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Figure GAF |OT2| NSFWallet

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hmmm someone was asking about the max factory samurai fig?
apparently there's going to be a recolored version


also, gorgeous elf pics giolon! really looks fantastic
So happy I own the original.

I'm really not sure why they chose this color scheme. o_O




Elf looks incredible, but I got in much too late on this. Only way to get one now is overpriced, oh well, can't have everything.

That wall figure is cool! Wow.
Well that's cool a Rin figure. Hopefully his pose won't be boring. Don't like him enough to get though.

A Mario Nendo makes sense.

Ewwww, a Chitoge figure?

The 3D wall figure looks weird, lol


Yayyyy Rin!
Too bad he's my least favorite of the original 5.
Not surprised he's next in line. Excited for Nagisa and Rei
releasing 2016 ;-;

I'm getting that Mario nendoroid too. And yikes that Samurai recolor. Not the worst recolor I've seen, but still.


This Vertex Shinji and Kaworu is actually looking fairly decent...


Shinji's head sculpt is a little weird, but I'm chalking that up to the angle more than anything.


hmmm someone was asking about the max factory samurai fig?
apparently there's going to be a recolored version


:/ I like the color blue but it doesn't work with her :/

Guess it's a good thing anways. I have a lot on my plate for next year (real life changes, possibly going into business with my coworker and taking over the bosses business when he retires next year being the big thing coming up and upgrading to a house in 2-3 years, hopefully sooner being another) so the less extra spending, is probably the better. Nothing really to change in my buying habits thankfully as I have gotten way more selective since a while ago. I think the biggest change is I will be pre-paying for figures as much as I can as it is much easier to keep track of money that way and since I always set a certain % to put away every month to grow savings and anything left over I can spend for hobbies, pre-paying makes makes that much easier to manage. I have 8 figures on Pre-order right now and 6 of them have already been paid for.



hmmmmm, honestly looks more exquisite than the other one but that face

EDIT: the fact I like the look of it more than the statue when this one is a figma is the part that really blows my mind, cause I don't like the look of figmas


This Vertex Shinji and Kaworu is actually looking fairly decent...


Shinji's head sculpt is a little weird, but I'm chalking that up to the angle more than anything.

Good lord, they couldn't have made that figure more homoerotic if they tried. Looks great, except the legs look way too skinny


So Card Captor Sakura fans?
You will accept your lord and saviour, Kotobukyia:

Card Captor Sakura - Li Syaoran (Kotobukiya)
Card Captor Sakura - Kinomoto Sakura (Kotobukiya)

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH fucking YES finally a Syaoran figure. This is better than the figma announcement.

the hell is up with all this left-field card captor stuff? is there something going on, like an anime?

See, I'm not even sure. Part of me thinks that it's just playing to nostalgia, making up for the fact that the figure market wasn't as big back when CCS was popular. But another part of me thinks that they're looking for a revival/reboot... It could be happening. The fact that this series got a Kuji prize campaign is sending up signals all over the place for me.

The anime is finally being released on BD. It's pricey, though, about $180.

The BDs were released twice in Japan long before this, though. I'm thinking something may be cooking, and if it wasn't before, the popularity of the merch may make something happen anyway.


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