You think the discount will be significant? I can wait if that is the case....
For a new stick? Ehh... I dunno, it's a gamble. I'm cheap enough to take a gamble like that, though.
You think the discount will be significant? I can wait if that is the case....
Kadey's alt account is revealedIm the worst player in FGC-GAF
Kadey's alt account is revealed
At first, El looked like a bad design, but the more they showed about her the better she looked. Ended up being a decent addition to the game, but then you realize that she was supposed to be this game's Platinum... For a cutesy joke character she's pretty damn awesome, they got away with murder considering the character archetype.
It wouldn't hurt to wait, but Markman specifically said that it wouldn't be a TE2 discount. think the discount will be significant? I can wait if that is the case....
At first, El looked like a bad design, but the more they showed about her the better she looked. Ended up being a decent addition to the game, but then you realize that she was supposed to be this game's Platinum... For a cutesy joke character she's pretty damn awesome, they got away with murder considering the character archetype.
It wouldn't hurt to wait, but Markman specifically said that it wouldn't be a TE2 discount.
No worries.Fuck.
My bad, Karst.
Thanks bud. I made a poem to express my feelings.No worries.
Edit: Tik-tok, you are completely right about Crash.
yea i might try to see if someone wants to gameshare with me cause i dont wanna deal with yen to dollar currency.
Im the worst player in FGC-GAF
what did I say about comparing people to yams
I never said anything about video games
I never said anything about video games
Smash 4 isn't slow. It's pretty fast. Melee, like Marvel, is just hyper speed.
lol oh why are you expecting link to be fastThat's what I've heard and yet I completely disagree. Link is brainnumbin(ly) sluggish. The isn't fast or even close to being what people have been making though to be. Landing frames too. Why?
The only thing fast about smash 4 is the ground running speed for some characters.
Take to the air and that shit is Little Big Planet.
Also the other thing that's fast in Smash 4 is how fast it resets back to neutral Kappa
The Dragon Age post is insanely accurate... have not played anything except that game all week. Well actually I played some random kids games with my younger cousin but nothing serious.
lol oh why are you expecting link to be fast
Jump less
also never get hit past 60%, and never chase down someone you hit lest the game start feeling like shit.
This game ain't fucking street fighter, nearly half of it is aerial.
The only thing fast about smash 4 is the ground running speed for some characters.
Take to the air and that shit is Little Big Planet.
Also the other thing that's fast in Smash 4 is how fast it resets back to neutral Kappa
It's criminal seeing how far Fox's jumps go. They barely go anywhere lol
And that too. I play Little Mac and I'm having fun dash dancing and fox trotting but that because he's a fast character. I could do the same with Link/Mario in Brawl. I don't understand the neutral reset either.The only thing fast about smash 4 is the ground running speed for some characters.
Take to the air and that shit is Little Big Planet.
Also the other thing that's fast in Smash 4 is how fast it resets back to neutral Kappa
When was he slow? He's a character that had average speed. I played hi. As a very solid zoner character. Boomerang to Bow/Nair/UpB and really keep the out. Now Link has this incredibly sluggish startup animation. What's worse about his boomerang is that the recovery is awful. It can be off-screen and you still don't have access to it, often leading me to throw out oh why are you expecting link to be fast
This game doesn't make much sense.
Fighting game gurus, is there a way for someone who absolutely sucks in fighting games to at least be halfway decent?
I haven't even touch Destiny yet, but it has plague my group chats (yes multiple of chats not just one!).
Fighting game gurus, is there a way for someone who absolutely sucks in fighting games to at least be halfway decent?
Everyone keeps saying babies and grandmas can play Smash Bros but even I can't play it
In any fighting game, I feel like there are so many inputs to memorize and the action on screen is so fast that I end up button-mashing before I even start executing a strategy.
With Smash Bros I played the demo and while it seems cool, I have no idea what's happening on screen 90% of the time. I win though (it's on Easy).
I have:
- Mortal Kombat (PS3)
- SFIV (PS3)
- Persona 4 Arena
All fighting games released on IGC on Vita (Guilty Gear, SFxTekken, etc..)
Conscious Thought vs. Unconscious Thought said:A big thing about becoming fluid is offloading work from your System 2 (conscious, logical brain. Slow, can only process a handful of things at once) to your System 1 (unconscious, heuristic-based. "intuition", "muscle memory". Fast, but not always thorough).
