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Fighting Games Weekly | Oct 20-26 | RIP PushaTee88


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

P4AU, Darkstalkers 3, Touhou 12.6, and Project Justice. P4AU is pretty fun, Darkstalkers I've been just flirting with. I just play 12.6 with /v/ :V I finally found a Project Justice local partner and I'm really happy about that.
Oh yeah, smash bros as well. I wish my college didn't have restricted as hell Internet so I could connect to people :/
In the upcoming months, I'll lightly play some dengeki and pick up Xrd.
Fighting games aren't hard.

Funny because a lot of fighting game players think KoFXIII is hard. Yet one of my friends who is probably one of the best UK players for KoFXIII finds Tekken hard to play (but is still pretty good). I personally don't find any fighting game hard as I play everything, but the complete opposite of that are those outside who still don't try to learn fighting games and shrug them off (that friend you know).

What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward.
Killer Instinct Season 2. I've needed a break from it and Season 2 is good chance for me to refresh myself and really get deep into this game. The only problem is that the game is hard to study. T'is a very small community.
What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

I'll probably put work into p4u2/bb2.0/xrd and sf4 on the side. i was just playing some sf4 in the past month but also not feeling it



I'm interested in seeing what type of fighter FGW would end up making if we were in charge of one.

What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward..

Well, I know exactly what I'd want to make, which would be a low-combo, Samurai Shodown meets Skullgirls type of game.

As for what I'm playing, and what I expect to play going forward.

I'm playing Ultra now and occasionally Skullgirls because they are the only PC games with a userbase. Moving a bit more to SG because it's easier to find games there currently. Upcoming- 98UM is huge on my list , it is one of the 2 FGs I have the most nostalgia for (SamSho 2 is the other), and I'll get 2k2UM.

I'm at the point in my life though where I just don't have the desire to learn new stuff anymore- so that might be it for me. I just lack that hunger to learn new IPs unless everyone else is also starting from scratch.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

Almost exclusively Smash 3DS, because it's on handheld.


I'm interested in seeing what type of fighter FGW would end up making if we were in charge of one.

What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

I've had an idea for a fighting game I've been mucking around with.

Ultra, Smash 3DS, some KI at a friends' place, and BBCP.

Amane is keeping my interest in BBCP. Damn fun character. Still grinding with my scrub Adon. 3DS I've been alternating between Pac-Man, Fox, Diddy, and now Lucina. KI....I /really/ think Maya is obtuse as fuck to learn. Thank god TJ is fun.

I bought Marvel for the 12th time and now I'm back playing that, ugh fuck this game


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

Playing a ton of marvel as always. Play a bit of ultra here and there which is fun, but I don't much desire to do more in that game. Doing preliminary research in anticipation of Xrd- reading up on arcsys stuff in general, old GG, and Xrd specifically, while playing the Xrd demo, an old PC version of GG, and going to the arcade to play Xrd here and there. I am going into Xrd with almost zero arcys experience- never played previous GGs, dabbled in BB a couple times but could never get into it, and played persona for like an hour or two, so I'm gonna get BODIED for a while.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

just VF for the past 2 years and prolly still VF for the foreseeable future
must get stronger.


I've been playing...

USF4 - playing it for years now since its popular. Its okay.
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum - awesome fighter but nobody plays online.
KOF 13 - its fantastic.

That's just most recently. Otherwise, you can throw in some Injustice, SFxT, and ST GGPO.
Been playing: Nothing, MK and Injustice netcode too bad

Will play: MKX because they'll totally nail online this time around, for sure.
I just started playing Killer Instinct semi-seriously. The Chicago KI players are trying to start up a regular scene with sessions so I'll give it a real chance.


So the saying goes.

How true is that really on a larger scale?
It's not- the problem is that there's no way to monetize this for businesses that aren't Capcom or MadCatz in a significant way. MTG sells cards. PC sells PC accessories and parts.

With the S2 graphics/gameplay fixes, would buy if it was available on PC. Doubt it comes anytime soon though.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

None in particular regarding competitive stuff. School's made me focus on single player games or going through old fighters. I've been messing around in +R again and Fate/UC just for fun because of the anime. I also revisited KoF98UM as well. If anything, I've been watching more videos instead of playing fighters.

