stream.

Is there a penalty for dodging? It's really easy on a PC as opposed to on a console where you might actually have to get up and pull something.

I think they should add a penalty, maybe a time out or it puts you into a special match-making pool where you are matched up with other rage quitters.


So again. Nobody doing an SFV features wishlist/discussion thread?

Right here


So many rage quitters on ChrisG's stream.

Is there a penalty for dodging? It's really easy on a PC as opposed to on a console where you might actually have to get up and pull something.

I think they should add a penalty, maybe a time out or it puts you into a special match-making pool where you are matched up with other rage quitters.

if you try to close out the game window you get a message.

If you Quit you are a bad person
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