It's why people complain about APM in Starcraft - the limit is not physical, anyone can press 200-300 keystrokes a minute more or less. The problem is if you have to System 2 think your way through every single action, you'll be slow as molasses even if you use the proper hotkeys and stuff. Repeated practice begins to move the tasks into the unconscious where they're processed faster and don't tax your System 2 (which can then be used to pay attention to opponent tendencies, analyze what build they're going for etc.), and the memory units will get bigger over time as well.
Basically, practice means you intially consciously think of "forward, down, downforward" for DP, can't do it and start to hurry up way too much. Then you try to impress it into your mind as a single motion. You see someone jump at you, see the dp and focus on doing the motion. Low success rate, but can work.
More practice means the heuristic mind starts seeing the jump-in, knows yeah that loses to DP and you just do it.
Coffeeling said:There's two ways to combo moves into each other - cancels and links.
In a link, you let a move complete fully, it leaves the opponent in hitstun for, say, 5 frames more than it takes you to recover. So if you can connect another move within those five frames, there's nothing the opponent can do about it. It's a combo. Link combos tend to require a lot of precision in this game - oftentimes you only have a single frame of time to connect the move as a combo. One example is Ryu's, combo - the punch leaves you at +5, the sweep's first active frame is the fifth. Possible, but hard.
The second way to combo is the cancel. As the name implies, you start a move, and if that move hits or is blocked, you can cancel it midway to do another move. A standard Ryu example is the xx fireball cancel. It combos because you cancel away the recovery part of the kick, so the fireball comes out much faster.
Typically, normals can be canceled into special moves and supers and special moves can be cancelled into a focus attack (which then can be canceled into a dash. FADC = Focus Attack Dash Cancel).
Some normals have the property of being able to be canceled by not only into special moves, but also into other normals. This is typically a property of light punches and kicks, and is called chaining. Spam cr.lp, you notice the punches coming out at lightning speed and comboing with ease. You're canceling the jabs as soon as they become active. Chains are easy and effective, but have one downside: If I chain two jabs together, I cannot cancel the second jab into a special move. The last jab of the series has to be linked. So this does not work: cr.lp xx cr.lp xx cr.lp xx fireball. However, if you link the last jab: cr.lp xx cr.lp, cr.lp xx fireball, it works because the linked jab is special cancelable.
But yeah, if you are not stumbling onto the special cancelability issue, it's just links being very strict.
Too busy playing Destiny to meet people. Outside? What's that?
let's say it's not a raw command throw and instead a special cancelled normal into a command throw so some of the command throw startup is mitigated by the fact that you're not able to jump on frame 1 of the called out throw.
would need to account for the amount of time taken to reach the apex of your jump and fall down to a level where he's vulnerable on the ground.
I just can't wait to use a grappler in an arc sys fighting game that :
- Has real AntiAir options including a dedicated AA normal
- Can actually outpoke the pixies because he doesn't have a collection of stubby normals with huge startup.
- Has a double jump
- Has a breakable armored dash that he can cancel into from his set of huge normals allowing him to move forward safely on the ground while keeping up pressure
Basically a grappler that actually has a neutral game.
Also that "Hit opponent with raw ICPM for maximum mental breakdown" factor. (Colloquially known as "being FAB")
I just can't wait to use a grappler in an arc sys fighting game that :
- Has real AntiAir options including a dedicated AA normal
- Can actually outpoke the pixies because he doesn't have a collection of stubby normals with huge startup.
- Has a double jump
- Has a breakable armored dash that he can cancel into from his set of huge normals allowing him to move forward safely on the ground while keeping up pressure
Basically a grappler that actually has a neutral game.
Cerebella isn't going to be a guest character in Guilty Gear, sorry.
Also that "Hit opponent with raw ICPM for maximum mental breakdown" factor. (Colloquially known as "being FAB")
FAB vs Ogawa from few weeks ago, one of Xrd best matches ever:Time to watch some more recent FAB vids.
You have got to reword this.
FAB vs Ogawa from few weeks ago, one of Xrd best matches ever:
Start at 25:30 if the timestamp doesn't work.
『Inaba Resident』;141252226 said:I really want to pick up XRD for ps4 but I seriously don't want to drop around $200 for another stick.
Yep.Is this the one with the ridiculous burst bait?
Cerebella isn't going to be a guest character in Guilty Gear, sorry.
Play Soldnerkei on here and tell me Link is slow.That's what I've heard and yet I completely disagree. Link is brainnumbin(ly) sluggish. The isn't fast or even close to being what people have been making though to be. Landing frames too. Why?