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Fighting Games Weekly | Oct 20-26 | RIP PushaTee88




Montreal poutine is godlike. Don't bother with the trash in the other parts of the country though. Smokes might be an ok 2nd best, but really don't risk it.

Living in Toronto and having had Montreal poutine, gonna have to partially disagree with you here. Obviously Montreal poutine is gdlk, but it's not like every or even most restaurants there do it right.

If you're in Toronto the go to place for gdlk poutine is clearly Poutini's. Smoke's is gutter trash. Don't fuck with that shit.

But yeah, when I lived in Cali I couldn't stop eating out since it was so cheap down there.
What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward.

I haven't really been playing fighters because of how hectic real life has been as of late, and that kind of stress+fighting games is a big no no.

But the little time that I've been up to it I've been trying to learn Aigis in P4U2.


Mrs. Harvey
Yeah I feel like a lot of it is #staged

At least it's less transparent than that Cross Counter beef.

All of it is staged. I've been around certain people for too long to know what true animosity between people is and this doesn't seem like it. WNF trying to drive up hype and ratings in various ways. It's good of them to try but some of it is way too obvious.


Socal is just too nice to people. So sometimes it's hard for me to assume any of it is real.

I can get that. Having lived in both Norcal and Socal, still a lot of nice people all around though.

I've heard KBrad say "RUFUS" on this stream at least 200 times in the last 5 minutes.
What fighters has everyone been playing recently, and what are you likely to be playing going forward? A month back and a month forward. I've been on BB when I haven't been playing the Zelda musou, with a little DOA mixed in. Even though Dengeki and Smash are within a month, Nano is next month so I'll probably only be annoying Disco with Plat sporadically.

Since it's release TTT2 is the only fighter I've put any significant time into. Looking forward, GGXrd is the next game I feel like playing. I played a lot of #Reload on PC years ago with friends, so I'm gonna see if I can take it a little more seriously now.

Ok, but unless we playing the worldwide FGC is the people who show up to WNF and Big Two again, I don't think that means a lot.

I don't think demographics are a problem for the FGC, it is bigger than that. The problem is it just isn't big enough such as...

Blizzard doesn't know what they are doing. Not RTS wise, anyway. Though considering that many of the new and betaed units for Heart of the Swarm were more like MOBA heroes than what I consider a good Starcraft unit design, there may be some hope on that front. I don't like Blizz's new aesthetics, though. Feels like WoW invaded Diablo and Starcraft.

Look at Blizzard and Hearthstone. What does Hearthstone really sell besides ipads and bog standard PCs? Nothing really, but it is setup in an accessible way that has a shitload of people playing it and it makes money by itself.

When you have a shitload of people playing (and just check out twitch right now), you can have a constant stream of tournaments and hype and whatever else and it is self-fullfilling.

Good or not, if Blizzard made a WOW themed fighter, it would have a truck load of players and things would follow from there. You only have to look at how well Smash does, for what it is, to see the potential.


got my passport issued in 1 week (which is standard procedure).. and i'm in one of the worst countries in the EU when it comes to bureaucracy.
(btw i'll represent my country in USF4 at IESF 2014)

Dreamhack is more than 1 month away.. how long does it take to get a passport in good ol' USA? i thought you had genuine FREEDOM™ over there


got my passport issued in 1 week (which is standard procedure).. and i'm in one of the worst countries in the EU when it comes to bureaucracy.
(btw i'll represent my country in USF4 at IESF 2014)

Dreamhack is more than 1 month away.. how long does it take to get a passport in good ol' USA? i thought you had genuine FREEDOM™ over there

That's expedited in US. Regular takes a couple months.


Get a Jamaican beef patty for $1 /Queens masterrace

My man. Makes me miss living in Queens, but only for a second.

Where in God's name are you getting such a steal from? I can't get a decent beef patty around here (Brooklyn) for anything less that $2.

Where in BK? There are trucks and handcarts where you can get a good deal (there's an empanada handcart near me which is the ish).

I don't think I would trust any piece of meat that is $1.

You've not truly lived.

people honestly care too much about this. trying to white knight this shit when later that same day they'll be jerking off to these damn websites. hypocrites i say, if they're going to PAY for a team, whynot.jpeg

its not your money they're wasting, however, thats one point of view, the other is that kids watch these damn streams (its not like they dont go to these sites either) so its a really touchy subject. personally speaking, i couldnt care less.

Don't know if you guys have seen LowTierGod, but man is legit swoll..

Viscant is throwing around some pretty heavy insults to a guy that could probably cave his chest in with one punch.

Hope nothing gets physical:(

LTG stated clearly in his Twitter that he was going to physically assault him when he saw Viscant.

WNF has been desperate to get some of that stream rivalry Sanford and Smug brought to Next Level. Viscant bringing that fire.

I have to second Kadey's remarks, something does feel off, I can't put my finger on it.
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