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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 24 - Mar 2 | Play Seriously


get some go again
When I saw him at my school the other week he looked really scared when I told him who I was.

You guys might be onto something.
anybody who beats smedwicks will get cursed and go on to not win the major. watch justin not win if he beats you.


Infiltration blinks so hard when he plays SFIV, it's like he's literally downloading information and closing it in his mind by shutting his eye so hard. I can't imagine what his concentration face looks like in Mahvel.


Looks like he roman canceled his command grab, did the tension thing by hitting all four buttons, and then did his instant kill.

Yup. And I believe there's a time freeze when you go into IK activation in Xrd when the opponent's health is that low, so you can combo into it.


Even so, with the guts in the game being so damn high it would be super useful as a closer.

Probably too good.

I could be mistaken, but supers in older GG games ignored guts. So I guess they thought if players used supers to close off matches anyways, they might as well make it hype looking with comboable IKs at that health.

You're right though about guts being a lot higher in this game as opposed to the earlier games.
I'm curious to see how much a super would do when the opponent's health is that low (especially if guts is ignored for supers).


How low is low, low enough that a DM would kill you?

Well, in that video, it looks like it happens with him on the edge of Hellfire mode. That wouldn't be a surprising limit.

If this means that I can work into an IK off of, say, a heavily-prorated starter that might struggle to otherwise kill an opponent with high guts, I am going to make good use of this.


so much hype, he can't count
I meant to say that any combination of those players could make top 8. Of course it came out a bit wrong but I wasn't bothered to change it.

Today I finally saw DBZ Battle of the Gods. DBZ never ceases to amazes me with its over powered characters... someone who is godlike within one episode/movie is irrelevant in the next... except Goku because he's the Superman of anime.

Also I think that Death Battle series needs to revise their video with the new lore provided. SSJ God could actually make Superman sweat....


Slayer of Combofiends
Don't get too full of yourself after slaying the combofiend, you too were a junior not too long ago.

What the hell does me beating Combofiend have to do with any of this? I know he can own me if it were a set offline. Maybe you should calm down and ignore the obvious joke I made about anime.


Goku was pretty irrelevant in Battle of Gods.
80% power level SSJ God was going toe to toe with 70% Bills. If Goku had more control and practice in this form then he would've probably surpassed Bills as well. Even in his post God form he had absorbed some powers and was able to keep Bills at bay with just regular SSJ. If he was SSJ3 in that instance then he would've done more damage. That was hardly an irrelevant performance, even Bills acknowledged him as 3rd strongest in the 7th universe. Also Goku will never be irrelevant.

Then again him and Bills are going to be irrelevant because of that Whiz guy... LMAO! Not to mention potential OP characters in the other universes... Goku would have to go SSJ God 4 to beat them!
Gotta sell the movies some how!


beats in my head... although it's more subdued than 3s.

lol goddamn. flux on blast.

Elena looks pretty bad in this game IMO, the speed of the game just doesn't really mesh well with her character it seems. Man I really wish it was R. Mika instead. A man can dream I guess.


That healing from level 1 ultra combo double.


I dunno man, if her EX upper has any level of invuln she's a big problem. SF4's systems suit her way better than 3S.

Yeah, I wonder if her healing is 75% since it was used in double ultra, or if that's normal since it's not a damage dealing ultra.

I'm gonna main her. I suck at this game since I never bothered to learn it so I can use the extra life bar


Elena sucks.

Seriously, I just feel like character design wise she is really weak and boring. That Super and Ultra 1 combo have nothing going for them from a cool standpoint. I'm only really excited to play Poison and Rolento as they look like fun and maybe the mystery character. The problem is, if the mystery character is hype then everybody is going to play that character. It's why Vergil is played so much in UMvC3, besides being top tier it was the new factor that made him a fan favorite.

Old eventhubs article regarding R. Mika in SFIV:

Apparently no one cares about Ono's whispers.


get some go again
flux is knocked out of the tournament. wanted to see him play cloud but we might still get to see cloud vs chris g.


I really want to use Elena.. but she still looks kinda unfinished. Her movement doesn't seem all that fluent. Idk if it's just me
She and Hugo have apparently been getting the most work done on them recently. Hugo looks like he's much better now- frame issues have been cleared up and the armored normals are pretty sick. But Elena we just haven't seen much of since she's such a niche character. Hopefully Combofiend takes her out for a spin again.
She and Hugo have apparently been getting the most work done on them recently. Hugo looks like he's much better now- frame issues have been cleared up and the armored normals are pretty sick. But Elena we just haven't seen much of since she's such a niche character. Hopefully Combofiend takes her out for a spin again.

Her specials just look kind of slow and awkward.


Catching up on ESGN with Infiltration vs Alioune, felt like there was an invisible line down the centre of the room with asian people on one side and black people on the other.
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