What I'll be playing in a month and forward is DBFC, Smash 4, Xrd, and BBCP2. To what extent, I don't know.
It's not- the problem is that there's no way to monetize this for businesses that aren't Capcom or MadCatz in a significant way. MTG sells cards. PC sells PC accessories and parts.

With the S2 graphics/gameplay fixes, would buy if it was available on PC. Doubt it comes anytime soon though.
That's why Valle is running PC versions of fighters to get that cpm yeah? Too bad fighting game players don't really give a shit about bling as long as it runs at 60 fps and doesn't obstruct gameplay

I kinda have a feeling Rise of Incarnates is going to bomb cause you actually need a semi modern graphics card to run it, as opposed to dotas which will run on toasters.

Mr. X

What they have in the console at The Arena. If I get this promotion, hopefully I can go earlier to the weekly session out here on Long Island. It's usually USF4, GG and MvC3 so I just stick to USF4 and GG unless someone else wants to play 3rd Strike.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

I've been mostly playing Smash 4 3DS. Even though I have some issues with certain mechanics in the game I'm still enjoying it somewhat. It helps that there's a character that I really love to play in it. I'll likely be playing the game on Wii U as well once it's out. I like to boot up Skullgirls here and there just to mess around in training mode. But I'm not sure if that counts since I haven't played an actual match in a while lol. I think that's pretty much it for fighters for me.


Fuck Japanese arcade exclusivity.

I'm interested in seeing what type of fighter FGW would end up making if we were in charge of one.

What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

when one considers how great fg scenes worldwide were created during the 90s with games such as SF, KOF, Tekken, 3S, Garou, SC, VF etc and now some animu fighters have arcade exclusivety as their main selling point, it really shows the difference in approach.

One reason I avoid the newer anime fighters and prefer the classic SNK and Capcom titles. Even when I play against good players, I can see the difference in approach between an Asian, a European, a Latin American and a North American player. Because during those years different FG schools were developed in each region.

But with the anime fighters it feels as if Japan is leading and the rest follows. This halts FG progress. But it is really unavoidable, considering arcades in the West are no more.

I play the older 2D and 3D titles, either on Dreamcast or through PC emulation and GGPO/Supercade for online. But only once a week. All those newer trends with tutorials make the game too boring. I dont need someone to tell me how to play the game. Game turns out very stressful. Instead I can read some guides and select what I can and cant apply, according to my skills. Of course if I am playing against players on GGPO on the fly, I'll follow their advice since they notice what I do wrong and how I can utilize a character. Eg on 3S I was advised to learn Remy's machine gun technique. So I practiced it, even though I cant apply it all the time.


I stayed away from Marvel for about a week after Smash came out. Now I'm playing both. Been playing Ace Attorney games with one hand on the phone while I feed the baby. Got sidetracked on Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright when decided to write an algorithm to solve one of the puzzles.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

Mostly Smash 4 and USF IV these past few weeks, and will likely stay that for the coming months.

EDIT: May play some ultra when the PC version is fixed.

So basically you are never playing USF4 on PC again.

Played it with Kadey recently and it was pretty good, considering where we live.
Fighting games are not popular because they are simply not designed to be popular. They are extremely exclusive, harsh, punishing, unwelcoming things that aggressively prune their player base.

Being exclusively one on one removes a large safe zone of team play for some people. Team games mechanically and psychologically put less pressure on the weaker players.

Fighting games are not designed to be played online. On a mechanical level fighting games have very little tolerance for lag introduced by network infrastructure and connections. On a psychological level removing any sort of direct human interaction and replacing it with internet anonymity just makes it that much more frustrating and annoying for the losing player.

I don't think I can even tackle how much of a barrier to entry execution is, its importance also varies by the skill level of the players involved.

All in all fighting games, a lot of them anyway are still designed for the arcades in japan or arcades in general and this style of design isn't being challenged enough.

Oh as for what I am playing? It's EXVS Full Boost as usual with the rest of the GAF crew. I guess I should also say P4AU, but I am not sure if you can call it playing so much as me complaining about it.
Destiny, then Smash, then DriveClub (when its working? I can't tell if its working yet), then Madden, but mostly dumb iOS games while I am in the parenting vortex.


Thinking about the WSOP model. I wonder how this would work for Evo.

$40 buy in for USF4, but $30 the prize money would go towards the pool, which would be split 30/30/20/10/10

the remaining $10 would go towards the semis prize pool also as a 30/30/20/10/10

Top 8 winnings would be from pot bonuses.

