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Fighting Games Weekly | June 9-15 | Q Bomb is Top Tier


I have said this many times but Capcom is actually much better than some of the other Japanese companies out there. I think they are much better than SE Japan, Konami and Tecmo Koei.

That's still not saying much. Especially SE which has reached parody levels of incompetency.


There is no doubt that Suda51 appeals to a very niche audience. All of the Suda51 games I played were pretty fucked up thematically and usually featured various incompetent game mechanics.

Some people seem to think he is a game developer genius and is just misunderstood or gamers just lack the proper appreciation for his works. I think his best is Clock Tower though.

Suda didn't make Clock Tower though????


killer7 and that first no more heroes game are still super amazing despite being kind rough around the edges...suda's kinda like the psychedelic japanese quentin tarantino or something.

sometimes i wonder if he'd be better off making non-interactive stuff.


MGSV was shown like a year ago, it's not new. Phantom Dust and Scalebound were showcased via CG trailer... not really sure how you can call that exciting.

Most games shown (including Bloodborne, on stage) fit under the same bill. When it comes to the exciting stuff, it was mostly CG, known or highly predictable, or mostly concept/prototype.

I guess the disconnect here is that you are concerned with "status" and videogame history and stuff that is only really important when talking/complaining too much about videogames on message boards and I'm only really thinking about videogames I want. E3 gives me how many games I actually get really excited about? Maybe six or seven, and here four of them are Japanese, three of them revealed for the first time. It's too bad Capcom, Sega, or SE didn't make a bigger splash at Microsoft or Sony's conference, but it turns out that wasn't necessarily to get some appealing Japanese games. Let's also see what happens with Nintendo and after the conferences.


Just checked this online and apparently he didn't! I think I got confused because he used to work for the parent company that made Clock Tower.

Yeah Human did Fire Pro, and the Fire Pro head was Suda's mentor (who passed away. :l)

Not trying to drag this OT but I'll say this about Suda; he makes worlds that I like. Flower, sun and Rain was awesome, Killer 7 and NMH were as well.

The games he DIRECTS are rad.
Suda 51 worked on Fatal Frame 4 which I liked, but you had to emulate it to play it. I didn't it get it running 100% and there were significant fps drops on my emulator but I did like playing it (Fatal Frame 2 would still be my favorite since it was my first one and there were a lot of extras on the xbox version). I would like to try FF4 if it ever got properly localized like on the WiiU marketplace, a Fatal Frame collection, or something at a later date.
There's apparently going to be a Xrd demo on gamespot tomorrow.

This might be the first chance we see the English voices (assuming they've gotten that far in localizing).


Most games shown (including Bloodborne, on stage) fit under the same bill. When it comes to the exciting stuff, it was mostly CG, known or highly predictable, or mostly concept/prototype.

I guess the disconnect here is that you are concerned with "status" and videogame history and stuff that is only really important when talking/complaining too much about videogames on message boards and I'm only really thinking about videogames I want. E3 gives me how many games I actually get really excited about? Maybe six or seven, and here four of them are Japanese, three of them revealed for the first time. It's too bad Capcom, Sega, or SE didn't make a bigger splash at Microsoft or Sony's conference, but it turns out that wasn't necessarily to get some appealing Japanese games. Let's also see what happens with Nintendo and after the conferences.
The only new Japanese games that interested me at this year's E3 were Scalebound and Bloodborne.... and only because of the pedigree attached not because of what was presented. I would say that if I wasn't knowledgeable about games in general (and their history plus developers) I would not have given a rat's ass about those games as they were CG reveals.

I will always be excited for a new MGS game but its presence at this year's E3 was basically filler. It was relevant last year when it was new... now I don't care to see any more footage of MGSV I just want to play the final product already. So I don't even include it as a new Japanese game unveiled at E3.. because it wasn't.

Compare this to E3 2005 (again) where Capcom had Lost Planet, Dead Rising, DMC4 and RE5 all of which were games that I wanted to play and I eventually ended up enjoying. There were also quite a few other big games announced from other Japanese studios at the time. A few E3s ago I would be interested in 10+ games... this year I am struggling to come up with 5.

You can blame it on video game history or expectation of status all you want but the Japanese showing at E3 this year has THUS FAR been sub par at best for me.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I don't know why MKX having a block button is news to some people. It's like being surprised that it's gonna have Scorpion and fatalities.


I missed a lot of the Rise parts, so I'm going to have to check out the archive :/

Definitely the character I want to use since I'm just planning to have fun with Ultimax.

The Light

People saw interactables and thought that MKX might be more like Injustice.

I was not one of these people by the way.

Still even with those elements of injustice the block button is a staple of mortal kombat,so just find it weird seeing complaints.


