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Fighting Games Weekly | Oct 20-26 | RIP PushaTee88


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";135097264]One of the things that keeps MTG building as a competitor sport even though it's a lot worse than fighting games from a viewing perspective is that Wizards pumps out new cards every 3 months with shit tons of support content. It's a hype train that just keeps accelerating all year. There's 1-2 tournaments every weekend, and the weekdays are filled with articles. It's just 24/7 content to devour. The FGC never really got there, though it did get close with all the weekly shows like Cross Counter Live for a while.

If Capcom kept pumping out titles like around 2011-2012, of course you'd see the same growth like you did then. Sure for us we can keep playing the same game day in day out, but people in general like the stimulus to stay motivated.

Can you imagine if there was a new capcom fighter every 12-18 months? SFV one year, maybe Darkstalkers the next, then Super SFV, then Rival Schools. It'd be great.
KI/LoL Seasons, basically?

Nyoro SF

I love that game but it'd seriously need a ruleset and ban list even bigger than Smash to be anywhere near competitively appropiate.

Yeah. I really really enjoyed the game for what it's worth. The game is very suited to the 2D style of fighting. It looks really great and the cast is super diverse.

However that game was my first introduction to what is now called "taunt parties". To this day I cannot think of a more dumb thing to have happened to group fighters but.... yeah.


I don't catch west coast locals almost ever due to time zone differences, I don't think I even know who lowtiergod is. Should I be excited for this? I've just seen Viscant basically talk shit about this guy off and on for a while now, I don't even remember what the beef is.
You should be excited for when Viscant bodies this fool and then gets on the mic to pop off like he promised he would.


Dark Schneider will rise!



Between that bleach game and Jump Allstars the DS had some cool fighters on it. I mean, they were both kusoge as fuck but cool to play in high school during launch period with your boys.

Blade of Fate (the first game) US version was surprisingly good and balanced if you did not use cards. It was a situation similar to TvC, lot of stuff got reworked.


What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

Good time to ask this question since I played three different ones last night. My friend and I were playing Ultra and started talking about SFxT. We booted up SFxT and were sad the game didn't take off because it was a blast. I suggested trying out melty blood since I knew he loves that game. It was my first time playing it with someone else and holy shit it's so fun.

Other than that I've been playing P4U and it's pretty good. I'm surprised I like it because I thought P4A was a hot steaming pile of shit. After that I went back to practicing UNIEL after that. I ended up breaking a button while learning some Nanase BnBs. 'twas her j.[C] that killed it. Still have my 3s sessions every once in a while. I want to play BlazBlue again, but BBCP2 is killin' my buzz. Release that shit in the west, ArcSys.

I have KI, but I cannot play that shit without a stick. The Xbone d-pad still sucks, just not as much as the 360's d-pad. Getting a PS4 stick for Xrd is a higher priority, though. The demo for that game kicks ass.


just like any other game after you see them enough.
Not true at all. Reload dust loops are still hype to me, most bb combos I enjoy, magneto slap combos I still enjoy.

It's about the energy behind what's happening on screen. Ibuki is probably the only non stale character that doesn't get old in sf4 imo. Seth is a distant second though he is gimp now


just like any other game after you see them enough.

not really.

Nothing impressive about short short short some normal to link into special move x 3. It may have strict timing, but it's the most boring shit ever.

I have seen shorter combos that are more hype, look cooler, and actually look like they hurt. Elena hitting gief with some wimpy shorts. Hahaha...no.


Unconfirmed Member
Do you know how hard RSF is to do consistently in a tournament setting?

I said I understand that it's hard

but I mean it's just not interesting to see outside of high stakes situations like real matches.


get some go again
Not true at all. Reload dust loops are still hype to me, most bb combos I enjoy, magneto slap combos I still enjoy.

It's about the energy behind what's happening on screen. Ibuki is probably the only non stale character that doesn't get old in sf4 imo. Seth is a distant second though he is gimp now
fuerte's run stop fierce combos are fun to watch.

Mr. X

I would actually like a Charlie/Nash if he was similar to his A3 version and one Ultra being ranbu style. I mean, Omega mode Guile had some Charlie-like moves.


The most hype combo in USF4 is Guile's st.LP into st. b+HP or b+HP x 2. Because when you get hit by that b+HP you know it's real.

Every other short combo is shitty in comparison.


The most hype combo in USF4 is Guile's st.LP into st. b+HP or b+HP x 2. Because when you get hit by that b+HP you know it's real.

Every other short combo is shitty in comparison.

I like Xiaohai's ch cr.HP U1 combo with Cammy. Also Daigo's cr.fierce super whiff punish on Arturo.


Slayer of Combofiends
Parody thread. LOL. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=915697

Somebody play some strikes with me tonight.

I wonder what new characters they would add to Ultra.

I never understood the deeper meaning behind gods beard post on that massive meal.


I gotta show people what I can get for 8 bucks, its terrifying.

I will be watching.

i expect basedmonster to basedmonster it.

Threw up in my mouth a little. I am not getting a fightstick for PS4 just for GG. I need another reason to get a ps4 stick.
Please Lord DisneyXCapcom, give me MvC4

I'll get it either way, pls play GG with my mini when the time comes!

I'm pretty much just playing USF4 and Smash.

Looking forward to Xrd and whatever Capcom is working on next... Believe!

Your megaman avatar just makes it hurt that there is no more mahvel...
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