This would mean it would be a lot easier for folks to get paid, you'd have more winners.



I'd love to see someone try and get away with this at a tourney.

Someone messaged me on the sf4answers FB page the other day, saying that turbo was now legal in tournaments. I almost passed out laughing.

I really think an online hub built in-game would help a lot in easing new players in.

Not many people are willing to dig through Youtube/SRK/etc. to find good combos or tech. It would also help the problem of in-game tutorials being more irrelevant as the metagame advances, if there could be community submitted videos/tutorials or something.

Basically a FGC Miiverse-like hub with robust video tools or something would be neat.

that hub sounds like a nice idea. would help if there was some kind of community manager searching and posting good videos for people to watch.

There could be a community *video of the day* meant to illustrate certain concepts/combos/ideas. Boot up multiplayer, boom, video with a note like "Most people know X, but Y is also very important. This video Z illustrates Y during these (timestamped) moments."

Then tack on achievements for watching them or something.

Can't speak to the in-game aspect of it, but that was one of the things I wanted to do with One Frame Link before the stats project came to be. I was going to basically suck in videos from everywhere, have some machine learning code which would classify them by game, character, player, etc and then make all of that searchable.

I'm still tracking video data from the main FGC sites, as well as Twitter. There's about 70K videos to be classified last I checked.

I don't know if I'll revisit this at a later date, but the data collection will continue (no reason it shouldn't be).
I've been playing USF4 for the last month and I'll be playing USF4 for the coming month.

@BumblebeeCody, on the last thread you asked about the big post Ez made on the MBA page. Basically it looks like some TOs (at the very least SFO and MBA, but I'd put VS Scotland, BSC/TFC and ED on that list knowing the TO community but they'll need confirming) have decided that they want an anti-nastiness front. So far the only person I know who has been sanctioned is a member of the Liverpool scene, who is now barred from entering SFO's Rival Scenes 3 in two weeks.

EDIT: Yup, Hadoshrooms just confirmed that the Newcastle scene is part of the anti-hate group. And Affro is including VS Scotland.
How to make a stream monster




What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

Past month/currently: Injustice, MK9, Marvel, Arcana Heart 3, P4U, Skullgirls, Soul Calibur V.

Only thing I'm looking forward to this year, fighting game wise, is Xrd.


Thinking about the WSOP model. I wonder how this would work for Evo.

$40 buy in for USF4, but $30 the prize money would go towards the pool, which would be split 30/30/20/10/10

the remaining $10 would go towards the semis prize pool also as a 30/30/20/10/10

Top 8 winnings would be from pot bonuses.

This would mean it would be a lot easier for folks to get paid, you'd have more winners.
They were considering an entry fee raise last year but decided against it. I suspect they will implement it this year.


People need to stop with the FGC/LoL/eSports/poverty comparisons every time that Worlds takes place. It is what it is at this point, and isn't going to change unless you fundamentally change how fighting games are designed.

What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward.

Been playing SCV. Taking a break has made me appreciate the game more. Going to start playing more VF5. Looking forward to Xrd. The game looks too sick for me not to give it a try at least.

Here's also a FT10 with Kamaage who went to Korea for VF versus Hyunmu who's Korea's best player in SCV for those who are interested in watching.


Thinking about the WSOP model. I wonder how this would work for Evo.

$40 buy in for USF4, but $30 the prize money would go towards the pool, which would be split 30/30/20/10/10

the remaining $10 would go towards the semis prize pool also as a 30/30/20/10/10

Top 8 winnings would be from pot bonuses.

This would mean it would be a lot easier for folks to get paid, you'd have more winners.

Increasing the entry fee would decrease the payout because you'd lose the majority of people who have no shot at winning and would be wasting $40 at that point. You'd also have to factor that cost in on top of the registration fee just to get into EVO.

People are fine with throwing away $10, but not when you increase that amount.
In addition to KOF XIII I've been playing KOF 98UM and 02UM in anticipation of the Steam releases. Matches I played were fun in both games (dat Blue Mary/Ramon/Kyo-1 hype) but the poverty training modes make me want to punch walls. At least 02UM has random guard, hopefully the Steam versions will offer better options. Waiting for the final release of Yatagarasu too.