So besides X-Box One for Killer Instinct, I don't think TOs will be switching to current gen systems any time soon.
I wonder if they'll even run Mortal Kombat X on One, or just stick to last gen (do they play on PS3 or 360 for current NRS games?).
Still even with those elements of injustice the block button is a staple of mortal kombat,so just find it weird seeing complaints.

Complaining about a block button in Mortal Kombat is also a staple.

But to remove it they would need to change up a few things (for the better in my opinion), so maybe they'll leave that to a new engine.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Were you surprised that Injustice didnt have a block button?

Sort of, but nowhere near as much as I would be if Injustice was a Mortal Kombat game.

People saw interactables and thought that MKX might be more like Injustice.

I was not one of these people by the way.

MK did intractables before Injustice. Those were the shitty MK games though so I guess people don't remember/didn't play those.
I thought they might continue with the no block button to mk10 after injustice as well. Either or, it's cool. Just fix that damn animation ;)


Compare this to E3 2005 (again)

I simply don't see the point of yearning for the past or even glorifying pieces of time. Sounds like an easy to see the world through a lens of resentment (obsessed with what you've "lost"), when a pure, free-spirited approach is always better. I think "what are games I want to play right now" and then I find those games and I play them. If there is too few, then I'll be upset when I've run out of games to play, but that's never happened before. Beyond all expectation, Japanese games make a bunch of those games I want to play. It is basically a matter of not having the time or energy to be truly upset one's situation; there's a good life lesson there.

If you're problem is not finding many games interesting at all at E3, that's a little different from thinking Japan, although fewer in number, ended up giving some of the most interesting titles. Indeed, I was comparing Japanese games relative to what was shown (which had plenty of interesting, but not very exciting stuff, Battlefield, Batman, AC, Uncharted, that space game), not to previous conferences (because I don't see how that's worthwhile).

Capcom won't easily have a year like that, very few third party developers ever have, though sometimes they do have a bunch of games to show at once (RE6, RE:R, DmC, Asura's Wrath, fighting games, and a few others were all really close to each other) following or before showing not much at all. This wasn't one of those years, but that's okay. There will probably be some exciting Capcom stuff in the future, and the absence of them now is only really a problem later.


Does anyone still give two shits about Suda 51? Serious question. When has attaching his name to anything ever been an effective marketing tool? The fact that publishers give this guy money to develop a string of titles someone like me would never want to play is baffling.

I do, he's actually my favorite game director (director, not writer, producer, or executive director or whatever his title is nowadays). I enjoy Grasshopper's titles; they're fun to play and they're so unusual that it makes for a radical experience. Suda personally hasn't directed a game in about 5 years, so I'm waiting until something like No More Heroes 3 for him to make a comeback with.
Hey Q, it's just your one friend staying in the room with us right? Because CrispyTacoz wants to room with me too and he only just now told me that he finally registered for EVO. =|


Setec Astronomer
Hey Q, it's just your one friend staying in the room with us right? Because CrispyTacoz wants to room with me too and he only just now told me that he finally registered for EVO. =|
Professor Beef is going to kick out a disabled person just to accommodate friends who can't plan ahead!
The saddest part is that capcom making fun of itself was the actual highlight of the MS presentation

Did anything get announced during UltraChen's P4A segment?


Unconfirmed Member
I am waiting a few days until E3 is over before going in on Capcom hard.

The pop off is going to be so absurd I might get banned for it.

Go in on them over what?

You guys had all these expectations based on nothing going into e3. If you guys are disappointed that's on you not capcom.


Harada pls


Harada_TEKKEN · @Harada_TEKKEN

10th Jun 2014

Yes! Keep disappoint! E3 is great show! But E3 is not everything for fighting game community.
See you another event ;)
RT@ICEYOU44 So no Tekken Announcements at E3 at all?? Where is Tekken 7? it's been years since T6 came out! Very Disappointed!

Maybe that is the money hat option select for EVO. Exclusive reveal if they let their game be played on the Thursday morning.

So much this. I don't know why people wouldn't think Evo would be the place for reveals specific to the FGC right now.

I want to see new titles at shows like E3, but that's just a teaser, Evo is where they're going to give you the information relevant to the FGC, like system mechanic information.

FGC-GAF trying to decide on a thread title for next week:


Nice baseball reference. If you really want a fight though, use something from the 2003 ALCS between the Yankees and Red Sox where Pedro Martinez knocks down Yankee bench coach (and former Red Sox head coach) Don Zimmer
RIP, died two days ago
. That's one of the more nasty fights in recent memory.

We know for 100% sure that Bridget is being revealed in a new trailer tomorrow.

Will someone please explain
is going on with Bridget? The only thing I recall reading more in the past few weeks on GAF is low-tier Dee Jay talk.

I'm so salty about that Dead Rising trailer. I love ex+a.

You forgot the dash.



So if Capcom (and Namco) don't announce new games at E3, when will they do it? At EVO is likely, since that is a FGC specific event, but I seem to remember that Game companies also announce stuff at Comic Cons. Isn't there a Comic Con any time soon?


