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Figure GAF |OT| Where has all of my money gone?

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I just still don't really want to pay over $100 lol

Around the same price as other places. I would recommend getting it now since more people will go for it as the game gains popularity in the West. You can sell the CE figure to help fund it.
About $90ish before shipping. The price hasn't actually gone up I think. It's just that the places that had them for 20% off sold out.

The price has definitely gone up if that is the price for an opened one. I remember seeing it for 6k~ on mandarake. Unopened was like 7k~


If this were GSC manufacturing them, I have a feeling the three mentioned would be guaranteed. However, since it isn't, the possibilities are endless!

Haha, Dragon's Crown does look incredible. I actually have my copy now [it came with that amazing art book], but I'm not playing it at the moment since I decided to start Tales of Xillia first [I'm having a lot of fun with that one!]. I'll get around to it eventually, though. You don't get many games of that style anymore, and it's Vanillaware. How could I not love it!?
Dragon's Crown IS incredible, probably the best beat 'em up ever made. I'm leaning towards it being my GOTY but I still need to finish SMTIV to make a final decision. Funny you mention Tales of Xillia since I just ordered that on Amazon today after hearing good things about it. I enjoyed quite Vesperia quite a bit and the combat in Xillia looks even better.

I want that Megahouse Amazon statue but there's no way I'd feel comfortable displaying that in my apartment haha.


Looks like they've suspended selling of the AlphaMax Sorceress for the time being.

People on MFC are speculating that this might be due to some feedback, and that they are making adjustments. http://dat.2chan.net/46/res/670164.htm

Honestly, I'm kind of relieved, if that's true. Like I said, I really want a Sorceress figure, but this one just seemed a little too off for me, specifically the face and bustline.
Wow, that's interesting. It seems like they offered pre-orders a bit too early. If they make some changes/improvements to her [maybe a reduced price, as well?], I might be tempted to purchase her [if just to satisfy me until Orchid Seed releases theirs].

Dragon's Crown IS incredible, probably the best beat 'em up ever made. I'm leaning towards it being my GOTY but I still need to finish SMTIV to make a final decision. Funny you mention Tales of Xillia since I just ordered that on Amazon today after hearing good things about it. I enjoyed quite Vesperia quite a bit and the combat in Xillia looks even better.

I want that Megahouse Amazon statue but there's no way I'd feel comfortable displaying that in my apartment haha.
I'm glad to hear that you're a fan of both games as well [well, soon-to-be fan anyway]. It's definitely a great time to be a gamer, there is no shortage of new stuff to play. That's kind of making me second-guess my decision to buy a PS4 at launch. With so many current titles to play, and with nothing in the launch line-up for the PS4 that interests me, I'm thinking I'll cancel my pre-order and with until late in 2014 to purchase one. But that's an entirely different conversation than the one at hand [figures]! :)

If you want that Megahouse Amazon, buy her! Trust me, the sooner you do the easier it will be to purchase more "ecchi"-styled figures. The first one is always the hardest but, once you do, you realize there's really nothing to it [unless we're talking Giga Pulse territory...]. In the end, it's simply a re-creation of a character you already love. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise!
Chrono trying to usurp johnsmith's enabler regency XD

The PS4 I'm gonna wait it out till the games I wanna play comes out (Second Son =D) and by then the price of the games should had dropped quite abit, which apparently the UK does it waay lot more than any other countries according to GAF.

Plus got plenty of backlogs XD
Why? I could show you a figure that would rid you of worries like that forever, because you can point to it and say "at least I don't own that!"
Is it one of those figures I saw on HLJ where the dog was doing it with a girl....(sometimes figure sales lead to highly subjective figures) =/
I want that Megahouse Amazon statue but there's no way I'd feel comfortable displaying that in my apartment haha.
And here I was strongly considering getting...


...just because... well, you know.
you'll never know!


...how many drinks would you say it takes you to lose your inhibitions? :p

And here I was strongly considering getting...

...just because... well, you know.

I liked that too when it was a sculpt, but I'm not a fan of the painted version. This is the only racey thing in my wishlist: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/144562. Who knows if I'd actually pull the trigger on it, but the art is nice so I wishlisted it to see how it turns out.



I wonder if Amiami is glad that it updates at night in North America, so goons like me are willing to impulse buy that in a heartbeat if it's on the front page.

If they can pull off a figure of that illustration, they've got my money.
Sorry to disappoint both of you, but that's a Native figure. That means she'll be an exclusive and only available via Native's online store or through proxies such as Big in Japan, Nippon-Yasan, Mio Boutique, etc.

Native does some great work, but keep in-mind that they're of a more "adult" nature. That means exposed skin, more lewd poses, and [in most cases] detailed genitalia. You can always opt to display them clothed [which is what I will do], although sometimes you don't have the option of covering the upper-region [unless you fashion something yourself].

If you're in the US [and other supporting countries] you can order directly from Native's online store. Unfortunately they do not ship to Canada at this time, so I'm still forced to order from a proxy. I usually go with Big in Japan [if I feel like paying up-front], or N-Y [to delay payment].

I have three Native figures so far, with two more on pre-order. I have http://myfigurecollection.net/item/144562 on my wish-list as well. She looks great.

As for the current pre-orders, I'm really looking forward to Cat Lap Milk because reasons. Lots...and lots...of reasons.