Smash 4 I still play for no fucking reason at all.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
They were considering an entry fee raise last year but decided against it. I suspect they will implement it this year.
Evo values record-breaking entrant numbers too much to fuck around with the entry fee.

A $20 entry instead of a $10 entry is a drop in the bucket by itself (especially when you factor in everything involved in that trip to Vegas), but only for a player's "main" game that they're serious about playing. It'll curb too many pot monsters who just enter a handful of games for the hell of it.


I think Evo (and most majors) could raise entry fees a bit and not hurt entry numbers too much... but events (especially Evo) seem to value turnout a lot and they don't want to take that hit.

I'm interested in seeing what type of fighter FGW would end up making if we were in charge of one.

What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.
I know the last fighting game-ish thing I prototyped was basically a mix of VF and IaMP, which is just probably too weird for anyone to grok. Hell, I never could even get basic movement and move properties to feel right. It seems like an intriguing idea, but I don't know if it could ever work. :p

As for what games I've been playing, I've played mainly AH3:LM and UNIEL, and MBCC whenever someone is dumb enough to throw that on. :p I'll probably try most of the games coming (GGXrd, Smash 4, DBFC) but I don't expect myself to really go in on anything.
Increasing the entry fee would decrease the payout because you'd lose the majority of people who have no shot at winning and would be wasting $40 at that point. You'd also have to factor that cost in on top of the registration fee just to get into EVO.

People are fine with throwing away $10, but not when you increase that amount.

Evo values record-breaking entrant numbers too much to fuck around with the entry fee.

A $20 entry instead of a $10 entry is a drop in the bucket by itself (especially when you factor in everything involved in that trip to Vegas), but only for a player's "main" game that they're serious about playing. It'll curb too many pot monsters who just enter a handful of games for the hell of it.

Yeah, that's the issue here. Sure, it's nice for the people that manage to make it far into the tournament but not far enough to get paid, but it screws over the people that just have no chance to get there. A price increase is a dificult decision for everyone.
IMO the professional fighting game scene shares the most ground with stuff like tennis and golf given the similarities in how decentralized events and player associations are. I haven't actually put much thought into this sentence so yeah.


get some go again
Evo values record-breaking entrant numbers too much to fuck around with the entry fee.

A $20 entry instead of a $10 entry is a drop in the bucket by itself (especially when you factor in everything involved in that trip to Vegas), but only for a player's "main" game that they're serious about playing. It'll curb too many pot monsters who just enter a handful of games for the hell of it.
they can probably get away with raising the entry fee to 20 for the top 3 games.


Right now I'm mostly playing Smash 4 and KoFXIII, doubt I'd be playing Smash 4 for long though. Will pick up Xrd when it comes out, the plan is to stick with the game for a while but you never know.


IMO the professional fighting game scene shares the most ground with stuff like tennis and golf given the similarities in how decentralized events and player associations are. I haven't actually put much thought into this sentence so yeah.
This comparison's come up before in MTG, actually, when arguing over how to structure prizes, points systems, how much to value marketing the individual vs the game. Because both the FGC and MTG are 1v1 games, it's definitely the best analogy in the pro world.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
they can probably get away with raising the entry fee to 20 for the top 3 games.
They could "get away with it," sure, but I just don't see them electing to do it unless the event just gets too huge and they have to curb the number of entries.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

I've been playing Ultra off and on since it's easy to get back into and there's a large pool of players online, but I usually pick random and stopped caring about playing it seriously. Omega mode has me more interested than any actual patch changes now. Otherwise I just play Tekken Tag 2 and 3s if I get lucky enough to find a match online. I have high hopes for Guilty Gear since I played a lot of Reload and Accent Core Plus R and high hopes for Tekken 7...but that's about it. If VF came back I'd be really jazzed, but as the years go on I feel like fighters are less appealing to me with regards to modern mechanics. I really hate most anime cliches as well, so most anime fighters don't appeal to me.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

I've mostly been playing Smash to be honest. I would get into P4U more, but my arcade stick is going out and I'm in a little bit of a busy period at work, so I have not been able to dedicate as much time as I would like. I still play Gundam EXVS from time to time, but I have accepted the fact that I can't quit Gundam.

Going forward, besides Smash and EXVS, I may go a little bit more hardcore into Xrd (simply because I have way more of an investment in GG as a whole over the last decade or so).
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