So if Capcom (and Namco) don't announce new games at E3, when will they do it? At EVO is likely, since that is a FGC specific event, but I seem to remember that Game companies also announce stuff at Comic Cons. Isn't there a Comic Con any time soon?

The San Diego Comic-Con is at the end of July.


An unblockable super that turns into a rhythm game. Well that is certainly neat.

High damage, but isn't it more like a grab than an unblockable? (well grab is an unblockable) but it's fairly short-range. Maybe Rise is a ranged character otherwise? Also it's awakening, so if it's like how I say, that might make it a bit riskier to go for? Startup could also be an issue.

Trying to find some positivity, even if Arc's track record is pretty crap the past few years. Ultimax is the only game upcoming that I have any interest at all in right now (outside of Yata on Steam, but I did the KS for it so I'm getting it for "free")


Thanks, man. I guess with EVO and the San diego CC we have two strong opportunities for big FGC announcements in the reasonably near future.

I wouldn't be so hopeful for reveals of FGC games at comic cons. The reason Capcom had such a big presence at SDCC 2011 is because of MvC3.

That's not to say that they won't be there in full force, but USF4 would have less relevance to SDCC than MvC3.

Anime game publishers may take a different approach, since the demographics overlap a bit more.


I wouldn't be so hopeful for reveals of FGC games at comic cons. The reason Capcom had such a big presence at SDCC 2011 is because of MvC3.

That's not to say that they won't be there in full force, but USF4 would have less relevance to SDCC than MvC3.

Anime game publishers may take a different approach, since the demographics overlap a bit more.

Yeah, that is true. EVO it is then, with a possibility that Anime/comic inspired fighters can be announced at or around SDCC.

The question then is does a new Darkstalkers fit the anime label, or am I reaching?


So much this. I don't know why people wouldn't think Evo would be the place for reveals specific to the FGC right now.

I want to see new titles at shows like E3, but that's just a teaser, Evo is where they're going to give you the information relevant to the FGC, like system mechanic information.

A brand new fighting game isn't something "specific" to FGC. I would be very surprised if Namco or Capcom announce a brand new game at EVO

I wouldn't be so hopeful for reveals of FGC games at comic cons. The reason Capcom had such a big presence at SDCC 2011 is because of MvC3.

That's not to say that they won't be there in full force, but USF4 would have less relevance to SDCC than MvC3.

Anime game publishers may take a different approach, since the demographics overlap a bit more.

didn't sfxt got announced at a comic con?


that's.....sad....like the whole Capcom participation at e3 was
A brand new fighting game isn't something "specific" to FGC. I would be very surprised if Namco or Capcom announce a brand new game at EVO

Does it really matter though? They could announce it live from Ono sitting on the toilet and the result would be the same. Within minutes it is on every gaming site, NeoGAF has a thread, people tweet, a couple of days later it is on SRK and then everybody knows about it.

Might as well announce it at EVO and at least you get some footage of people sounding excited.


A brand new fighting game isn't something "specific" to FGC. I would be very surprised if Namco or Capcom announce a brand new game at EVO

didn't sfxt got announced at a comic con?

SFxT was initially hinted at by Ono and Harada at Evo 2010 before SSFIV grand finals.

The actual reveal of the gameplay was at Comic Con, but it's existence was revealed at Evo.

We all get trolled regularly by Ono, but when you're standing on stage at Evo, that's not the place to screw around.
The new GG is out at the end of the year, that will be big news for pretty much everyone. Not the end of the world if we have to wait until next year for new fighters.

Capcom remarked that the FG market was too saturated and blamed that fact as one reason why SFxT did not do too well. I think if they're developing a new fighter they'll keep it in development for a long while before announcing it.

Gamerbee will be at Dreamhack on Saturday! I'm excited. :D


Does it really matter though? They could announce it live from Ono sitting on the toilet and the result would be the same. Within minutes it is on every gaming site, NeoGAF has a thread, people tweet, a couple of days later it is on SRK and then everybody knows about it.

Might as well announce it at EVO and at least you get some footage of people sounding excited.

Of course not, actually, I would LOVE if it happens. It would mean a lot for the FGC to know that the companies we "depend on" care about EVO at the point of announcing a game at it.

Damn, I didn't knew that....I take back what I said then, maybe we will see something new at EVO *crosses fingers*


Suda 51 worked on Fatal Frame 4 which I liked, but you had to emulate it to play it. I didn't it get it running 100% and there were significant fps drops on my emulator but I did like playing it (Fatal Frame 2 would still be my favorite since it was my first one and there were a lot of extras on the xbox version). I would like to try FF4 if it ever got properly localized like on the WiiU marketplace, a Fatal Frame collection, or something at a later date.

FYI if you have a Wii or a Wii U you can homebrew it up, load USB loader, and drop the patched game in there.
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