By all that is unholy....Is...is the floor transparent?
Indeed it is!

She can also be posed kneeling with the floor being vertical so that it's more of a window. Apparently there's a few ways to pose her that Native has plans for, and will include all of the necessary parts to make it a reality.
Sorry to disappoint both of you, but that's a Native figure. That means she'll be an exclusive and only available via Native's online store or through proxies such as Big in Japan, Nippon-Yasan, Mio Boutique, etc.

Not least of which are my google skills. Do you have happen to have a link to Native's store handy? Or at least do you know if the markup to Nippon-Yasan is unreasonable in comparison?

WOW at this NSFW 52,000 thing



Not least of which are my google skills. Do you have happen to have a link to Native's store handy? Or at least do you know if the markup to Nippon-Yasan is unreasonable in comparison?

WOW at this NSFW 52,000 thing
Here's a link to Native's online store [obviously NSFW]:


N-Y don't raise their prices a whole lot. For example, the Miyuki Sone on Native's store is 10,000 yen, while N-Y has her listed for 10,780 yen. Granted you get the flat 2,000 yen shipping fee when purchasing from Native directly, so that will save you a bit more money than purchasing from N-Y, but the difference between the two shouldn't be more than 2,000 yen total. Both you don't pay until release [or a few weeks prior to release, anyway]. Another thing to keep in-mind, when you pre-order at N-Y [and are afraid that your currency will drop in-value when compared to the Yen] choose your local currency when pre-ordering. That basically "locks in" that price, so when release comes that's what you'll pay, even if your dollar to Yen is abysmal. It can work in-reverse too, though. For my exclusives I generally pre-order in my currency since the CDN --> Yen rate is pretty good at the moment. It's difficult to say what it will be like in a couple months.

The value of Native figures generally do increase in-price, though [not surprising, given their exclusive nature]. Some don't, but you can feel pretty confident that they won't drop in-value. If you decide to sell them at a later date, chances are good that at the very least you'll be able to get what you paid for her. More often than not, you'll get more than that.

Clearly this figure is too lewd to be out there. I must do my part to...remove it from circulation.
You are truly a self-sacrificing soul. I applaud you in your effort.

Now let us both work together to remove [and keep for ourselves] all of the lewd figures so that no one else has to lay their pure eyes on them. We will do it, nay...we must. For justice!


Indeed it is!

She can also be posed kneeling with the floor being vertical so that it's more of a window. Apparently there's a few ways to pose her that Native has plans for, and will include all of the necessary parts to make it a reality.

Clearly this figure is too lewd to be out there. I must do my part to...remove it from circulation.

For Great Justice!


I can answer that for you. She's from the free-to-play MMORPG called "Dragon Nest", and her name is "Sorceress".
Thanks... she's pretty nice!

Kind of an odd pose, but the more I look, the more I like. Pretty cool and appealing design.
I wish her face had a more interesting expression, though.

Is there a track record of region-exclusive figures like this, eventually releasing internationally?
I don't see why they wouldn't...


Thanks... she's pretty nice!

Kind of an odd pose, but the more I look, the more I like. Pretty cool and appealing design.
I wish her face had a more interesting expression, though.

Is there a track record of region-exclusive figures like this, eventually releasing internationally?
I don't see why they wouldn't...
She definitely has a unique look about her. I don't know if I would purchase her myself, but I might be tempted should she be offered/made available.

I'm not sure what's holding her back from releasing in Japan. From what I read/heard it has to do with licensing issues or something like that. Not sure if it's true, as the information surrounding this one seems to be very limited. :/

She's scheduled for release in November. Maybe once that date approaches we'll hear something new.


The only way to win is not to play (ie stay away from this thread :D)

I was collecting figures since before I realized this thread even existed, but it was usually like the cheaper $20-30 stuff. Now you guys had to go and introduce me to the expensive stuff.


Very tempted to buy a used version of the following Phoenix statue for $250, but I need to hold off on purchasing more stuff with all the One Piece POP figures I recently ordered. I am hoping the guy trying to sell it will still have it in a month.

Very nice.

Which one [if you know the name, that is]?

the one with the blonde and the army fatigues+rifle. I was kinda cheated (it ended up me and this one guy doing RPS) and I forgot about the stupid option-select/hesitate rock thing.

I should of did paper or rock. Scissor is to easy to screw over.
August onslaught continues. Today I got #1 on the list of already released figures I'm searching for. Yamato's Hattori Kiriko:

So glad I finally managed to get her. Like most Yamato x Yoshizawa Mitsumasa figures, I don't have any complaints. With the odd exception, the style and quality is consistent with them, and they're some of my favourite figures. Kiriko might even be my favourite.

Since Mitsumasa's latest sculpt is being handled by Algernon Product, hopefully they do equal or greater justice to his work.

Congrats, it a great looking figure. I'm almost tempted to get her myself.

Elf is on the way, should be here next week. I think I won't bother with the cape if it's too tight a fit. Maybe display her with just her skirt sans the sword & armor.


It's a weird fit, because the cape is semi-flexible and thus pushing the peg in is complicated (I was scared i'd squish it with my hulk hands). Wiggling side to side seemed to do the trick, it went in 5 mins after I posted. It's worth it to try imo, but then again I seem to have developped a cape/cloak/flowing robes fetish.
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